ONE - On-device Neural Engine
No Matches
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456]
 NsouschefThis file provides string <-> number cast helpers
 CActivationFunctionImpl< FusedActivationFunctionType::kNone >
 CActivationFunctionImpl< FusedActivationFunctionType::kRelu >
 CActivationFunctionImpl< FusedActivationFunctionType::kRelu1 >
 CActivationFunctionImpl< FusedActivationFunctionType::kRelu6 >
 CANNBinderA bridge between ann::Module and coco::Block
 CANNConv2D2D Convolution through Andoird NN API
 CANNDepthConcatFConcatenate feature maps along "depth" dimension through Andoird NN API
 CArgumentsRead-only string sequence view
 CAxisSpecifierA wrapper class for an integer number that specifies axis
 CCodeIndexA CodeIndex denotes the index of instruction inside the whole module
 CForEachDimension< 0 >
 CGraphTestcase< GraphCode::AvgPool2D >
 CGraphTestcase< GraphCode::ConstGen >
 CGraphTestcase< GraphCode::DepthwiseConv2D >
 CGraphTestcase< GraphCode::FeatureCodec >
 CGraphTestcase< GraphCode::FixedReshape >
 CGraphTestcase< GraphCode::Identity >
 CGraphTestcase< GraphCode::MaxPool2D >
 CGraphTestcase< GraphCode::Relu >
 CGraphTestcase< GraphCode::TensorBroadcast >
 CGraphTestcase< GraphCode::TensorConcat >
 CGraphTestcase< GraphCode::TensorTranspose >
 CGraphTestcase< GraphCode::TransposedConv2D >
 Cis_VariadicArity< CircleAddN >
 Cis_VariadicArity< CircleConcatenation >
 Cis_VariadicArity< CircleCustom >
 Cis_VariadicArity< CircleIf >
 Cis_VariadicArity< CirclePack >
 Cis_VariadicArity< CircleWhile >
 Cis_VariadicOut< CircleCustom >
 Cis_VariadicOut< CircleIf >
 Cis_VariadicOut< CircleWhile >
 CMergeCommandTakes .prototxt and .caffemodel filenames from ARGV and fills the model with trained weights. The resulting binary model with weights to be consumed by nnc is printed to StdOut
 Cnnfw_tensorinfoTensor info describes the type and shape of tensors
 Cnnfw_train_infoTraining information to prepare training
 CPaddingBaseA PaddingBase encapsulates common implementation for derived Padding classes
 CRawPaddingA RawPadding denotes padding values stored in Caffe model
 CRawPaddingBuilderConstruct a raw padding from each Layer parameter
 CShapeQueryA wrapper class that allows additional queries over tensor shape
 CSolverOutputSolverOutput prints important performance information
 CSpatialPaddingA SpatialPadding denotes padding values for each "spatial" dimension
 CSpatialPaddingBuilderConvert a raw padding to a spatial padding of a given spatial rank