►NAdd_000 | |
CAdd_000_Q8 | |
►NAdd_001 | |
CAdd_001_Q8 | |
►NAdd_002 | |
CAdd_002_Q8 | |
►Nadt | |
Csmall_vector | Vector with cheap memory allocation |
►NAnalysisTemplate | |
CAnalysisTemplate | |
►Nann | |
CModule | |
COperand | |
COperandID | |
COperandInventory | |
COperation | |
COperationInventory | |
CTensorOperand | Plain (non-qunatized) Tensor Operand |
CWeight | |
CWeightInventory | |
►Nargumentparse | |
CAction | |
CArgumentParser | |
CDriverName | |
CNormalOption | |
COption | |
COptional | |
CPositional | |
CTargetOption | |
►Narm_compute | |
►Nweights_transformations | |
CCLFullyConnectedLayerReshapeWeightsExManaged | |
CCLBinaryLogicalOp | |
CCLBinaryLogicalOpKernel | |
CCLCastBool | Class to run CLCastBoolKernel. This converts the boolean input tensor to the output tensor's type |
CCLCastBoolKernel | Class for the kernel converting boolean type |
CCLDirectTransposeConvLayer | |
CCLEmbeddingLookup | Class to perform EmbeddingLookup operation |
CCLEmbeddingLookupKernel | Class to perform EmbeddingLookup operation with opencl kernel |
CCLFullyConnectedHybridLayer | |
CCLFullyConnectedLayerEx | |
CCLFullyConnectedReshapingLayer | Class to run FullyConnected Layer after reshaping input tensor |
CCLGatherEx | Class to to run CLGatherKernel |
CCLGatherExKernel | Class to define an interface for the gather kernel |
CCLGEMMMatrixAccumulateBiasesKernel | |
CCLHashtableLookup | Class to perform HashtableLookup operation |
CCLHashtableLookupKernel | Class to perform HashtableLookup operation with opencl kernel |
CCLInstanceNormalizationLayerEx | |
CCLInstanceNormalizationLayerKernelEx | |
CCLKernelLibraryEx | Class to build OpenCL kernels added from nnfw |
CCLMemsetKernel | |
CCLMultiplyScaleFactorKernel | |
CCLNeg | |
CCLNegKernel | |
CCLOneHot | |
CCLOneHotKernel | |
CCLPadLayerEx | |
CCLPadLayerKernelEx | |
CCLQuantizationSymmetricKernel | |
CCLReduceOperation | Class to perform ReduceOperation |
CCLReduceOperationKernel | Class to define interface for the reduce operation kernel |
CCLScaleFactorSymm8Kernel | |
CCLSplitVEx | |
CCLTopKV2 | Class to execute TopKV2 operation |
CCLTransposeConvLayer | |
CNECastBool | Class to run INESimpleFunctionNoBorder |
CNECastBoolKernel | Class for the kernel converting boolean type |
CNEEmbeddingLookup | Class to perform EmbeddingLookup operation |
CNEEmbeddingLookupKernel | |
CNEFullyConnectedHybridLayer | |
CNEFullyConnectedLayerEx | |
CNEFullyConnectedReshapingLayer | Class to run FullyConnected Layer after reshaping input tensor |
CNEGatherEx | |
CNEGatherKernelEx | |
CNEGEMMMatrixAccumulateBiasesKernel | |
CNEHashtableLookup | Class to perform HashtableLookup operation |
CNEHashtableLookupKernel | |
CNEInstanceNormalizationLayerEx | |
CNEInstanceNormalizationLayerKernelEx | |
CNEMultiplyScaleFactorKernel | |
CNEOneHot | |
CNEOneHotKernel | |
CNEQuantizationSymmetricKernel | |
CNEReduceOperation | |
CNEReduceSum | |
CNETransposeConvLayer | |
►Narser | |
CArgument | |
CArser | |
CHelper | |
CTypeName | |
CTypeName< bool > | |
CTypeName< const char * > | |
CTypeName< float > | |
CTypeName< int > | |
CTypeName< std::string > | |
CTypeName< std::vector< const char * > > | |
CTypeName< std::vector< float > > | |
CTypeName< std::vector< int > > | |
CTypeName< std::vector< std::string > > | |
►NAveragePool2D_000 | |
CAveragePool2D_000_Q8 | |
►Nbino | |
CUniformTransform | |
►Ncaffeimport | |
CBatchNormBuilder | |
CConcatBuilder | |
CConvolutionBuilder | |
CEltwiseBuilder | |
CGraphBuilder | |
CGraphBuilderContext | |
CGraphBuilderRegistry | |
CInputBuilder | |
CPoolingBuilder | |
CReLUBuilder | |
CScaleBuilder | |
CWeightContext | |
►NCfgRunner | |
CCfgRunner | |
►Ncircle_eval_diff | |
►CCircleEvalDiff | |
CContext | |
CDirectoryLoader | |
CHDF5Loader | |
CInputDataLoader | |
CMAEPrinter | |
CMAPEPrinter | |
CMetricPrinter | |
CMPEIRPrinter | |
CMSEPrinter | |
CTensor | |
CTensorDataType | |
CTensorShape | |
CTopKMatchPrinter | |
►Ncircle_planner | |
CAllocationNodeInformation | |
CExecutionPlanner | |
CIScratchpadHelper | |
CScratchpadHelperCMSISNN | |
CScratchpadHelperLinux | |
CScratchpadHelperMCU | |
CTargetPlatform | |
►Ncirclechef | |
CCircleImport | Loads TF lite file and provides helpers to access attributes |
CCircleOpBatchMatMul | Circlechef operator builder for batchmatmul |
CCircleOpBCQFullyConnected | Circlechef operator builder for BCQFullyConnected |
CCircleOpBCQGather | Circlechef operator builder for BCQGather |
CCircleOpChef | Interface for each operators to build circlechef |
CCircleOpGRU | Circlechef operator builder for GRU |
CCircleOpInstanceNorm | Circlechef operator builder for INSTANCE_NORM |
CCircleOpRegistry | Circlechef operator registry |
CCircleOpRmsNorm | Circlechef operator builder for RMS_NORM |
CCircleOpRoPE | Circlechef operator builder for RoPE |
►CGeneratedModel | |
CImpl | |
CLogger | Logger Implementation |
CLoggerConfig | Logger Configuration |
CLoggingContext | Global logging context |
►Ncircledump | |
CAddPrinter | |
CArgMaxPrinter | |
CArgMinPrinter | |
CBatchMatMulPrinter | |
CBCQFullyConnectedPrinter | |
CBCQGatherPrinter | |
CBidirectionalSequenceLSTMPrinter | |
CCastPrinter | |
CConcatenationPrinter | |
CConv2DPrinter | |
CCustomOpPrinter | |
CDepthToSpacePrinter | |
CDepthwiseConv2DPrinter | |
CDivPrinter | |
CFakeQuantPrinter | |
CFullyConnectedPrinter | |
CGatherPrinter | |
CGeluPrinter | |
CGRUPrinter | |
CIfPrinter | |
CInstanceNormPrinter | |
CL2NormPrinter | |
CLeakyReluPrinter | |
CLocalResponseNormalizationPrinter | |
CMetadataPrinter | |
CMetadataPrinterRegistry | |
CMirrorPadPrinter | |
CModelEx | |
CMulPrinter | |
COneHotPrinter | |
COpPrinter | |
COpPrinterRegistry | |
COpTablePrinter | |
CPackPrinter | |
CPool2DPrinter | |
CReducerPrinter | |
CReshapePrinter | |
CResizeBilinearPrinter | |
CResizeNearestNeighborPrinter | |
CReverseSequencePrinter | |
CRmsNormPrinter | |
CRoPEPrinter | |
CShapePrinter | |
CSoftmaxPrinter | |
CSourceTablePrinter | |
CSpaceToDepthPrinter | |
CSparseToDensePrinter | |
CSplitPrinter | |
CSplitVPrinter | |
CSqueezePrinter | |
CStridedSlicePrinter | |
CSubPrinter | |
CSVDFPrinter | |
CTransposeConvPrinter | |
CUnidirectionalSequenceLSTMPrinter | |
CUniquePrinter | |
CWhilePrinter | |
►Ncircleinspect | |
CDumpConstants | |
CDumpConv2DWeight | |
CDumpInterface | |
CDumpOperators | |
CDumpOperatorVersion | |
CDumpTensorDType | |
CDumpTensorShape | |
►Ncircletensordump | |
CDumpInterface | |
CDumpTensors | |
CDumpTensorsToHdf5 | |
►Ncirops | |
CDumpOperators | |
CDumpOption | |
►Ncli | |
CApp | |
CCommand | |
CFunctionCommand | |
►Ncmdline | |
CVector | |
CView | |
►Ncoco | |
►NFeatureLayouts | |
CBC | BC (Channel-wise Channel-major) Feature Layout |
CBCHW | BCHW Feature Layout |
CBHWC | BHWC Feature Layout |
CGeneric | Generic Feature Layout |
►NKernelLayouts | |
CGeneric | Generic Kernel Layout |
CNCHW | NCHW Kernel Layout |
CNHWC | NHWC Kernel Layout |
CAdd | Element-wise addition |
CArg | Base class for NN model arguments (Input/Output) |
CAvgPool2D | 2D Average Pooling |
►CBag | A collection of (abstracted) elements of the same type |
CReader | |
CUpdater | |
CBagManager | |
CBinaryOp | Op with two arguments |
CBlock | A unit of (grouped) instructions |
CBlockIndex | A BlockIndex denotes the index of a block in a block list |
CBlockManager | |
CConcatF | Concatenate two feature maps |
CConv2D | 2D Convolution over 3D Feature Map with 4D kernel |
CCopy | Index-wise element transfer between two objects |
CData | Core coco entity for constant weights |
CDef | |
CDep | A Dep represents the edge between a Bag and its dependent Object |
CDiv | Element-wise division |
►CDLinkedList | |
CHead | |
CNode | |
CElemID | |
CEntity | A base class for IR entities |
CEntityBuilder | A base class for IR entity builders |
CEntityManager | Meta (lifetime) manager interface |
CEval | Evaluate an Object from a given Op |
►CFeatureLayout | A FeatureLayout connects each feature index to a Bag element |
CID | |
CFeatureObject | FeatureMap values (used in CNN) |
CFeatureShape | The shape of a feature map |
CInput | |
CInputManager | |
►CInstr | Base interface on explicit computation steps in coco IR |
CIVisitor | Instr visitor interface |
CVisitor | |
CInstrIndex | A InstrIndex denotes the index of an instruction in an instruction list |
CInstrManager | |
►CKernelLayout | A KernelLayout connectes each kernel index to an element (in a bag) |
CID | |
CKernelObject | Convolution Kernel (in CNN) values |
CLoad | Load an Object |
CLocatable | Return the associated instruction if exists |
CMaxPool2D | 2D Max Pooling |
CModule | Top-level element of coco IR which represents a neural network |
CMul | Element-wise multiplication |
►CObject | Base interface on all typed NN values |
CConsumer | |
CProducer | |
CObjectManager | |
►COp | Base interface on all supported NN operations |
CIMutator | Op mutator interface |
CIVisitor | Op visitor interface |
CMutator | |
CVisitor | |
COpManager | |
COutput | |
COutputManager | |
CPadding2D | |
CPadF | Introduce padding area |
CPart | A Part represents the edge between a child Op and its parent Op |
CPlainWeightContext | Non-quantized (plain) Weight Data Accessor |
CPtrList | |
CPtrManager | |
CRead | A Read represents an edge between a Bag and its Reader |
CReLU | Apply ReLU over elements |
CReLU6 | Apply ReLU6 over elements |
CShuffle | Generic element transfer |
CSpan | A Span is a non-owing reference to a memory chunk |
CSqrt | Apply Sqrt over elements |
CStep | A Step denotes the edge between Op and Instr |
CStride2D | |
CSub | Element-wise subtraction |
CUnaryOp | Op with a single argument |
CUpdate | A Update represents an edge between a Bag and its Updater |
CUse | |
CWindow2D | |
►NCommand | |
CCommand | |
►NConcatenation_000 | |
CConcatenation_000_Q8 | |
►Nconstant | |
►NConv2D_000 | |
CConv2D_000_Q8 | |
►NConv2D_001 | |
CConv2D_001_Q8 | |
►NConv2D_002 | |
CConv2D_002_Q8 | |
►NConv2D_003 | |
CConv2D_003_Q8 | |
►NConv2D_004 | |
CConv2D_004_Q8 | |
►NConv2D_005 | |
CConv2D_005_Q8 | |
►Ncrew | |
CJsonExport | |
CPart | |
CPConfig | |
CSection | |
►Ncwrap | |
CFildes | POSIX File Descriptor |
►Ndalgona | |
CDalgona | |
CPostOperatorHook | |
CPreOperatorHook | |
CPythonHooks | |
►NDepthwiseConv2D_000 | |
CDepthwiseConv2D_000_Q8 | |
►NDepthwiseConv2D_001 | |
CDepthwiseConv2D_001_Q8 | |
►NDepthwiseConv2D_002 | |
CDepthwiseConv2D_002_Q8 | |
►NDepthwiseConv2D_003 | |
CDepthwiseConv2D_003_Q8 | |
►Ndio | |
►Nhdf5 | |
CHDF5Importer | |
►NDotBuilder | |
CDotBuilder | |
►NDumpFakeQuantFM | |
CDumpFakeQuantFM | |
►NDumpFP32FM | |
CDumpFP32FM | |
►NEigen | |
►Ninternal | |
Cgemm_pack_rhs< Scalar, Index, TensorContractionSubMapper< Scalar, Index, Rhs, TensorEvaluator< const TensorReshapingOp< NewDimension, const TensorImagePatchOp< Rows, Cols, ArgType > >, Device >, nocontract_t, contract_t, 1, inner_dim_contiguous, inner_dim_reordered, Alignment >, nr, ColMajor, false, false > | |
Cgemm_pack_rhs< Scalar, Index, TensorContractionSubMapper< Scalar, Index, Rhs, TensorEvaluator< const TensorReshapingOp< NewDimension, const TensorImagePatchOp< Rows, Cols, ArgType > >, Device >, nocontract_t, contract_t, 2, inner_dim_contiguous, inner_dim_reordered, Alignment >, nr, ColMajor, false, false > | |
Cgemm_pack_rhs< Scalar, Index, TensorContractionSubMapper< Scalar, Index, Rhs, TensorEvaluator< const TensorReshapingOp< NewDimension, const TensorImagePatchOp< Rows, Cols, ArgType > >, Device >, nocontract_t, contract_t, packet_size, inner_dim_contiguous, inner_dim_reordered, Alignment >, nr, ColMajor, false, false > | |
CTensorContractionInputMapper< Scalar_, Index, Side, TensorEvaluator< const TensorReshapingOp< NewDimension, const TensorImagePatchOp< Rows, Cols, ArgType > >, Device >, nocontract_t, contract_t, packet_size, inner_dim_contiguous, inner_dim_reordered, Alignment > | |
CTensorContractionSubMapper< Scalar, Index, Side, TensorEvaluator< const TensorReshapingOp< NewDimension, const TensorImagePatchOp< Rows, Cols, ArgType > >, Device >, nocontract_t, contract_t, packet_size, inner_dim_contiguous, inner_dim_reordered, Alignment > | |
CTensorEvaluatorHasPartialPacket | |
►Nenco | |
CAsmCode | |
CAvgPoolLoweringPass | |
CBackend | |
CBagDuplicationPass | |
CBundle | |
CBypassGenerationPass | |
CCode | |
CConcatLoweringPass | |
CConstantFoldingPass | |
CCopyLoweringPass | |
CCppCode | |
CDataLayoutConversionPass | |
CDeadBagEliminationPass | |
CDeadObjectEliminationPass | |
CDuplicatedObjectReductionPass | |
CFeatureUnificationPass | |
CFreeInstrEliminationPass | |
CFreeOpEliminationPass | |
CFrontend | |
CGlobalData | |
CHostBlockCompiler | |
CIdenticalObjectReductionPass | |
CIndirectCopyEliminationPass | |
CIntrinsicSelectionPass | |
CMemoryContext | Record C/C++ expression that denotes the base and size of memory region dedicated to each bag |
►CPass | |
CName | |
CPhaseConstructionPass | |
CPipeline | |
CSubnetBlockCompiler | Generate C++ code that invokes Android NN subnet |
CSubnetManager | |
CSubnetStruct | A C++ struct that provides Android NN model & compilation |
CSubnetStructBuilder | |
►Nexo | |
►Ncircle_detail | |
COpCode | |
CSerializedModelData | |
CSubGraphContext | Record the information of T/F Lite SubGraph and its mapping to loco |
CTypeInference | Get the type of each node as NodeAnnotation |
►Ntest | |
CExampleGraph | |
CExampleGraph< ExampleGraphType::ConstGen_ReLU > | Class to creates the following: |
CExampleGraph< ExampleGraphType::FeatureBiasAdd > | Class to create the following: |
CExampleGraph< ExampleGraphType::FilterEncode_FilterDecode > | Class to creates the following: |
CExampleGraph< ExampleGraphType::TFLTranspose > | Class to create the following: |
CExampleGraph< ExampleGraphType::Transpose > | Class to creates the following: |
CTestGraph | |
CTypeShapeReadyPhase | Phase for test, that is used to test pass. This phase initially adds TypeInferencePass and ShapeInferencePass |
►Ntflite_detail | |
COpCode | |
CSerializedModelData | |
CSubGraphContext | Record the information of T/F Lite SubGraph and its mapping to loco |
CAvgPool2DConverter | Convert loco::AvgPool2D to locoex::TFLAveragePool2D |
CCanonicalNodeConverter | Class to convert a canonical node to TFL node |
►CCircleExporter | |
CImpl | |
CConstGenConverter | |
CConv2DConverter | Convert loco::Conv2D to locoex::TFLConv2D |
CDepthwiseConv2DConverter | Convert loco::DepthwiseConv2D to locoex::TFLDepthwiseConv2D and auxiliary |
CDomainConverter | Class to handle domain conversion while converting a canonical node to TFL node(s) |
CEltwiseAddConverter | Convert loco::EltwiseAdd to TFLAdd |
CEltwiseDivConverter | Convert loco::EltwiseDiv to TFLDiv |
CEltwiseMaxConverter | Convert loco::EltwiseMax to TFLMaximum |
CEltwiseMulConverter | Convert loco::EltwiseMul to TFLMul |
CEltwiseSqrtConverter | Convert loco::EltwiseSqrt to TFLSqrt |
CEltwiseSubConverter | Convert loco::EltwiseSub to TFLSub |
CFeatureBiasAddConverter | |
CFoldReshapeOfConstPass | Class to fuse TFLReshape + TFLConst into one equivalent TFLConst |
CFoldTransposeOfConstPass | Class to fuse TFLTranspose + TFLConst into one equivalent TFLConst |
CFuseBiasAddPass | Class to fuse TFLAdd or TFLSub into Bias input of the following ops: |
CFuseInstanceNormPass | Class to fuse certain pattern of subgraph into CircleInstanceNorm with auxiliary nodes |
CFuseReluPass | Class to fuse TFLRelu or TFLRelu6 into the TensorFlow Lite ops below: |
CFuseRsqrtPass | Class to fuse TFLSqrt that is divided(TFLDiv) by 1, into TFLRsqrt |
CFuseSquaredDifferencePass | Class to fuse SquaredDifference pattern |
CInputHandler | Handles input(s) while converting a canonical node to TFL node(s). This class informs DomainConverter how to handle inputs of a specific canonical node |
CKnobTrait | |
CLogger | Logger Implementation |
CLoggerConfig | Logger Configuration |
CLoggingContext | Global logging context |
CMatMulConverter | Convert loco::MatMul to locoex::TFLFullyConnected |
CMaxPool2DConverter | Convert loco::MaxPool2D to locoex::TFLMaxPool2D |
CMergeConcatNodesPass | Merge concat nodes whose axis and fusedActivationFunction are same |
CNodeSummaryBuilder | |
CNodeSummaryBuilderFactory | |
CProgressReporter | |
CRelu6Converter | Convert loco::Relu6 to TFLRelu6 |
CReluConverter | Convert loco::Relu to TFLRelu |
CShapeDescription | |
CShapeInference | Get the shape of each node as a node annotation |
CShapeInferencePass | Pass to infer shape of nodes |
CTensorBroadcastConverter | Pass to resolve TensorBroadcast IR |
CTensorConcatConverter | Convert loco::TensorConcat to TFLConcatenate |
CTensorReduceConverter | Convert loco::TensorReduce to appropriate TFL reduce operation |
CTensorTransposeConverter | Convert loco::TensorTranspose to locoex::TFLTranspose |
►CTFLExporter | |
CImpl | |
CTransposedConv2DConverter | Convert loco::TransposedConv2D to locoex::TFLTransposeConv and auxiliary |
CTypeInference | Get the type of each node as NodeAnnotation |
CTypeInferencePass | Pass to infer type of nodes |
►Nflatbuffers | |
►Ngrpc | |
CMessage | |
CMessageBuilder | |
CSliceAllocator | |
►Ninternal | |
Cnullopt_holder | |
CAllocator | |
CArray | |
CArray< Offset< T >, length > | |
CBaseGenerator | |
Cbool_constant | |
CCheckedError | |
CCodeWriter | |
CCommentConfig | |
Cconditional | |
CDefaultAllocator | |
CDefinition | |
CDetachedBuffer | |
CEnumDef | |
CEnumVal | |
CFieldDef | |
►CFlatBufferBuilder | Helper class to hold data needed in creation of a FlatBuffer. To serialize data, you typically call one of the Create*() functions in the generated code, which in turn call a sequence of StartTable / PushElement /AddElement /EndTable , or the builtin CreateString / CreateVector functions. Do this is depth-first order to build up a tree to the root. Finish() wraps up the buffer ready for transport |
CFieldLoc | |
CStringOffsetCompare | |
►CFlatCompiler | |
CGenerator | |
CInitParams | |
CFloatConstantGenerator | |
CFnvTraits | |
CFnvTraits< uint32_t > | |
CFnvTraits< uint64_t > | |
CIDLOptions | |
CIndirectHelper | |
CIndirectHelper< const T * > | |
CIndirectHelper< Offset< T > > | |
Cintegral_constant | |
Cis_enum | |
Cis_floating_point | |
Cis_same | |
Cis_scalar | |
Cis_unsigned | |
CIterationVisitor | |
Cmake_unsigned | |
CNamedHashFunction | |
CNamespace | |
Cnullopt_t | |
Cnumeric_limits | |
COffset | |
CParser | |
CParserState | |
Cpointer_inside_vector | |
CRegistry | |
CRPCCall | |
CServiceDef | |
CSimpleFloatConstantGenerator | |
CString | |
CStructDef | |
CSymbolTable | |
CToStringVisitor | |
CType | |
CTypedFloatConstantGenerator | |
Cunique_ptr | |
CValue | |
CVector | |
Cvector_downward | |
CVectorIterator | |
CVectorOfAny | |
CVectorReverseIterator | |
►Nflexbuffers | |
CBlob | |
CFixedTypedVector | |
CValue | |
CMap | |
CObject | |
CReference | |
CSized | |
CString | |
CTypedVector | |
CVector | |
►Nfme_apply | |
CEqualizePattern | |
CFMEqualizer | |
CFusePostScalePass | Pass to fuse CircleCustom(PostScale) to succeeding Ops |
CFusePreScalePass | Pass to fuse CircleCustom(PreScale) to preceding Ops |
CInsertScaleShift | Class to insert scale/shift virtual Ops to loco::Graph |
CProgressReporter | |
►Nfme_detect | |
CEqualizePattern | |
►CEqualizePatternFinder | |
CContext | |
►Nfmelib | |
►NDumpFMEParams | |
CDumpFMEParams | |
►Nfoder | |
CFileLoader | |
►Nhermes | |
CConfig | Top-level configuration interface |
CConsoleReporter | Print messages into standard console |
CContext | Logging controller |
CEnvConfig | |
CEnvConfig< EnvFormat::BooleanNumber > | |
CFilter | |
CLimit | |
CMessage | Message with metadata |
CMessageBuffer | A buffer for a message under construction |
CMessageBus | A bridge between Source and Sink |
CMessageText | Mutie-line text message |
CSeverity | |
►CSink | Message consumer interface |
CRegistry | |
►CSource | Message Source |
CRegistry | |
CSourceSetting | |
►Nkuma | |
►Ndetails | |
CIntervalMask | |
CIntervalSet | |
CContext | |
CContext< Algorithm::Greedy > | |
CContext< Algorithm::LinearScanFirstFit > | |
►Nloco | |
CAnnotatedItem | |
CAvgPool2D | 2D Average Pooling |
CBiasAdd | Produce a value of domain D from an input value (of domain D) and a bias |
CBiasAdd< Domain::Feature > | Add Feature and Bias along "depth" axis |
CBiasAdd< Domain::Tensor > | Add Tensor and Bias |
CBiasDecode | Create a "Tensor" from a "Bias" |
CBiasEncode | Create a "Bias" from a "Tensor" |
CBiasShape | Bias Shape |
CCanonicalDialect | A singleton for Canonical Dialect |
CCanonicalNode | |
CCanonicalNodeDef | |
CCanonicalNodeMutableVisitor | |
CCanonicalNodeMutableVisitorBase | |
CCanonicalNodeVisitor | |
CCanonicalNodeVisitorBase | |
CCanonicalShapeInferenceRule | Shape inference rule for canonical dialect |
CCanonicalTypeInferenceRule | Type Inference Rule for Canonical Dialect |
CConstGen | Create a value from constant byte array |
CConv2D | 2D Spatial Convolution |
CDataTypeImpl | C++ scalar type corresponding to each DataType |
CDataTypeImpl< DataType::BOOL > | |
CDataTypeImpl< DataType::FLOAT16 > | |
CDataTypeImpl< DataType::FLOAT32 > | |
CDataTypeImpl< DataType::FLOAT64 > | |
CDataTypeImpl< DataType::S16 > | |
CDataTypeImpl< DataType::S32 > | |
CDataTypeImpl< DataType::S4 > | |
CDataTypeImpl< DataType::S64 > | |
CDataTypeImpl< DataType::S8 > | |
CDataTypeImpl< DataType::STRING > | |
CDataTypeImpl< DataType::U16 > | |
CDataTypeImpl< DataType::U32 > | |
CDataTypeImpl< DataType::U4 > | |
CDataTypeImpl< DataType::U64 > | |
CDataTypeImpl< DataType::U8 > | |
CDepthwiseConv2D | Depthwise 2D Convolution |
CDepthwiseFilterDecode | Create a tensor from a depthwise filter |
CDepthwiseFilterDecoder | Describe how to build a tensor from a depthwise convolution filter |
CDepthwiseFilterEncode | Create a depthwise filter from a tensor |
CDepthwiseFilterEncoder | Describe how to build a depthwise convolution filter from a tensor |
CDepthwiseFilterIndex | DepthwiseFilter Index |
CDepthwiseFilterShape | DepthwiseFilter Shape |
CDialect | Dialect interface |
CDialectService | Dialect Service interface |
CDimension | The value of one dimension in a tensor shape |
CEltwiseAdd | Elementwise Add lhs and rhs |
CEltwiseDiv | Elementwise Div lhs and rhs |
CEltwiseMax | Elementwise Maximum of lhs and rhs |
CEltwiseMul | Elementwise Mul lhs and rhs |
CEltwiseSqrt | Elementwise Sqrt of input |
CEltwiseSub | Elementwise Sub lhs and rhs |
CErrorDetail | The details of each error |
CErrorDetail< ErrorCategory::MissingArgument > | The details of MissingArgument error |
CErrorListener | Error listener (with default implementation) |
CFeatureDecode | Create a tensor from a feature map |
CFeatureDecoder | Describe how to build a tensor from a (convolution) feature map |
CFeatureEncode | Create a feature map from a tensor |
CFeatureEncoder | Decribe how to build a (convolution) feature map from a tensor |
CFeatureIndex | Feature Index |
CFeatureShape | Feature Map Shape |
CFilterDecode | Create a tensor from a filter |
CFilterDecoder | Decribe how to build a a tensor from a filter |
CFilterEncode | Create a filter from a tensor |
CFilterEncoder | Decribe how to build a (convolution) filter from a tensor |
CFilterIndex | Filter Index |
CFilterShape | Filter Shape |
►CFixedArity | |
CMixin | |
CForward | Create a new value identical to its input |
►CGraph | A neural network graph |
CInputContext | GraphInput Pool |
COutputContext | GraphOutput Pool |
CSimpleFactoryObjectPool | Object Pool with Simple Factory Method |
CGraphInput | Graph-level Input Metadata |
CGraphInputIndexQueryService | |
CGraphOutput | Graph-level Output Metadata |
CGraphOutputIndexQueryService | |
CIErrorListener | Error listener interface |
CMatMul | Matrix Multiplication lhs and rhs |
CMatrixDecode | Create Tensor from Matrix |
CMatrixDecoder | Describe how to build a tensor from a matrix |
CMatrixEncode | Create Matrix from Tensor |
CMatrixEncoder | Decribe how to build a matrix from a tensor |
CMatrixIndex | Matrix Index |
CMatrixShape | Matrix Shape |
CMaxPool2D | 2D Max Pooling |
CMixin | |
CMixin< Trait::DataTyped > | |
CMixin< Trait::TensorShaped > | |
CMultiDialectShapeInferenceRule | Shape inference rule for multiple dialects |
CMultiDialectTypeInferenceRule | Type Inference Rule for multiple dialects |
CNamedEntity | Trait for elements with name |
CNode | Logical unit of computation |
CNodeAnnotation | Extensible Node Metadata |
CNodeMixin | |
CNodeMixin< NodeTrait::DataType > | |
CNodeMixin< NodeTrait::TensorShape > | |
CNodePool | |
CNodeShape | |
CObjectPool | Object Pool |
CPadding2D | |
CPaddingND | |
CPermutation | |
CPermutation< Domain::DepthwiseFilter > | Mapping between DepthwiseFilter/Tensor Axis |
CPermutation< Domain::Feature > | Mapping between Feature/Tensor Axis |
CPermutation< Domain::Filter > | Mapping between Filter/Tensor Axis |
CPermutation< Domain::Matrix > | Mapping between Matrix/Tensor Axis |
CPermutingDecoder | |
CPermutingDecoder< Domain::DepthwiseFilter > | Permutation-based DepthwiseFilter-to-Tensor converter |
CPermutingDecoder< Domain::Feature > | |
CPermutingDecoder< Domain::Filter > | Permutation-based Filter-to-Tensor converter |
CPermutingDecoder< Domain::Matrix > | Permutation-based Matrix-to-Tensor converter |
CPermutingEncoder | |
CPermutingEncoder< Domain::DepthwiseFilter > | Permutation-based Tensor-to-DepthwiseFilter converter |
CPermutingEncoder< Domain::Feature > | |
CPermutingEncoder< Domain::Filter > | Permutation-based Tensor-to-Filter converter |
CPermutingEncoder< Domain::Matrix > | Permutation-based Tensor-to-Matrix converter |
CPull | Create a value from user data |
CPush | Make a value visible to user |
CReLU | Create a new value that rectifies its input |
CReLU6 | Create a new value that rectifies its input capping the units at 6 |
CReshape | |
CReshape< ReshapeType::Fixed > | Reshape a tensor to another tensor whose shape is known at compile time |
CShapeInference | |
►CShapeInferenceRule | |
CContext | |
CSink | |
CShapeInferenceSession | |
CSoftmax | Computes softmax activations |
CSoftmax< Domain::Tensor > | Computes softmax activations for Tensor domain |
CStride | Stride configuration for N-dimensional spatial operations |
CStride< 2 > | Stride configuration for 2D spatial operations |
CSubst | |
CSubst< SubstQualifier::Default > | A helper for below "replace" helper |
CTanh | Create a new value that rectifies its input by tanh |
CTensorAxisSet | |
►CTensorBroadcast | Duplicate elements along specified axes |
CMapping | |
CTensorConcat | Concatenate two tensors |
CTensorConstantPad | Pads a tensor with constant value |
CTensorReduce | Computes ReduceFunc operations for Tensor domain |
CTensorShape | |
►CTensorTranspose | Permute an input |
CPerm | |
CTransposedConv2D | 2D Transposed Convolution |
CTypeInference | |
CTypeInferenceRule | |
CTypeInferenceSession | |
CUse | The edge between a node definition and its user |
CWindow | ND Receptive Field Shape |
CWindow< 2 > | 2D Receptive Field Shape |
►CWith | |
CMixin | |
►Nlocoex | |
CAttrTypeTrait | |
CAttrTypeTrait< COpAttrType::Float > | |
CAttrTypeTrait< COpAttrType::Int > | |
CCircleDialect | |
CCircleInstanceNorm | INSTANCE_NORM in circle |
CCircleNode | |
CCircleNodeImpl | |
CCircleNodeMixin | |
CCircleNodeMixin< CircleNodeTrait::FusedActFunc > | |
CCircleNodeMutableVisitor | |
CCircleNodeMutableVisitorBase | |
CCircleNodeVisitor | |
CCircleNodeVisitorBase | |
CCircleShapeInferenceRule | |
CCircleTypeInferenceRule | Type Inference Rule for CircleDialect |
CCOpAttrData | Struct that holds attr type |
CCOpAttrFloat | Struct that holds attr data of float type |
CCOpAttrInt | Struct that holds attr data of int type |
CCOpCall | Class to calls custom operation |
CCOpDialect | A singleton for locoex custom op Dialect |
CCOpNode | |
CCOpNodeSummaryBuilder | |
CCOpShapeInferenceRule | Shape inference rule for COpDialect |
CCOpTypeInferenceRule | Type Inference Rule for COpDialect |
CFilter | |
CFixedArityNode | Nodes with the fixed number of inputs |
CStride | |
CTFLAdd | ADD in TensorFlow Lite |
CTFLAveragePool2D | AVERAGE_POOL_2D in TensorFlow Lite |
CTFLConcatenation | CONCATENATION in TensorFlow Lite |
CTFLConst | Class to build tensor data |
CTFLConv2D | CONV_2D in TensorFlow Lite |
CTFLDepthwiseConv2D | DEPTHWISE_CONV_2D in TensorFlow Lite |
CTFLDialect | |
CTFLDiv | DIV in TensorFlow Lite |
CTFLFullyConnected | FULLY_CONNECTED in TensorFlow Lite |
CTFLMaximum | MAXIMUM in TensorFlow Lite |
CTFLMaxPool2D | MAX_POOL_2D in TensorFlow Lite |
CTFLMean | |
CTFLMul | MUL in TensorFlow Lite |
CTFLNode | |
CTFLNodeImpl | |
CTFLNodeMixin | |
CTFLNodeMixin< TFLNodeTrait::Bias > | Mixin class for nodes that has a bias input |
CTFLNodeMixin< TFLNodeTrait::FusedActFunc > | |
CTFLNodeMutableVisitor | |
CTFLNodeMutableVisitorBase | |
CTFLNodeVisitor | |
CTFLNodeVisitorBase | |
CTFLRelu | |
CTFLRelu6 | |
►CTFLReshape | |
CShape | |
CTFLRsqrt | |
CTFLShapeInferenceRule | |
CTFLSqrt | |
CTFLSquaredDifference | |
CTFLSub | SUB in TensorFlow Lite |
CTFLTranspose | TRANSPOSE in TensorFlow Lite |
CTFLTransposeConv | TRANSPOSE_CONV in TensorFlow Lite |
CTFLTypeInferenceRule | Type Inference Rule for TFLDialect |
CVariadicArityNode | Nodes with the variadic inputs |
►Nlocomotiv | |
CBinaryFunc | |
CNodeData | Read-only no-template wrapper for 'Buffer'. Serves interface for input and output of 'Session' |
CNodeDataImpl | An implementation of NodeData interface |
CNodeDomain | |
CNodeExecution | Helper class for Session, responsible to process one node calculation |
CSession | Session for loco graph inference |
CUnaryFunc | |
►Nlocop | |
CArgDesc | |
CCanonicalNodeSummaryBuilder | Built-in Node Summary Builder for Canonical Dialect |
CFormattedGraph | |
CFormattedGraphImpl | |
CFormattedGraphImpl< Formatter::LinearV1 > | |
CFormattedTensorShape | |
CFormattedTensorShape< TensorShapeFormat::Bracket > | |
CFormattedTensorShape< TensorShapeFormat::Plain > | |
CGenericNodeSummaryBuilder | Dialect-agnostic Node Summary Builder |
►CNodeDesc | |
CComments | Multi-line comments |
CNodeSummaryBuilder | Build a summary from loco Node |
CNodeSummaryBuilderFactory | |
CSpec | |
CSpec< Interface::Formatted > | |
CSymbolTable | Symbol Table Interface |
►Nlogo | |
CConstantFoldingPass | Performs constant folding optimization |
CDeadNodeQueryService | |
CPass | |
CPhaseEventInfo | |
CPhaseEventInfo< PhaseEvent::PassBegin > | |
CPhaseEventInfo< PhaseEvent::PassEnd > | |
CPhaseEventInfo< PhaseEvent::PhaseBegin > | |
CPhaseEventInfo< PhaseEvent::PhaseEnd > | |
CPhaseEventListener | |
CPhaseRunner | |
CPhaseRunner< PhaseStrategy::Restart > | |
CPhaseRunner< PhaseStrategy::Saturate > | |
CPhaseRunnerMixinObservable | |
CRemoveDeadNodePass | |
CRemoveDeadNodeWithQueryPass | |
CRemoveForwardNodePass | Use the input of "Forward" node instead |
CReorderDecodePass | Reorder XXXDecode -> ? as ? -> XXXDecode if possible |
CReorderDecodePass< loco::ReLU > | |
CReorderDecodePass< loco::TensorBiasAdd > | |
CResolveDuplicateReshapePass | Resolve duplicated Reshape nodes in a row |
CResolveRedundantReshapePass | Remove redundant canonical FixedReshape |
CSimplifyDomainConversionPass | Simplify redundant domain conversion |
►Nluci | |
►Ncompute | |
CDepthwiseConv2D | |
CDepthwiseParams | |
CFullyConnected | |
CFullyConnectedParams | |
CPaddingValues | |
►Npass | |
►CExpression | |
CHash | |
CExpressionCache | |
►Nsinf | |
CAlgorithm | |
CRule | |
CStridedSliceContext | |
CStridedSliceParams | |
CTensorShapeExpander | Create a higher-rank TensorShape following NumPy broadcasting semantics |
►Ntest | |
CExampleGraph | |
CExampleGraph< ExampleGraphType::CircleTranspose > | Class to create the following: |
CTestGraph | |
►Ntinf | |
CAlgorithm | |
CRule | |
CBuiltinOperatorMappingRule | |
CBuiltinOptionsExtractor | |
CBuiltinOptionsMappingRule | |
CCanonicalizePass | Class to canoncalize CircleNodes |
CCircleAbs | ABS in Circle |
CCircleAbsGraphBuilder | |
CCircleAdd | ADD in Circle |
CCircleAddGraphBuilder | |
CCircleAddN | ADD_N in Circle |
CCircleAddNGraphBuilder | |
CCircleArgMax | ARG_MAX in Circle |
CCircleArgMaxGraphBuilder | |
CCircleArgMin | ARG_Min in Circle |
CCircleArgMinGraphBuilder | |
CCircleAveragePool2D | AVERAGE_POOL_2D in Circle |
CCircleAveragePool2DGraphBuilder | |
CCircleBatchMatMul | BATCH_MATMUL in Circle |
CCircleBatchMatMulGraphBuilder | |
CCircleBatchToSpaceND | BATCH_TO_SPACE_ND in Circle |
CCircleBatchToSpaceNDGraphBuilder | |
CCircleBCQFullyConnected | BCQ_FULLY_CONNECTED in Circle |
CCircleBCQFullyConnectedGraphBuilder | |
CCircleBCQGather | BCQ_GATHER in Circle |
CCircleBCQGatherGraphBuilder | |
CCircleBidirectionalSequenceLSTM | BIDIRECTIONAL_SEQUENCE_LSTM in Circle |
CCircleBidirectionalSequenceLSTMGraphBuilder | |
CCircleBidirectionalSequenceLSTMOut | Virtual CIRCLEBIDIRECTIONAL_SEQUENCE_LSTM_OUT in Circle |
CCircleBroadcastTo | BroadcastTo in Circle |
CCircleBroadcastToGraphBuilder | |
CCircleCast | CAST in Circle |
CCircleCastGraphBuilder | |
CCircleCeil | CEIL in Circle |
CCircleCeilGraphBuilder | |
CCircleConcatenation | CONCATENATION in Circle |
CCircleConcatenationGraphBuilder | |
CCircleConst | Class to build tensor data |
CCircleConstNodeBuilder | Builder creates CircleConst node from Tensor with buffer |
CCircleConv2D | CONV_2D in Circle |
CCircleConv2DGraphBuilder | |
CCircleCos | COS in Circle |
CCircleCosGraphBuilder | |
CCircleCumSum | |
CCircleCumSumGraphBuilder | |
CCircleCustom | CUSTOM in Circle |
CCircleCustomGraphBuilder | |
CCircleCustomOut | Virtual CIRCLECUSTOMOUT in Circle |
CCircleDensify | DENSIFY in Circle |
CCircleDensifyGraphBuilder | |
CCircleDepthToSpace | DEPTH_TO_SPACE in Circle |
CCircleDepthToSpaceGraphBuilder | |
CCircleDepthwiseConv2D | DEPTHWISE_CONV_2D in Circle |
CCircleDepthwiseConv2DGraphBuilder | |
CCircleDequantize | DEQUANTIZE in Circle |
CCircleDequantizeGraphBuilder | |
CCircleDialect | A singleton for Circle Dialect |
CCircleDiv | DIV in Circle |
CCircleDivGraphBuilder | |
CCircleElu | ELU in Circle |
CCircleEluGraphBuilder | |
CCircleEqual | EQUAL in Circle |
CCircleEqualGraphBuilder | |
CCircleExp | EXP in Circle |
CCircleExpandDims | EXPAND_DIMS in Circle |
CCircleExpandDimsGraphBuilder | |
CCircleExpGraphBuilder | |
►CCircleExporter | |
CContract | |
CCircleExporterImpl | |
CCircleExportMetadata | |
CCircleFakeQuant | FAKE_QUANT in Circle |
CCircleFakeQuantGraphBuilder | |
CCircleFileExpContract | |
CCircleFill | FILL in Circle |
CCircleFillGraphBuilder | |
CCircleFloor | FLOOR in Circle |
CCircleFloorDiv | FLOOR_DIV in Circle |
CCircleFloorDivGraphBuilder | |
CCircleFloorGraphBuilder | |
CCircleFloorMod | FLOOR_MOD in Circle |
CCircleFloorModGraphBuilder | |
CCircleFullyConnected | FULLY_CONNECTED in Circle |
CCircleFullyConnectedGraphBuilder | |
CCircleGather | GATHER in Circle |
CCircleGatherGraphBuilder | |
CCircleGatherNd | GATHER_ND in Circle |
CCircleGatherNdGraphBuilder | |
CCircleGelu | GELU in Circle |
CCircleGeluGraphBuilder | |
CCircleGreater | Greater in Circle |
CCircleGreaterEqual | GREATER EQUAL in Circle |
CCircleGreaterEqualGraphBuilder | |
CCircleGreaterGraphBuilder | |
CCircleGRU | GRU in Circle |
CCircleGRUGraphBuilder | |
CCircleHardSwish | HardSwish in Circle |
CCircleHardSwishGraphBuilder | |
CCircleIf | IF in Circle |
CCircleIfGraphBuilder | |
CCircleIfOut | Virtual CIRCLEIFOUT in Circle |
CCircleImportMetadata | |
CCircleInput | CircleNode used for Input of the Graph |
CCircleInstanceNorm | INSTANCE_NORM in Circle |
CCircleInstanceNormGraphBuilder | |
CCircleL2Normalize | L2_NORMALIZATION in Circle |
CCircleL2NormalizeGraphBuilder | |
CCircleL2Pool2D | L2_POOL_2D in Circle |
CCircleL2Pool2DGraphBuilder | |
CCircleLeakyRelu | LEAKY_RELU in Circle |
CCircleLeakyReluGraphBuilder | |
CCircleLess | LESS in Circle |
CCircleLessEqual | LESS_EQUAL in Circle |
CCircleLessEqualGraphBuilder | |
CCircleLessGraphBuilder | |
CCircleLocalResponseNormalization | LOCAL_RESPONSE_NORMALIZATION in Circle |
CCircleLocalResponseNormalizationGraphBuilder | |
CCircleLog | LOG in Circle |
CCircleLogGraphBuilder | |
CCircleLogicalAnd | LOGICAL_AND in Circle |
CCircleLogicalAndGraphBuilder | |
CCircleLogicalNot | LOGICAL_NOT in Circle |
CCircleLogicalNotGraphBuilder | |
CCircleLogicalOr | LOGICAL_OR in Circle |
CCircleLogicalOrGraphBuilder | |
CCircleLogistic | LOGISTIC in Circle |
CCircleLogisticGraphBuilder | |
CCircleLogSoftmax | LOG_SOFTMAX in Circle |
CCircleLogSoftmaxGraphBuilder | |
CCircleMatrixDiag | MATRIX_DIAG in Circle |
CCircleMatrixDiagGraphBuilder | |
CCircleMatrixSetDiag | MATRIX_SET_DIAG in Circle |
CCircleMatrixSetDiagGraphBuilder | |
CCircleMaximum | MAXIMUM in Circle |
CCircleMaximumGraphBuilder | |
CCircleMaxPool2D | MAX_POOL_2D in Circle |
CCircleMaxPool2DGraphBuilder | |
CCircleMean | MEAN in Circle |
CCircleMeanGraphBuilder | |
CCircleMinimum | MINIMUM in Circle |
CCircleMinimumGraphBuilder | |
CCircleMirrorPad | MIRROR_PAD in Circle |
CCircleMirrorPadGraphBuilder | |
CCircleMul | MUL in Circle |
CCircleMulGraphBuilder | |
CCircleNeg | NEG in Circle |
CCircleNegGraphBuilder | |
CCircleNode | |
CCircleNodeExecutionPlan | |
CCircleNodeImpl | |
CCircleNodeMixin | |
CCircleNodeMixin< CircleNodeTrait::Bias > | Mixin class for nodes that has a bias input |
CCircleNodeMixin< CircleNodeTrait::FusedActFunc > | |
CCircleNodeMutableVisitor | |
CCircleNodeMutableVisitorBase | |
►CCircleNodeOrigin | |
CSource | |
CCircleNodeSummaryBuilder | |
CCircleNodeVisitor | |
CCircleNodeVisitorBase | |
CCircleNodeWithFEATURESSummaryBuilder | |
CCircleNodeWithINPUTSummaryBuilder | |
CCircleNodeWithReducerSummaryBuilder | |
CCircleNodeWithXSummaryBuilder | |
CCircleNodeWithXYSummaryBuilder | |
CCircleNonMaxSuppressionV4 | NON_MAX_SUPPRESSION_V4 in Circle |
CCircleNonMaxSuppressionV4GraphBuilder | |
CCircleNonMaxSuppressionV4Out | Virtual NONMAXSUPPRESSIONV4OUT in Circle |
CCircleNonMaxSuppressionV5 | NON_MAX_SUPPRESSION_V5 in Circle |
CCircleNonMaxSuppressionV5GraphBuilder | |
CCircleNonMaxSuppressionV5Out | Virtual NONMAXSUPPRESSIONV5OUT in Circle |
CCircleNotEqual | NOT EQUAL in Circle |
CCircleNotEqualGraphBuilder | |
CCircleOneHot | ONEHOT in Circle |
CCircleOneHotGraphBuilder | |
►CCircleOptimizer | |
COptions | |
CCircleOutput | CircleNode for Output of the Graph |
CCircleOutputDummy | Temporary DummyNode used with dangle CircleNode |
CCircleOutputExclude | CircleOutputExclude is used to specifying not exported nodes |
CCirclePack | PACK in Circle |
CCirclePackGraphBuilder | |
CCirclePad | PAD in Circle |
CCirclePadGraphBuilder | |
CCirclePadV2 | PADV2 in Circle |
CCirclePadV2GraphBuilder | |
CCirclePow | POW in Circle |
CCirclePowGraphBuilder | |
CCirclePRelu | PRelu in Circle |
CCirclePReluGraphBuilder | |
CCircleQuantize | QUANTIZE in Circle |
CCircleQuantizeGraphBuilder | |
►CCircleQuantizer | |
►COptions | |
CLayerParam | |
CLayerParamsSet | |
CCircleQuantParam | |
CCircleRange | RANGE in Circle |
CCircleRangeGraphBuilder | |
CCircleRank | RANK in Circle |
CCircleRankGraphBuilder | |
CCircleReader | Loads Circle file and provides helpers to access attributes |
CCircleReduceAny | REDUCE_ANY in Circle |
CCircleReduceAnyGraphBuilder | |
CCircleReduceMax | REDUCE_MAX in Circle |
CCircleReduceMaxGraphBuilder | |
CCircleReduceMin | REDUCE_MIN in Circle |
CCircleReduceMinGraphBuilder | |
CCircleReduceProd | REDUCE_PROD in Circle |
CCircleReduceProdGraphBuilder | |
CCircleRelu | RELU in Circle |
CCircleRelu0To1 | RELU_0_TO_1 in Circle |
CCircleRelu0To1GraphBuilder | |
CCircleRelu6 | RELU6 in Circle |
CCircleRelu6GraphBuilder | |
CCircleReluGraphBuilder | |
CCircleReluN1To1 | RELU_N1_TO_1 in Circle |
CCircleReluN1To1GraphBuilder | |
►CCircleReshape | RESHAPE in Circle |
CShape | |
CCircleReshapeGraphBuilder | |
CCircleResizeBilinear | RESIZE_BILINEAR in Circle |
CCircleResizeBilinearGraphBuilder | |
CCircleResizeNearestNeighbor | RESIZE_NEAREST_NEIGHBOR in Circle |
CCircleResizeNearestNeighborGraphBuilder | |
CCircleReverseSequence | REVERSE_SEQUENCE in Circle |
CCircleReverseSequenceGraphBuilder | |
CCircleReverseV2 | ReverseV2 in Circle |
CCircleReverseV2GraphBuilder | |
CCircleRmsNorm | RMS_NORM in Circle |
CCircleRmsNormGraphBuilder | |
CCircleRoPE | ROPE in Circle |
CCircleRoPEGraphBuilder | |
CCircleRound | ROUND in Circle |
CCircleRoundGraphBuilder | |
CCircleRsqrt | RSQRT in Circle |
CCircleRsqrtGraphBuilder | |
CCircleScatterNd | SCATTER_ND in Circle |
CCircleScatterNdGraphBuilder | |
CCircleSegmentSum | SEGMENT_SUM in Circle |
CCircleSegmentSumGraphBuilder | |
CCircleSelect | SELECT in Circle |
CCircleSelectGraphBuilder | |
CCircleSelectV2 | SELECT_V2 in Circle |
CCircleSelectV2GraphBuilder | |
CCircleShape | SHAPE in Circle |
CCircleShapeGraphBuilder | |
CCircleShapeInferencePass | Pass to infer shape of circle nodes |
CCircleShapeInferenceRule | |
CCircleSin | SIN in Circle |
CCircleSinGraphBuilder | |
CCircleSlice | SLICE in Circle |
CCircleSliceGraphBuilder | |
CCircleSoftmax | SOFTMAX in Circle |
CCircleSoftmaxGraphBuilder | |
CCircleSpaceToBatchND | SPACE_TO_BATCH_ND in Circle |
CCircleSpaceToBatchNDGraphBuilder | |
CCircleSpaceToDepth | SPACE_TO_DEPTH in Circle |
CCircleSpaceToDepthGraphBuilder | |
CCircleSparseToDense | SPARSE_TO_DENSE in Circle |
CCircleSparseToDenseGraphBuilder | |
CCircleSplit | SPLIT in Circle |
CCircleSplitGraphBuilder | |
CCircleSplitOut | Virtual CIRCLESPLITOUT in Circle |
CCircleSplitV | SPLIT_V in Circle |
CCircleSplitVGraphBuilder | |
CCircleSplitVOut | Virtual CIRCLESPLITVOUT in Circle |
CCircleSqrt | SQRT in Circle |
CCircleSqrtGraphBuilder | |
CCircleSquare | SQUARE in Circle |
CCircleSquaredDifference | SQUARED_DIFFERENCE in Circle |
CCircleSquaredDifferenceGraphBuilder | |
CCircleSquareGraphBuilder | |
CCircleSqueeze | SQUEEZE in Circle |
CCircleSqueezeGraphBuilder | |
CCircleStridedSlice | STRIDED_SLICE in Circle |
CCircleStridedSliceGraphBuilder | |
CCircleSub | SUB in Circle |
CCircleSubGraphBuilder | |
CCircleSum | SUM in Circle |
CCircleSumGraphBuilder | |
CCircleSVDF | SVDF in Circle |
CCircleSVDFBuilder | |
CCircleTanh | TANH in Circle |
CCircleTanhGraphBuilder | |
CCircleTile | TILE in Circle |
CCircleTileGraphBuilder | |
CCircleTopKV2 | TOPK_V2 in Circle |
CCircleTopKV2GraphBuilder | |
CCircleTopKV2Out | Virtual CIRCLETOPKV2OUT in Circle |
CCircleTranspose | TRANSPOSE in Circle |
CCircleTransposeConv | TRANSPOSE_CONV in Circle |
CCircleTransposeConvGraphBuilder | |
CCircleTransposeGraphBuilder | |
CCircleTypeInferencePass | Pass to infer type of circle nodes |
CCircleTypeInferenceRule | Type Inference Rule for CircleDialect |
CCircleUnidirectionalSequenceLSTM | UNIDIRECTIONAL_SEQUENCE_LSTM in Circle |
CCircleUnidirectionalSequenceLSTMGraphBuilder | |
CCircleUnique | Unique in Circle |
CCircleUniqueGraphBuilder | |
CCircleUniqueOut | Virtual CIRCLEUNIQUEOUT in Circle |
CCircleUnpack | UNPACK in Circle |
CCircleUnpackGraphBuilder | |
CCircleUnpackOut | Virtual CIRCLEUNPACKOUT in Circle |
CCircleVariable | Virtual CircleVariable in Circle for 'variable' Tensor |
CCircleWhere | WHERE in Circle |
CCircleWhereGraphBuilder | |
CCircleWhile | WHILE in Circle |
CCircleWhileGraphBuilder | |
CCircleWhileOut | Virtual CIRCLEWHILEOUT in Circle |
CCircleZerosLike | ZEROS_LIKE in Circle |
CCircleZerosLikeGraphBuilder | |
CCloneContext | |
CCloneNode | |
CCloneNodeLet | |
CCloneNodeLet< CN::ABC > | |
CCloneNodeLet< CN::DEF > | |
CCloneNodeLet< CN::GHIJ > | |
CCloneNodeLet< CN::KLMN > | |
CCloneNodeLet< CN::OPQR > | |
CCloneNodeLet< CN::STUV > | |
CCloneNodeLet< CN::WXYZ > | |
CCommonSubExpressionEliminationPass | Pass to perform CSE (Common Sub-expression Elimination) |
CCommonSubExpressionEliminationTestGraph | |
CConnectNode | |
CConstantFoldingAddTestGraph | |
CConstantFoldingTestGraph | |
CConvertNCHWToNHWCPass | Class to convert NCHW Ops to NHWC |
CConvertToFakeQuantizedModelPass | Class to convert a quantized model to a fake-quantized fp32 model |
CCopyQuantParamPass | Pass to copy quantparam (scale, zerop) of a tensor to another tensor |
CDeadNodeQueryServiceImpl | |
CDecomposeHardSwishPass | Class to decompose HardSwish to Add, Mul and Relu6 |
CDecomposeSoftmaxPass | Class to decompose Softmax into backend friendly structures |
CDilation | |
CDimMetaData | |
CDynamicBatchToSingleBatchPass | Pass to convert dynamic batch to single batch |
CExpandBroadcastConstPass | Class to remove broadcasts of Const nodes |
CExportContext | |
CFilter | |
CFixedArityNode | Nodes with the fixed number of inputs |
CFoldAddV2Pass | Class to fold AddV2 to a constant tensor |
CFoldCastPass | Class to fold Cast to a constant tensor |
CFoldDensifyPass | Class to Fold Densify if input is Sparse Constant |
CFoldDepthwiseConv2DPass | Class to fold DepthwiseConv2D with constant input and filter into a constant tensor |
CFoldDequantizePass | Class to fold Dequantize, which can be folded by constant inputs |
CFoldFullyConnectedPass | Class to fold FullyConnected with constant input and filter into a constant tensor |
CFoldGatherPass | Class to fold Gather to a constant tensor |
CFoldMulPass | Class to fold Mul to a constant tensor |
CFoldReshapePass | Class to fold Reshape to a constant tensor |
CFoldShapePass | Class to fold Shape to a constant tensor |
CFoldSparseToDensePass | Class to fold SparseToDense to a constant tensor |
CFoldSqueezePass | Class to fold Squeeze to a constant tensor |
CForceQuantParamPass | Pass to write quantparam (scale, zerop) to the specified tensors |
CForwardReshapeToUnaryOpPass | Class to Forward send Reshape after UnaryOp |
CForwardTransposeOpPass | Class to Forward Transpose Ops for further optimization |
CFuseActivationFunctionPass | Class to fuse activation functions into preceding operators |
CFuseAddToFullyConnectedBiasPass | Class to fuse Add to following FC bias |
CFuseAddWithConvPass | Class to fuse CircleAdd into CircleConv2D |
CFuseAddWithFullyConnectedPass | Class to fuse Add into FullyConnected |
CFuseAddWithTConvPass | Class to fuse Add into CircleTransposeConv |
CFuseBatchNormWithConvPass | Class to fuse Batch Normalization into CircleConv |
CFuseBatchNormWithDwConvPass | Class to fuse Batch Normalization into CircleDepthWiseConv2D |
CFuseBatchNormWithTConvPass | Class to fuse Batch Normalization into CircleTransposeConv |
CFuseBCQPass | Class to fuse certain pattern of subgraph into CircleBCQFullyConnected or CircleBCQGather |
CFuseGeluPass | Class to fuse certain pattern of subgraph into CircleGelu |
CFuseHorizontalFullyConnectedPass | |
CFuseInstanceNormPass | Class to fuse certain pattern of subgraph into CircleInstanceNorm with auxiliary nodes |
CFuseMeanWithMeanPass | Class to fuse two Mean operations follow one by one into one Mean with merge reduction indices |
CFuseMulToFullyConnectedWeightsPass | Class to fuse Mul into following FullyConnected |
CFuseMulWithConvPass | Class to fuse Mul operation with a preceding Conv |
CFuseMulWithDivPass | Class to fuse Mul operation with a Div operation |
CFuseMulWithFullyConnectedPass | Class to fuse Mul into CircleFullyConnected |
CFusePreActivationBatchNormPass | Class to fuse batch normalization of pre-activation |
CFusePReluPass | Class to fuse certain pattern of subgraph into CirclePRelu with auxiliary nodes |
CFuseRmsNormPass | Class to fuse certain pattern of subgraph into CircleRmsNorm |
CFuseRoPEPass | Class to fuse certain pattern of subgraph into CircleRoPE with auxiliary nodes |
CFuseRsqrtPass | Class to fuse certain pattern of subgraph into CircleRsqrt |
CFuseSliceWithTConvPass | Class to fuse Slice operation with a preceding TConv |
CFuseTransposeWithMeanPass | Class to fuse Mean operation with a preceding Transpose |
CGraphBuilder | Base of general single output graph builder(e.g., Conv2DGraphBuilder) |
►CGraphBuilderBase | Interface of convert circle::OperatorT to CircleNode |
CValidateArgs | |
CGraphBuilderContext | Class to store context to build loco graph IR from TensorFlow |
►CGraphBuilderMultiOutput | Base of general multiple outputs graph builder(e.g., CircleIfGraphBuilder) |
CBuildNodeArgs | |
CBuildOutArgs | |
CGraphBuilderRegistry | Class to return graph builder for Circle nodes |
CGraphBuilderSource | |
CImporter | |
CImporterEx | |
CIndexNodeFinder | |
CIndexTensorOutputs | Set of Tensor Index of outputs of operators including graph input nodes |
CInsertQuantizeOpOnDTypeMismatch | |
CLayerInfo | |
CLogger | Logger Implementation |
CLoggerConfig | Logger Configuration |
CLoggingContext | Global logging context |
CMakeBatchNormGammaPositivePass | Class to make negative gamma of batchnorm to a small positive value (1e-10) This pass can change the execution result of the model. So, use it only when the impact is known to be acceptable |
CModule | Collection of 'loco::Graph's |
CModuleProgressReporter | |
CNodeBuilderBase | Creates nodes from given Tensor and context |
CNodeFiller | |
CNodeSummaryBuilder | |
CNodeSummaryBuilderFactory | |
COpCode | |
COperationExporterRule | |
CPartedModule | PartedModule holds partitioned module and group name |
CPartedModules | |
CPartitionTable | PartitionTable holds partition information |
CPass | |
CPGroup | Partition Group with Partition Nodes of same group and I/Os nodes |
CPGroups | |
CPhaseRunner | |
CPhaseRunner< logo::PhaseStrategy::Restart > | |
CPhaseRunner< logo::PhaseStrategy::Saturate > | |
CPNode | Partition Node with CircleNode with group name |
CProgressReporter | |
CPropagateQParamBackwardPass | Class to propagate quantization parameters of an operator's output to input |
CPropagateQParamForwardPass | Class to propagate quantization parameters of an operator's input to output |
CQuantizeActivation | Quantize non-const activation using recorded min/max values |
CQuantizeBias | QuantizeBias quantizes tensors for bias |
CQuantizeConstInputActivation | |
►CQuantizeDequantizeWeightsPass | Pass to quantize weights |
CContext | |
►CQuantizeDequantizeWeightsWithGPTQPass | Pass to quantize weights with GPTQ algorithm |
CContext | |
►CQuantizedModelVerifier | Class to verify quantized model |
CContext | |
CQuantizeOnnxDequantizeLinearPass | Class to quantize ONNXDequantizeLinear operator |
►CQuantizeOnnxFakeQuantModelPass | Pass to create a quantized graph from a graph fake-quantized on onnx |
CContext | |
CQuantizeOnnxQDQPass | Class to quantize ONNX QuantizeLinear-DequantizeLinear operator |
CQuantizePreCheckerPass | Pass to verify the input model has the form acceptable by quantizer |
CQuantizeSpecialActivation | Quantize non-const activaion using pre-defined scale/zp for special Ops |
CQuantizeWeights | QuantizeWeights quantizes tensors for weights |
CQuantizeWeightsOnly | QuantizeWeightsOnly quantizes tensors for weights |
►CQuantizeWeightsPass | Pass to quantize weights |
CContext | |
►CQuantizeWithMinMaxPass | Pass to quantize activation, weights, and bias |
CContext | |
CQuantizeWithPredecessorPass | Class to quantize nodes using their predecessors' qparam |
CRemoveDuplicateConstPass | Class to remove duplicate Const nodes |
CRemoveFakeQuantPass | Class to Remove FakeQuant node |
CRemoveGatherGuardPass | Class to remove Add+FloorMod guard ops of Gather |
CRemoveQDQForMixedPrecisionOpPass | Class to remove QDQ pattern for mixed-precision Ops |
CRemoveQuantDequantSeqPass | Class to Remove Quantize-Dequantize sequence |
CRemoveRedundantDequantizePass | Class to remove redundant dequantize operations |
CRemoveRedundantQuantizePass | Class to remove redundant quantize operations |
CRemoveRedundantReshapePass | Class to remove redundant Reshape node into 1 Reshape node |
CRemoveRedundantTransposePass | Fuse or remove subsequent Transpose operators |
CRemoveUnnecessaryAddPass | Class to temove unnecessary(input and output are same) Add node |
CRemoveUnnecessaryCastPass | Class to remove unnecessary Cast nodes |
CRemoveUnnecessaryReshapeNetPass | Class to remove unnecessary Reshape nodes |
CRemoveUnnecessaryReshapePass | Class to Remove Unnecessary(input shape and output shape same) Reshape node |
CRemoveUnnecessarySlicePass | Class to Remove Unnecessary(input and output are same) Slice node |
CRemoveUnnecessarySplitPass | Remove unnecessary Split OP |
CRemoveUnnecessaryStridedSlicePass | Class to Remove Unnecessary(input and output are same) StridedSlice node |
CRemoveUnnecessaryTransposeNetPass | |
CReplaceMulAddWithDepthwiseConvPass | Class to replace channel-wise mul/add with CircleDepthwiseConv2D |
CReplaceNonConstFCWithBatchMatMulPass | Class to replace "FC with non-const weight" with Batched MatMul |
CReplaceSubWithAddPass | Class to Replace Sub With Add |
CReplaceWithFCGeluFCPass | Class to generate FC-Gelu-FC from a certain Op pattern |
CRequantizePass | Pass to re-quantize graph (ex: int8 -> uint8) |
CResolveCustomOpAddPass | Class to resolve certain custom op of subgraph into add op in circle schema |
CResolveCustomOpBatchMatMulPass | Class to resolve certain custom op of subgraph into batchmatmul op in circle schema |
CResolveCustomOpMatMulPass | Class to resolve certain custom op of subgraph into matmul op in circle schema |
CResolveCustomOpMaxPoolWithArgmaxPass | Class to resolve custom op MaxPoolWithArgmax to subgraph with circle's MaxPool and ArgMax |
CResolveCustomOpSplitVPass | Class to resolve certain custom op of subgraph into splitv op in circle schema |
CResolveFormerCustomOpPass | Class to convert a custom operator to a built-in operator |
CSerializedGraphData | |
CSerializedModelData | |
CShapeDescription | |
CShuffleWeightTo16x1Float32Pass | Class to convert weight format of FullyConnected to SHUFFLED16x1FLOAT32 |
CSparseIndexVector | |
CSparsifier | |
CSparsifyTensorPass | Pass to sparsify tensor |
CSparsityParam | |
CStride | |
CSubGraphContext | Record the information of T/F Lite SubGraph and its mapping to loco |
CSubstituteExpandDimsToReshapePass | Class to substitute ExpandDims to single reshape node |
CSubstitutePackToReshapePass | Class to Substitute Pack with 1 input to single reshape node |
CSubstitutePadV2ToPadPass | Class to substitute PadV2 in certain condition to Pad |
CSubstituteSplitVToSplitPass | Class to substitute certain SplitV to Split |
CSubstituteSqueezeToReshapePass | Class to Substitute Squeeze to Reshape node for certain conditions |
CSubstituteStridedSliceToReshapePass | Class to substitute Strided_Slice with certain condition to single reshape node |
CSubstituteTransposeToReshapePass | Class to Substitute Transpose with certain input shape condition to single reshape node |
CTransformMinMaxToRelu6Pass | Class to transform Maximum(Minimum(input, 6), 0) to Relu6 |
CTransformMinReluToRelu6Pass | Class to transform Relu(Minimum(input, 6)) to Relu6 |
CTransformSqrtDivToRsqrtMulPass | Class to transform Div(X,Sqrt(y)) to Mul(X,Rsqrt(y)) |
CTypedNodeBuilder | Placeholder for builders of tensors with different types |
CTypeMapper | TypeMapper maps between c++ primitive data type and loco::DataType |
CTypeMapper< float > | |
CTypeMapper< int16_t > | |
CTypeMapper< int32_t > | |
CTypeMapper< int64_t > | |
CTypeMapper< int8_t > | |
CTypeMapper< uint16_t > | |
CTypeMapper< uint32_t > | |
CTypeMapper< uint64_t > | |
CTypeMapper< uint8_t > | |
CUnrollUnidirectionalSequenceLSTMPass | Class to Unroll UnidirectionalSequenceLSTM |
CUserSettings | UserSettings provides user settings by key-value |
CUserSettingsImpl | |
CVariadicArityNode | Nodes with the variadic inputs |
CVectorWrapper | Wrapper to use flatbuffers::Vector pointer as std::vector entity |
CVerifyQuantizedBiasScale | Verify the scale of quantized bias node |
CVerifyQuantizedNodeChannelWiseGranularity | |
CVerifyQuantizedNodeGranularity | Verify the granualrity of quantized node |
CVerifyQuantizedNodeLayerWiseGranularity | |
CVerifyQuantizedNodeS16Type | |
CVerifyQuantizedNodeType | Verify the data type of quantized node |
CVerifyQuantizedNodeTypeBase | Verify using quantization type of a node and bias |
CVerifyQuantizedNodeU8Type | |
CVirtualOutputDetector | |
CXpSepActFromTransposeConvPass | Experimental Class to separate activation functions from TransposeConv |
►Nluci_interpreter | |
►Nkernels | |
CAbs | |
CAdd | |
CArgMax | |
CAveragePool2D | |
CBatchMatMul | |
CBatchToSpaceND | |
CBroadcastableWrapper | |
CBroadcastTo | |
CCast | |
CChannelQuantMultipliers | |
CConcatenation | |
CConv2D | |
CCos | |
CCumSum | |
CDepthToSpace | |
CDepthwiseConv2D | |
CDequantize | |
CDiv | |
CDownsamplingConv2DKernel | |
CElu | |
CEqual | |
CExp | |
CExpandDims | |
CFill | |
CFloor | |
CFloorDiv | |
CFloorMod | |
CFullyConnected | |
CGather | |
CGelu | |
CGreater | |
CGreaterEqual | |
CGRU | |
CHardSwish | |
CIf | |
CInstanceNorm | |
CL2Normalize | |
CL2Pool2D | |
CLeakyRelu | |
CLess | |
CLessEqual | |
CLocalResponseNormalization | |
CLog | |
CLogicalAnd | |
CLogicalNot | |
CLogicalOr | |
CLogistic | |
CLogSoftmax | |
CMaximum | |
CMaxPool2D | |
CMean | |
CMinimum | |
CMirrorPad | |
CMISOKernel | |
CMul | |
CNeg | |
CNotEqual | |
COneHot | |
CPack | |
CPad | |
CPadV2 | |
CPow | |
CPRelu | |
CQuantize | |
CReduceMax | |
CReduceProd | |
CRelu | |
CRelu0To1 | |
CRelu6 | |
CReshape | |
CResizeBilinear | |
CResizeNearestNeighbor | |
CReverseV2 | |
CRmsNorm | |
CRoPE | |
CRsqrt | |
CSelect | |
CSelectV2 | |
CShapeKernel | |
CSin | |
CSISOKernel | |
CSlice | |
CSoftmax | |
CSpaceToBatchND | |
CSpaceToDepth | |
CSplit | |
CSplitV | |
CSqrt | |
CSquare | |
CSquaredDifference | |
CSqueeze | |
CStridedSlice | |
CSub | |
CSum | |
CTanh | |
CTile | |
CTISOData | |
CTISOKernel | |
CTranspose | |
CTransposeConv | |
CUnidirectionalSequenceLSTM | |
CUnpack | |
CVectorOfQuantizedTensors | |
CVectorOfTensors | |
CWhile | |
►Nlstm | |
CCellStateInfo | |
CGateParameters | |
CInterGateParameters | |
CLSTMParameters | |
CLSTMStruct | |
►Ntest_kernel | |
CNegTestDataBase | |
CNegTestDataIfKernel | |
CNegTestDataInput1WrongTypeDiv | |
CNegTestDataInput1WrongTypeFloorDiv | |
CNegTestDataInput1WrongTypeFloorMod | |
CNegTestDataInput1WrongTypeMaximum | |
CNegTestDataInput1WrongTypeMinimum | |
CNegTestDataInput1WrongTypeMul | |
CNegTestDataInput2WrongTypeDiv | |
CNegTestDataInput2WrongTypeFloorDiv | |
CNegTestDataInput2WrongTypeFloorMod | |
CNegTestDataInput2WrongTypeMaximum | |
CNegTestDataInput2WrongTypeMinimum | |
CNegTestDataInput2WrongTypeMul | |
CNegTestDataInputMismatchAddKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputMismatchConv2DKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputMismatchDepthwiseConv2DKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputMismatchSelectV2Kernel | |
CNegTestDataInputMismatchTransposeConvKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputMismatchUnpackKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputMismatchZerosLikeKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputShapeMismatchAbsKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputShapeMismatchCeilKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputShapeMismatchDequantizeKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputShapeMismatchLogicalNotKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputShapeMismatchQuantizeKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchAbsKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchAveragePool2DKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchBatchToSpaceNDKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchBroadcastToKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchCeilKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchCosKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchDepthToSpaceKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchEluKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchExpKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchFloorKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchGatherKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchGatherNDKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchL2Pool2DKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchLeakyReLUKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchLogicalNotKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchLogisticKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchLogKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchLogSoftmaxKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchMaxPool2DKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchMeanKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchMirrorPadKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchNegKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchPadKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchPadV2Kernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchPReluKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchReduceMaxKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchReLU6Kernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchReLUKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchResizeNearestNeighborKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchRoundKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchRsqrtKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchSinKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchSpaceToBatchNDKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchSpaceToDepthKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchSqrtKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchSquareKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchSubKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchSumKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchSVDFKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchTanhKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputsTypeMismatchPReluKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputsTypeMismatchSquaredDifference | |
CNegTestDataInputsTypeMismatchSubKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputTypeMismatchFillKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputTypeMismatchLogicalAndKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputTypeMismatchLogicalOrKernel | |
CNegTestDataInt16TypeMul | |
CNegTestDataInvalidInputOutputShapeFloorKernel | |
CNegTestDataInvalidInputShapeConv2DKernel | |
CNegTestDataInvalidInputShapeFloatResizeBilinearKernel | |
CNegTestDataInvalidInputShapeMaxPool2DKernel | |
CNegTestDataInvalidInputShapeNegKernel | |
CNegTestDataInvalidInputShapeTransposeConvKernel | |
CNegTestDataInvalidInputShapeUint8ResizeBilinearKernel | |
CNegTestDataInvalidInputTypeDepthwiseConv2DKernel | |
CNegTestDataInvalidInputTypeExpandDimsKernel | |
CNegTestDataInvalidParamFloatResizeBilinearKernel | |
CNegTestDataInvalidParamUint8ResizeBilinearKernel | |
CNegTestDataInvalidSizeShapeDimensionsFloatResizeBilinearKernel | |
CNegTestDataInvalidSizeShapeDimensionsUint8ResizeBilinearKernel | |
CNegTestDataLessKernel | |
CNegTestDataNoQuantParamsLogisticKernel | |
CNegTestDataNoQuantParamsMaxPool2DKernel | |
CNegTestDataNoQuantParamsS16AddKernel | |
CNegTestDataNoQuantParamsSubKernel | |
CNegTestDataWhileKernel | |
CNegTestDataWrongAxisGatherKernel | |
CNegTestDataWrongAxisTypeReduceProdKernel | |
CNegTestDataWrongBiasShapeFullyConnectedKernel | |
CNegTestDataWrongBiasTypeConv2DKernel | |
CNegTestDataWrongBiasTypeDepthwiseConv2DKernel | |
CNegTestDataWrongInputShapeFillKernel | |
CNegTestDataWrongInputTypeReduceProdKernel | |
CNegTestDataWrongOutputTypeShapeKernel | |
CNegTestDataWrongParamFloatSqueeze | |
CNegTestDataWrongPositionTypeGatherKernel | |
CNegTestDataWrongWeightShapeFullyConnectedKernel | |
CNegTestDataWrongWeightTypeFullyConnectedKernel | |
CNegTestIOMismatchParamFloatSqueeze | |
CTestData32IntAdd | |
CTestData64IntAdd | |
CTestDataAbsBase | |
CTestDataAddBase | |
CTestDataAddNBase | |
CTestDataArgMaxBase | |
CTestDataArgMinBase | |
CTestDataAveragePool2DBase | |
CTestDataBase | |
CTestDataBatchToSpaceNDBase | |
CTestDataBoolLogicalAnd | |
CTestDataBoolLogicalNot | |
CTestDataBoolLogicalOr | |
CTestDataBroadcastToBase | |
CTestDataCastBase | |
CTestDataCeilBase | |
CTestDataConcatenationBase | |
CTestDataConv2DBase | |
CTestDataCosBase | |
CTestDataDepthToSpaceBase | |
CTestDataDepthwiseConv2DBase | |
CTestDataDequantizeBase | |
CTestDataDivBase | |
CTestDataEluBase | |
CTestDataEqualBase | |
CTestDataExpandDimsKernel | |
CTestDataExpBase | |
CTestDataFillKernel | |
CTestDataFloatAbs | |
CTestDataFloatAdd | |
CTestDataFloatAddN | |
CTestDataFloatArgMax | |
CTestDataFloatArgMin | |
CTestDataFloatAveragePool2D | |
CTestDataFloatBatchToSpaceND | |
CTestDataFloatBroadcastTo | |
CTestDataFloatCast | |
CTestDataFloatCeil | |
CTestDataFloatConcatenation | |
CTestDataFloatConv2D | |
CTestDataFloatCos | |
CTestDataFloatDepthToSpace | |
CTestDataFloatDepthwiseConv2D | |
CTestDataFloatDequantize | |
CTestDataFloatDiv | |
CTestDataFloatElu | |
CTestDataFloatEqual | |
CTestDataFloatExp | |
CTestDataFloatFloor | |
CTestDataFloatFloorDiv | |
CTestDataFloatFloorMod | |
CTestDataFloatFullyConnected | |
CTestDataFloatGather | |
CTestDataFloatGatherND | |
CTestDataFloatGreater | |
CTestDataFloatGreaterEqual | |
CTestDataFloatL2Normalization | |
CTestDataFloatL2Pool2D | |
CTestDataFloatLeakyReLU | |
CTestDataFloatLess | |
CTestDataFloatLessEqual | |
CTestDataFloatLog | |
CTestDataFloatLogistic | |
CTestDataFloatLogSoftmax | |
CTestDataFloatMaximum | |
CTestDataFloatMaxPool2D | |
CTestDataFloatMean | |
CTestDataFloatMinimum | |
CTestDataFloatMirrorPad | |
CTestDataFloatMul | |
CTestDataFloatNeg | |
CTestDataFloatNotEqual | |
CTestDataFloatPack | |
CTestDataFloatPad | |
CTestDataFloatPadV2 | |
CTestDataFloatPRelu | |
CTestDataFloatQuantize | |
CTestDataFloatReduceMax | |
CTestDataFloatReduceProd | |
CTestDataFloatReLU | |
CTestDataFloatReLU6 | |
CTestDataFloatResizeBilinear | |
CTestDataFloatResizeNearestNeighbor | |
CTestDataFloatRound | |
CTestDataFloatRsqrt | |
CTestDataFloatSelectV2 | |
CTestDataFloatSin | |
CTestDataFloatSlice | |
CTestDataFloatSpaceToBatchND | |
CTestDataFloatSpaceToDepth | |
CTestDataFloatSplit | |
CTestDataFloatSqrt | |
CTestDataFloatSquare | |
CTestDataFloatSquaredDifference | |
CTestDataFloatSqueeze | |
CTestDataFloatSub | |
CTestDataFloatSum | |
CTestDataFloatSVDF | |
CTestDataFloatTanh | |
CTestDataFloatTransposeConv | |
CTestDataFloatUnidirectionalLSTM | |
CTestDataFloatUnpack | |
CTestDataFloatZerosLike | |
CTestDataFloorBase | |
CTestDataFloorDivBase | |
CTestDataFloorModBase | |
CTestDataFullyConnectedBase | |
CTestDataGatherBase | |
CTestDataGatherNDBase | |
CTestDataGreaterBase | |
CTestDataGreaterEqualBase | |
CTestDataIfKernel | |
CTestDataInputTypeMismatchAddN | |
CTestDataInputTypeMismatchConcatenation | |
CTestDataInt8UnidirectionalLSTM | |
CTestDataIntEqual | |
CTestDataIntGather | |
CTestDataIntLess | |
CTestDataIntMul | |
CTestDataIntPack | |
CTestDataIntReduceProd | |
CTestDataIntSplit | |
CTestDataIntSub | |
CTestDataL2NormalizationBase | |
CTestDataL2Pool2DBase | |
CTestDataLeakyReLUBase | |
CTestDataLessBase | |
CTestDataLessEqualBase | |
CTestDataLogBase | |
CTestDataLogicalAndBase | |
CTestDataLogicalNotBase | |
CTestDataLogicalOrBase | |
CTestDataLogisticBase | |
CTestDataLogSoftmaxBase | |
CTestDataMaximumBase | |
CTestDataMaxPool2DBase | |
CTestDataMeanBase | |
CTestDataMinimumBase | |
CTestDataMirrorPadBase | |
CTestDataMulBase | |
CTestDataNegBase | |
CTestDataNotEqualBase | |
CTestDataOutputWrongOutputArgMax | |
CTestDataOutputWrongOutputArgMin | |
CTestDataPackBase | |
CTestDataPadBase | |
CTestDataPadV2Base | |
CTestDataPReluBase | |
CTestDataQuantizeBase | |
CTestDataQuantLess | |
CTestDataQuantU8Pack | |
CTestDataReduceCommonBase | |
CTestDataReduceMaxBase | |
CTestDataReLU6Base | |
CTestDataReLUBase | |
CTestDataReluConcatenation | |
CTestDataReshapeKernel | |
CTestDataResizeBilinearBase | |
CTestDataResizeNearestNeighborBase | |
CTestDataRoundBase | |
CTestDataRsqrtBase | |
CTestDataS16Slice | |
CTestDataS32Concatenation | |
CTestDataS64Concatenation | |
CTestDataSelectV2Base | |
CTestDataShapeKernel | |
CTestDataSinBase | |
CTestDataSliceBase | |
CTestDataSpaceToBatchNDBase | |
CTestDataSpaceToDepthBase | |
CTestDataSplitBase | |
CTestDataSplitVKernel | |
CTestDataSqrtBase | |
CTestDataSquareBase | |
CTestDataSquaredDifferenceBase | |
CTestDataSqueezeBase | |
CTestDataStridedSliceKernel | |
CTestDataSubBase | |
CTestDataSumBase | |
CTestDataSVDFBase | |
CTestDataTanhBase | |
CTestDataTransposeConvBase | |
CTestDataTransposeKernel | |
CTestDataTypeMismatchSlice | |
CTestDataU8Conv2D | |
CTestDataU8FullyConnected | |
CTestDataU8Slice | |
CTestDataUint8ResizeBilinear | |
CTestDataUnidirectionalLSTMBase | |
CTestDataUnpackBase | |
CTestDataWhileKernel | |
CTestDataWrongAxisConcatenation | |
CTestDataWrongBeginTypeSlice | |
CTestDataWrongInputShapeSlice | |
CTestDataWrongSizeTypeSlice | |
CTestDataZerosLikeBase | |
CAddParams | |
CAffineQuantization | |
CArgMaxParams | |
CBatchMatMulParams | |
CBuddyMemoryManager | |
CCircleReader | Loads Circle file and provides helpers to access attributes |
CCircleReferencingConstNodeBuilder | Builder creates CircleCustom node with pointer to constants data from Tensor with buffer |
CConcatenationParams | |
CConv2DParams | |
CCumSumParams | |
CDataTypeImpl | C++ scalar type corresponding to each DataType |
CDataTypeImpl< DataType::BOOL > | |
CDataTypeImpl< DataType::FLOAT16 > | |
CDataTypeImpl< DataType::FLOAT32 > | |
CDataTypeImpl< DataType::FLOAT64 > | |
CDataTypeImpl< DataType::S16 > | |
CDataTypeImpl< DataType::S32 > | |
CDataTypeImpl< DataType::S64 > | |
CDataTypeImpl< DataType::S8 > | |
CDataTypeImpl< DataType::U16 > | |
CDataTypeImpl< DataType::U32 > | |
CDataTypeImpl< DataType::U64 > | |
CDataTypeImpl< DataType::U8 > | |
CDepthToSpaceParams | |
CDepthwiseConv2DParams | |
CDivParams | |
CEventNotifier | |
CExecutionObserver | |
CFullyConnectedParams | |
CGatherParams | |
CGeluParams | |
CGraphLoader | |
CGRUParams | |
CIMemoryManager | |
CInstanceNormParams | |
CInterpreter | |
CKernel | |
CKernelBuilder | |
CKernelBuilderHelper | |
CKernelBuilderRegistry | Registry of kernel builders |
CKernelConfigureRegistry | |
CKernelExecuteRegistry | |
CKernelWithParams | |
CL2NormParams | |
CLeakyReluParams | |
CLocalResponseNormalizationParams | |
CMirrorPadParams | |
CModuleLoader | |
CMulParams | |
COneHotParams | |
CPackParams | |
CPool2DParams | |
CReducerParams | |
CResizeBilinearParams | |
CResizeNearestNeighborParams | |
CRmsNormParams | |
CRoPEParams | |
►CRuntimeGraph | |
CTensorAllocPlan | |
CRuntimeModule | |
CRuntimeShape | |
CRuntimeToIR | |
CShape | |
CShapeParams | |
CSimpleMemoryManager | |
CSoftmaxParams | |
CSpaceToDepthParams | |
CSqueezeParams | |
CStaticMemoryManager | |
CStridedSliceParams | |
CSubParams | |
CSVDFParams | |
CTensor | |
CTestMemoryManager | |
CTransposeConvParams | |
CUnidirectionalSequenceLSTMParams | |
CUnpackParams | |
CVectorWrapper | Wrapper to use flatbuffers::Vector pointer as std::vector entity |
►Nluci_interpreter_pal | |
►Nlstm_internal | |
CLstmSizeInfo | |
CLstmStepManager | |
CAddFn | |
CArithmeticParams | |
CComparisonParams | |
CConcatenationParams | |
CConvParams | |
CDivFn | |
CFloorDivFn | |
CFloorModFn | |
CFullyConnectedParams | |
CMaximumFn | |
CMeanParams | |
CMinimumFn | |
CMulFn | |
CNdArrayDesc | |
CPaddingValues | |
CPadParams | |
CPoolParams | |
CPreluParams | |
CQuantizationParams | |
CResizeNearestNeighborParams | |
CSoftmaxParams | |
CStridedSliceParams | |
CSubFn | |
CTransposeParams | |
►NMaxPool2D_000 | |
CMaxPool2D_000_Q8 | |
►NMean_000 | |
CMean_000_Q8 | |
►Nminmax_embedder | |
►Nh5 | |
CMinMaxVectors | |
CReader | |
CEmbedder | |
CEmbedderOptions | |
►Nminmax_embedder_test | |
CDataGen | |
CH5Writer | |
CMinMax | |
CModelSpec | |
►Nmio | |
►Ncircle | |
CReader | Loads Circle file and provides helpers to access attributes |
►Nmir | |
►Nops | |
CAbsOp | |
CAddOp | |
CAvgPool2DOp | |
CBinaryElementwiseOp | |
CBroadcastOp | |
CCappedReluOp | |
CConcatOp | Description of tensor concatenation operation |
CConstantOp | |
CConv2DOp | |
CDeConv2DOp | |
CDepthwiseConv2DOp | |
CDequantizeOp | |
CDivOp | |
CEluOp | |
CEqualOp | |
CFullyConnectedOp | |
CGatherOp | Gather operation as defined by ONNX spec. https://github.com/onnx/onnx/blob/master/docs/Operators.md#Gather https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/gather |
CGreaterOp | |
CHardSwishOp | |
CInputOp | |
CLeakyReluOp | |
CLessOp | |
CMaxOp | |
CMaxPool2DOp | |
CMulOp | |
COutputOp | |
CPadOp | |
CQuantizeOp | |
CReduceMeanOp | |
CReduceOp | |
CReluOp | |
CReshapeOp | |
CResizeOp | Resize operation scales are such that output = input * scale for each dimension and the number of dimensions matches |
CSigmoidOp | |
CSliceOp | |
CSoftmaxOp | Description of softmax operation |
CSqrtOp | |
CSqueezeOp | |
CSubOp | |
CTanhOp | |
CTransposeOp | Tensor transpose operation |
CAffineQuantization | |
CAvgPool2DOpAttributes | |
CConv2DOpAttributes | |
CDeconv2DOpAttributes | |
CDotEdge | |
CDotGraph | |
CDotNode | |
CDotNodeBuilder | |
CExternalRegion | |
CGraph | |
CGraphPatternMatcher | |
CIndex | |
CIVisitor | Interface for visitors Use in MIR component if you want to enforce to implement visits for all operations |
CMaxPool2DOpAttributes | |
►COperation | |
COutput | Represents an output of a node |
CUse | Represents a use of an operation output |
CPadOpAttributes | |
CRegion | |
CShape | |
CShapeIter | |
CShapeRange | |
CTensor | |
CTensorType | |
CTensorVariant | |
CVisitor | Base visitor with empty fallback function |
►Nmir2loco | |
CTransformer | |
►Nmir_caffe | |
CCaffeOpCreator | |
►Nmir_caffe2 | |
CCaffe2OpCreator | |
►Nmir_interpreter | |
CAbsImpl | |
CAbsImpl< uint8_t > | |
CAddImpl | |
CAddImpl< uint8_t > | |
CAvgPool2DImpl | |
CAvgPool2DImpl< uint8_t > | |
CCappedReLUImpl | |
CCappedReLUImpl< uint8_t > | |
CConcatImpl | |
CConcatImpl< uint8_t > | |
CConv2DImpl | |
CConv2DImpl< uint8_t > | |
CDeConv2DImpl | |
CDepthwiseConv2DImpl | |
CDepthwiseConv2DImpl< uint8_t > | |
CDivImpl | |
CDivImpl< uint8_t > | |
CELUImpl | |
CEqualImpl | |
CFillImpl | |
CFullyConnectedImpl | |
CFullyConnectedImpl< uint8_t > | |
CGatherByT | |
CGatherImpl | |
CGreaterImpl | |
CHardSwishImpl | |
CHardSwishImpl< uint8_t > | |
CLeakyReLUImpl | |
CLessImpl | |
CMaxImpl | |
CMaxImpl< uint8_t > | |
CMaxPool2DImpl | |
CMaxPool2DImpl< uint8_t > | |
CMIRInterpreter | |
CMulImpl | |
CMulImpl< uint8_t > | |
CPadImpl | |
CReduceMeanImpl | |
CReLUImpl | |
CReLUImpl< uint8_t > | |
CSigmoidImpl | |
CSigmoidImpl< uint8_t > | |
CSliceImpl | |
CSoftmaxImpl | |
CSoftmaxImpl< uint8_t > | |
CSqrtImpl | |
CSqrtImpl< uint8_t > | |
CSubImpl | |
CSubImpl< uint8_t > | |
CTanhImpl | |
CTanhImpl< uint8_t > | |
CTransposeImpl | |
►Nmir_onnx | |
CConverterContext | |
CModelContext | |
CNodeConverterRegistry | |
►Nmir_tflite | |
CTFLiteOpCreator | |
►Nmoco | |
►Nonnx | |
CConstant_V1 | GraphBuilder for Constant(since version 1) node |
CConstant_V9 | GraphBuilder for Constant(since version 9) node |
CConstantGraphBuilder | GraphBuilder for Constant node |
CFrontend | |
CGraphBuilder | Parent class of onnx operation graph builders |
CGraphBuilderContext | Class to store context to build IR from onnx |
CGraphBuilderRegistry | Class to return graph builder for passed onnx Operator |
CIdentity_V1 | GraphBuilder for Identity(since version 1) node |
CIdentityGraphBuilder | GraphBuilder for Identity node |
CSymbolTable | Class to store relations of Nodes and string names |
►Ntest | |
CTFNodeBuildTester | |
►Ntf | |
►Neltwise | |
►Nbinary | |
CInputConnector | |
►Ntest | |
CTFNodeBuildTester | |
CAddCanonicalizer | Convert TFAdd to Canonical EltwiseAdd |
CAvgPoolCanonicalizer | Convert TFAvgPool to Canonical AvgPool2D |
CBiasAddCanonicalizer | Convert TFBiasAdd to Canonical BiasAdd |
CBroadcastFunctor | |
CCanonicalizer | |
CConcatV2Canonicalizer | Convert TFConcatV2 to Canonical TensorConcat |
CConstCanonicalizer | Convert TFConst to Canonical ConstGen |
CConv2DBackpropInputCanonicalizer | Convert TFConv2DBackpropInput to Canonical TransposedConv2D |
CConv2DCanonicalizer | Convert TFConv2D to Canonical Conv2D |
CCOpCallGraphBuilder | GraphBuilder for COpCall node |
CDepthwiseConv2dNativeCanonicalizer | Convert TFDepthwiseConv2dNative to Canonical DepthwiseConv2D |
CFrontend | |
CIdentityCanonicalizer | Convert TFIdentity to Canonical Forward |
CKnobTrait | |
CMaximumCanonicalizer | Convert TFMaximum to Canonical EltwiseMax |
CMaxPoolCanonicalizer | Convert TFMaxPool to Canonical MaxPool2D |
CMeanCanonicalizer | Canonicalize TF-dialect TFMean into canonical TensorReduce(Mean) node |
CMocoNodeSummaryBuilder | |
CMulCanonicalizer | Convert TFMul to Canonical EltwiseMul |
COptimizer | |
CPadCanonicalizer | Convert TFPad to Canonical TensorConstantPad |
CPlaceholderCanonicalizer | Convert TFPlaceholder to Canonical Pull |
CProgressReporter | |
CRealDivCanonicalizer | Convert TFRealDiv to Canonical EltwiseDiv |
CRelu6Canonicalizer | Convert TFRelu6 to Canonical ReLU6 |
CReluCanonicalizer | Convert TFRelu to Canonical ReLU |
CReshapeCanonicalizer | Convert TFReshape to Canonical Reshape |
CRsqrtCanonicalizer | Convert TFRsqrt to Canonical EltwiseDiv + EltwiseSqrt |
CShapeInferencePass | Run shape inference to the graph |
CSimpleNodeTransform | Per-Node Transform |
CSoftmaxCanonicalizer | Canonicalize TF-dialect TFSoftmax into canonical Softmax node |
CSqrtCanonicalizer | Convert TFsqrt to Canonical EltwiseSqrt |
CSqueezeCanonicalizer | Canonicalize TF-dialect TFSqueeze into canonical FixedReshape node |
CStopGradientCanonicalizer | Canonicalize TF-dialect TFStopGradient into canonical Forward node |
CSubCanonicalizer | Convert TFSub to Canonical EltwiseSub |
CTanhCanonicalizer | Convert TFTanh to Canonical Tanh |
CTFNodeSummaryBuilderFactory | |
CTFOptimizer | |
CTFPushCanonicalizer | Convert TFPush to Canonical Push |
CTypeInferencePass | Run type inference to the graph |
CAddGraphBuilder | GraphBuilder for Add node |
CAvgPoolGraphBuilder | |
CBiasAddGraphBuilder | |
CBinaryFunc | |
CConcatV2GraphBuilder | |
CConstantFoldAdd | Constant folder for Const + Add -> Const |
CConstantFoldMul | Constant folder for Const + Mul -> Const |
CConstantFoldPack | Constant folder for Const + Pack -> Const |
CConstantFoldStridedSlice | Constant folder for Const + StridedSlice -> Const |
CConstGraphBuilder | |
CConv2DBackpropInputGraphBuilder | GraphBuilder for Conv2DBackpropInput node |
CConv2DGraphBuilder | |
CDepthwiseConv2dNativeGraphBuilder | GraphBuilder for DepthwiseConv2dNative node |
CFakeQuantWithMinMaxVarsGraphBuilder | GraphBuilder for FakeQuantWithMinMaxVars node |
CFeatureShapeUpdater | |
CFixedArityNode | Nodes with the fixed number of inputs |
CFuseBinaryIntoPreceding | Fuse TFAdd, TFMul to preceding TFConv2D or TFDepthWiseConv2D |
CFusedBatchNormGraphBuilder | GraphBuilder for FusedBatchNorm node |
CGraphBuilder | Interface of convert TF NodeDef to loco::Node (e.g., Conv2DGraphBuilder) |
CGraphBuilderContext | Class to store context to build loco graph IR from TensorFlow |
CGraphBuilderRegistry | Class to return graph builder for TF nodes |
CGraphBuilderSource | |
CGraphInputIndexAnnotation | |
CGraphUpdate | Interface to connect the graph |
CIdentityGraphBuilder | |
CImporter | |
CLogger | Logger Implementation |
CLoggerConfig | Logger Configuration |
CLoggingContext | Global logging context |
CMaximumGraphBuilder | GraphBuilder for Maximum node |
CMaxPoolGraphBuilder | |
CMeanGraphBuilder | GraphBuilder for Mean node |
CModelSignature | Class to store information to run a model. Normally this info comes from users via CLI params or configuration file |
CMulGraphBuilder | GraphBuilder for Mul node |
CNodeDefTable | Class to store and query tensorflow::NodeDef* with string name key |
CPackGraphBuilder | |
CPadding2DInference | |
CPadGraphBuilder | GraphBuilder for Pad node |
CPlaceholderGraphBuilder | GraphBuilder for Placeholder node |
►CPlaneInference | |
CParameters | |
CPlaneShape | |
CRealDivGraphBuilder | GraphBuilder for RealDiv node |
CRelu6GraphBuilder | GraphBuilder for Relu6 node |
CReluGraphBuilder | GraphBuilder for Relu node |
CRemoveTFIdentityNode | Use the input of "TFIdentity" node instead |
CReshapeGraphBuilder | GraphBuilder for Reshape node |
CResolveConstantShape | Replace fully determined TFShape node into TFConst |
CResolveFusedBatchNorm | Trasform TFFusedBatchNorm into TFAdd + TFRsqrt + TFMul + TFBatchNorm |
CResolveReshapeWildcardDim | Determine wildcard dimension (denoted as -1) of Reshape's shape input if possible |
CResolveSquaredDifference | Decompose TFSquaredDifference to TFSub, TFMul |
CRsqrtGraphBuilder | GraphBuilder for Rsqrt node |
CShapeGraphBuilder | GraphBuilder for Shape node |
CSoftmaxGraphBuilder | GraphBuilder for Softmax node |
CSqrtGraphBuilder | GraphBuilder for Sqrt node |
CSquaredDifferenceGraphBuilder | GraphBuilder for SquaredDifference node |
CSqueezeGraphBuilder | GraphBuilder for Squeeze node |
CSqueezeReduceNode | If ReduceTypeOP don't keep dimensions, replace the ReduceTypeOp as new one to keep dimensions and insert TFSqueeze |
CStopGradientGraphBuilder | GraphBuilder for StopGradient node |
CStridedSliceGraphBuilder | |
CSubGraphBuilder | GraphBuilder for Sub node |
CSymbolTable | Class to store and query loco::Node* with string name key |
CTanhGraphBuilder | GraphBuilder for Tanh node |
CTensorName | |
CTensorNameCompare | To use TensorName as a key in std::map, this struct defines how to compare two TensorNames |
CTensorPackEnumerator | |
CTensorSliceEnumerator | |
CTFAdd | |
CTFAvgPool | |
CTFBiasAdd | |
CTFConcatV2 | |
CTFConst | IR for tf.constant |
CTFConv2D | |
CTFConv2DBackpropInput | |
CTFDepthwiseConv2dNative | |
CTFDialect | A singleton for TensorFlow Dialect |
CTFFakeQuantWithMinMaxVars | |
CTFFusedBatchNorm | |
CTFIdentity | |
CTFMaximum | |
CTFMaxPool | |
CTFMean | |
CTFMul | |
CTFNode | |
CTFNodeImpl | |
CTFNodeMutableVisitor | |
CTFNodeMutableVisitorBase | |
CTFNodeVisitor | |
CTFNodeVisitorBase | |
CTFPack | |
CTFPad | |
CTFPlaceholder | IR for tf.placeholder |
CTFPush | Make a value visible to user |
CTFRealDiv | |
CTFRelu | |
CTFRelu6 | |
CTFReshape | |
CTFRsqrt | |
CTFShape | |
CTFShapeInferenceRule | Shape inference rule for TensorFlow dialect |
CTFSoftmax | |
CTFSqrt | |
CTFSquaredDifference | |
CTFSqueeze | |
CTFStopGradient | |
CTFStridedSlice | |
CTFSub | |
CTFTanh | |
CTFTypeInferenceRule | Type Inference Rule for TFDialect |
CUpdateQueue | Class to store GraphUpdate objects |
CVariadicArityNode | Nodes with the variadic inputs |
►Nmpqsolver | |
►Nbisection | |
CBisectionSolver | |
CVISQErrorApproximator | |
►Ncore | |
CDataProvider | |
CDatasetEvaluator | |
CDumper | |
CDumpingHooks | DumpingHooks is intended to save intermediate results |
CErrorMetric | |
CH5FileDataProvider | |
CInputData | |
CMAEMetric | |
►CQuantizer | |
CContext | |
CQuantizerHook | |
CSolverHooks | |
►Npattern | |
CFrozenNodes | |
CMPQOptions | |
CPatternResolver | |
CPatternSolver | |
CQ8LayerNormWithQ16VarianceResolver | |
CQ8SoftmaxWithQ16SubExpResolver | |
►Ntest | |
►Nmodels | |
CAddGraph | Simple model with just an Add of input and constant |
CSimpleGraph | Base class of simple graphs used for testing |
CSoftmaxGraphlet | |
CSoftmaxTestGraph | |
CMPQSolver | |
►NMul_000 | |
CMul_000_Q8 | |
►NMul_001 | |
CMul_001_Q8 | |
►Nndarray | |
CArray | |
CContiguousSpan | |
CShape | |
►CStrides | |
C_calc_offset | |
C_calc_offset< index_sequence< Num >, T > | |
C_calc_offset< index_sequence< Num, Nums... >, T, Ts... > | |
►Nnest | |
►Nexpr | |
CAddNode | |
CDerefNode | |
CMulNode | |
CNode | |
CSubscript | |
CVarNode | |
CVisitor | |
►Nstmt | |
CNode | |
CPushNode | |
CVisitor | |
CBlock | |
CBound | |
CClosure | |
CDomain | |
CDomainContext | |
CDomainID | |
CDomainInfo | |
CFV | Collect free variables from nest expr/stmt/block/.. |
CLevel | |
CModule | |
CRet | |
CSchedule | |
CVar | |
CVarContext | |
CVarID | |
►Nnike | |
CAbsoluteEpsilonEqualFunctor | |
CRelativeEpsilonEqualFunctor | |
►Nnnc | |
►Ncli | |
CBadOption | Simple exception class for invalid options |
CCommandLine | This class describes a common command line interface |
CIOption | Interface for Option class |
COption | This class describes command line option |
COptionType | Class models option type |
COptionType< T, false > | |
COptionType< T, true > | |
►Nsir | |
CAction | Action represents operation in inference sequence that is needed to |
CCallFunction | |
CCreateTmp | |
CDestroyTmp | |
CTensorDescriptor | Represents variable used in artifact. This variable can store inputs, outputs of network and temporary data |
CTransposeTensor | |
CAclCppCodeGenerator | Class for the ACL C++ code generator. It is the entry point to the ACL C++ soft backend |
CAclCppException | Objects of this class are to be thrown from ACL C++ soft backend if errors are occurred |
CAclCppOpGenerator | Implements the visitor for the model IR which generates the DOM description translated to C++ source/header files by the ACL soft backend code generators |
CArtifactBinaryExpr | Represents different types of binary expressions |
CArtifactBlock | Represents a block of instructions |
CArtifactBreak | Just represents the break statement |
CArtifactClass | Represents a class |
CArtifactClassFunction | A class for member functions |
CArtifactClassMember | Basic class for both class member variables and memmber functions |
CArtifactClassVariable | A class member variables |
CArtifactCont | Just represents the continue statement |
CArtifactDeref | Represents an entity with semantics of C/C++ dereference (*) operator |
CArtifactEntity | The base class of the whole artifact entities hierarchy |
CArtifactExpr | Basic class for all expressions: identifiers, function calls, references etc |
CArtifactFactory | Factory for some kinds of frequently used artifact DOM objects |
CArtifactForLoop | Represents for loops |
CArtifactFunction | Represents a function |
CArtifactFunctionCall | Represents a function call |
CArtifactGeneratorCppCode | The ACL C++ artifact source code producer |
CArtifactGeneratorCppDecl | The ACL C++ artifact header file producer |
CArtifactId | Type of objects which can be used to reference named entities by their names |
CArtifactIf | Represents if block |
CArtifactIndent | Used by code and declaration generators to indent generated text |
CArtifactIndex | Array index access |
CArtifactLiteral | Represents literals which should go to the artifact source code as is |
CArtifactModule | Class representing a module in the ACL C++ soft backend |
CArtifactNamed | Represents any named entity in the code |
CArtifactRef | Represents an entity with semantics like C/C++ address of (&) operator |
CArtifactRet | Just represents return from function statement |
CArtifactUnaryExpr | |
CArtifactVariable | Represents a variable |
CCombineTransposes | This pass combines sequential transposes and removes identity transposes if the combination results in an identity permutation |
CConstantFoldTranspose | |
CCPPCodeGenerator | CPPCodeGenerator implements interfaces that provides BaseCodeGenerator for C++ language This includes header file generation, code file generation and variable renaming according to C++ naming requirements |
CDataFormatSwitcher | |
CDeadCodeElimination | This pass removes operations without uses. Importers currently only generate sConstantOp s without uses |
CDriver | Compiler Driver manages the whole pipeline compilation process |
CDriverException | Exceptions description class for compiler driver |
CDumperPass | Dumps the graph to a dot file named number%.dot where number% is how many times the graph was dumped |
CDumpVisitor | |
CFuseArithmeticOps | Main purpose of this pass - is to fuse 'Conv->BatchNorm' into 'Conv' Currently 'BatchNorm' split by NNC frontends into 'Scale->Scale->BiasAdd' This optimization performs in two steps (repeated while graph changing): |
CIArtifactGenerator | The interface of the artifact source code producer |
CInterpreterBackend | |
CLowerConv2D | |
CModelAnalyzer | Constructs inference sequence for given computational graph, gathers list of variables used in artifact |
CPass | This class represent an interface for all compiler passes like that frontend, backend etc |
CPassData | Class that encapsulate value returned and taken by pass |
CPassException | Objects of this class are to be thrown from Passes if errors are occurred |
CPassManager | Pass manager class. This class manages running of passes |
CSerializer | Serializer of network parameters for soft backend |
CSinkRelu | This pass sinks relu below MaxPooling and Concat nodes |
CSinkTranspose | This pass sinks transposes below Relu and Concat nodes (in that order). ‘concat(relu(tr(x)), relu(tr(y))) -> tr(concat’(relu(x), relu(y)))` |
►Nnncc | |
►Ncore | |
►NADT | |
►Nfeature | |
CAccessor | |
CBuffer | |
CCHWLayout | |
CHWCLayout | |
CLayout | |
COverlay | |
CReader | |
CShape | |
CView | |
►Nkernel | |
CAccessor | |
CBuffer | |
CIndexEnumerator | |
CLayout | |
CNCHWLayout | |
CNHWCLayout | |
COverlay | |
COverlayFactory | |
CReader | |
CShape | |
CView | |
CViewImpl | |
►Ntensor | |
CAccessor | |
CBuffer | |
CIndex | |
CIndexEnumerator | |
CLayout | |
CLexicalLayout | |
COverlay | |
CReader | |
CShape | |
CView | |
►Nnnfw | |
►Ncker | |
►Nbias_op | |
►Nfunctor | |
►Ninternal | |
CMaybeWith32BitIndexingImpl | |
CBias | |
►Ndepthwise_conv_op | |
►Nfunctor | |
CDepthwiseFilterPadOp | |
CDepthwiseInputCopyOp | |
CDepthwiseConv2DKernel | |
CLaunchDepthwiseConvBackpropFilterOp | |
CLaunchDepthwiseConvBackpropFilterOp< CPUDevice, T > | |
CLaunchDepthwiseConvBackpropInputOp | |
CLaunchDepthwiseConvBackpropInputOp< CPUDevice, T > | |
CLaunchDepthwiseConvOp | |
CLaunchDepthwiseConvOp< CPUDevice, T > | |
►Ndetail | |
CGemmImplUsingEigen | |
►Neigen_support | |
CEigenContext | |
CEigenThreadPoolWrapper | |
CMatMulConvFunctor | |
►Nfunctor | |
CBroadcastTo | |
CFillFunctor | |
CFillFunctor< Eigen::ThreadPoolDevice, T > | |
CFillPhiloxRandom | |
CFillPhiloxRandom< CPUDevice, Distribution > | |
CFillPhiloxRandomTask | |
CFillPhiloxRandomTask< Distribution, false > | |
CFillPhiloxRandomTask< Distribution, true > | |
CInflateFunctor | |
CReduceFunctor | |
CReduceOuterDimensions | |
CSetZeroFunctor | |
CStrideFunctor | |
►Ngemm_support | |
CGemmContext | |
►Noptimized | |
►Ndepthwise_conv | |
CQuantizedDepthwiseConvKernel | |
CBinaryOpActivationFloatMax | |
CBinaryOpActivationFloatMinMax | |
CBinaryOpActivationFloatNone | |
CBinaryOpFuncAddFloat | |
CBinaryOpFuncDivFloat | |
CBinaryOpFuncMulFloat | |
CBinaryOpFuncSubFloat | |
CBinaryOpFuncSwapArgs | |
CFloatDepthwiseConvKernel | |
CGemmlowpOutputPipeline | |
►Noptimized_integer_ops | |
►Ndepthwise_conv | |
CQuantizedDepthwiseConvKernel | |
CDepthwiseConvWorkerTask | |
►Nrandom | |
CArray | |
CNormalDistribution | |
CNormalDistribution< Generator, double > | |
CNormalDistribution< Generator, Eigen::half > | |
CNormalDistribution< Generator, float > | |
CPhiloxRandom | |
CSingleSampleAdapter | |
CTruncatedNormalDistribution | |
CTruncatedNormalDistribution< SingleSampleGenerator, double > | |
CTruncatedNormalDistribution< SingleSampleGenerator, Eigen::half > | |
CTruncatedNormalDistribution< SingleSampleGenerator, float > | |
CUniformDistribution | |
CUniformDistribution< Generator, double > | |
CUniformDistribution< Generator, Eigen::half > | |
CUniformDistribution< Generator, float > | |
CUniformDistribution< Generator, int32_t > | |
CUniformDistribution< Generator, int64_t > | |
CUniformFullIntDistribution | |
CUniformFullIntDistribution32 | |
CUniformFullIntDistribution64 | |
CUniformFullIntDistribution< Generator, int32_t > | |
CUniformFullIntDistribution< Generator, int64_t > | |
CUniformFullIntDistribution< Generator, uint32_t > | |
CUniformFullIntDistribution< Generator, uint64_t > | |
►Ntrain | |
►Nfunctor | |
CSpatialConvolutionBackwardInputFunc | |
CSpatialConvolutionBackwardInputWithExplicitPaddingFunc | |
CLaunchConv2DBackpropFilterOp | |
CLaunchConv2DBackpropInputOp | |
CLaunchConv2DBackpropInputOpImpl | |
►Ntraining_ops | |
►Nfunctor | |
CApplyAdam | |
CApplyAdam< CPUDevice, T > | |
CApplyAdamNonCuda | |
CApplyGradientDescent | |
CApplyGradientDescent< CPUDevice, T > | |
►Nxent_ops | |
►Nfunctor | |
CXentFunctor | |
CXentFunctor< CPUDevice, T > | |
CXentFunctorBase | |
CActivationFunctor | |
CBatchMatMul | |
CBatchMatMulParams | |
CBCast | |
CBCastList | |
CBinaryArithmeticOpParam | |
CComparisonParams | |
CConcatenationParams | |
CConv | |
CConvHybridTempArena | |
CConvParams | |
CDepthwiseConvParams | |
CDepthwiseConvWorkerTask | |
CEinsum | |
CFCTempArena | |
CFullyConnectedParams | |
CFusedBatchNorm | |
CFusedBatchNormParams | |
CGatherParams | |
CGemmParams | |
CInputTensor | |
CInstanceNormParams | |
Cis_quant8 | |
CL2NormParams | |
CLeakyReluParams | |
CLSTMParams | |
CMatMulBCast | |
CMatrixParams | |
CMaximumOp | |
CMinimumOp | |
CNdArrayDesc | |
CPackParams | |
CPaddingValues | |
CPadParams | |
CPoolParams | |
CReduce | |
CReduceMean | |
CResizeBilinearParams | |
CRmsNormParams | |
CSequentialTensorWriter | |
CShape | |
CShapeIterator | |
CSliceParams | |
CSoftmaxParams | |
CSpaceToBatchParams | |
CSpaceToDepthParams | |
CSplitParams | |
CSplitVParams | |
CStridedSliceParams | |
CTensor | |
CTransposeConvParams | |
CTransposeParams | |
CTTypes | |
CUnpackParams | |
►Nmisc | |
►Nfeature | |
CIndex | Class to have the index information for calculating the offset |
CIndexIterator | Class to iterate Callable with Index of feature |
CObject | Class to have information of the operand for feature |
CReader | Class reads values of feature The interface class |
CShape | Structure to have values of dimensions for feature |
CTextFormatter | Class to print operand of feature to ostream in the given string format |
►Nkernel | |
CIndexIterator | Class to iterate Callable with Index of kernel |
CReader | Structure to Reader |
CShape | Structure to Shape |
►Nmatrix | |
CIndexIterator | Class to iterate Callable with Index of matrix |
CReader | Class reads values of matrix The interface class |
CShape | Structure to have values of dimensions for matrix |
►Ntensor | |
►CComparator | Class to compare two tensors (expected and obtained to compare) |
CObserver | Struct to observe comparison results |
CDiff | Struct to have information after comparing two elements of two tensors |
CIndex | Struct to represent index of each dimension of a tensor |
CIndexEnumerator | Class to enumerate index of a tensor |
CIndexFormatter | Class to send Index object to output stream |
CIndexIterator | Class to iterate indexes available for given shape |
CNonIncreasingStride | Class to represent strides where stride[N-1] >= stride[N] holds for all N < rank |
CObject | Class to build a tensor using specific generator |
CReader | Struct to read element of tensor |
CShape | Class to represent shape of a tensor |
CZipper | Class to apply a function with three params: Index , elements of a tensor at passed index read by Reader objects |
►Nvector | |
CObject | Class to have information of the operand for vector |
CReader | Class reads values of vector The interface class |
CEnvConfigSource | |
CEnvVar | Class to access environment variable |
CGeneralConfigSource | |
CIConfigSource | |
►Nrt | |
►Noptimized_ops | |
CTopContainer | Class to define TopK operation |
►Nruy | |
CConv | |
CConvParams | |
CFullyConnectedParams | |
CGemmParams | |
CMatrixParams | |
CPaddingValues | |
CShape | |
►Nnnkit | |
►Nsupport | |
►Ncaffe | |
CBackend | |
CBlobContext | |
CInputBlobContext | |
COutputBlobContext | |
CTensorContext | |
►Nmoco | |
►Ntf | |
CBackend | |
CInputTensorContext | Class for the context of input tensors |
COutputTensorContext | Class for the context of output tensors |
CTensorContext | Parent class of InputTensorContext and OutputTensorContext |
►Nonnx | |
CAllocator | |
CBackend | |
CRunner | |
CStatus | |
CTensorContext | |
CTensorSet | |
►Ntf | |
CBackend | |
CRunner | |
CTensorContext | |
CTensorDataMap | Class to map parsed tensor and memory for tensor values. For parsed tensor, this memory is used to fill input or output values of graph |
►Ntflite | |
CAbstractBackend | |
CInputTensorSet | |
COutputTensorSet | |
CTensorContext | |
CTensorSet | |
►Ntftestinfo | |
CParsedTensor | Class to store tensor information parsed from test.info file under moco/test/tf |
CAction | |
CBackend | |
CBackendPlugin | |
CCmdlineArguments | |
CTensorContext | |
CVectorArguments | |
►Nnnop | |
CPadInfo | |
CStrideInfo | |
►Nnnsuite | |
►Nconv | |
CModel | |
CRandomModel | |
►Nonert | |
►Napi | |
►Npython | |
Ctensorinfo | Tensor info describes the type and shape of tensors |
CAPIConverter | |
CCustomKernel | |
CCustomKernelRegistry | |
CKernelBuilder | |
►Nbackend | |
►Nacl_cl | |
►Noperand | |
CCLSubTensor | |
CCLTensor | |
CICLTensor | |
CBackend | |
CCLTimer | Class to measure CL kernels execution time |
CConfig | |
CConstantInitializer | |
CKernelGenerator | |
COptimizer | |
►Nacl_common | |
CAclActivationBuilder | |
CAclBackendContext | |
CAclConstantInitializer | |
CAclFunction | |
CAclInternalBufferManager | Class for InternalBufferManager which has arm_compute::IMemoryManager pointer |
CAclLinearMemoryManager | |
CAclMemoryManager | |
CAclSubTensorAnalyzer | Class to analyze tensor subsumption |
CAclTensorBuilder | |
CAclTensorManager | |
CAclTensorRegistry | Tensor registry class for acl backends |
CARMComputeAxis | |
CIACLTensor | Class representing Tensor for ACL |
CIInternalBufferManager | Interface for InternalBufferManager which has arm_compute::IMemoryManager pointer |
►Nacl_neon | |
►Noperand | |
CINETensor | |
CNESubTensor | |
CNETensor | |
CBackend | |
CConfig | |
CConstantInitializer | |
CKernelGenerator | |
COptimizer | |
►Nbasic | |
►Ntrain | |
CTrainableTensor | |
CAllocator | Class to allocate memory |
CBlock | Structure to have memory offset and size |
CBumpPlanner | Class to plan memory by bump way |
CDynamicMemoryManager | |
CDynamicTensorManager | Class to manage dynamic tensor and its memory |
CExternalTensor | Class that uses data from external memory that is not managed by a backend instead of allocating and copying the data. (ex. constant data from model file) ExternalTensor's data pointer points to an address of memory such as where memory is already allocated, or mmapped area. This is meaning that ExternalTensor can take all of types' ir::Data. To support this, assume below things no padding, always NHWC layout, constant tensor and not dynamic |
CFirstFitPlanner | Class to plan memory by firstfit way |
CIMemoryPlanner | Interface to plan memory |
CKernelGeneratorBase | |
CMemoryManager | |
CMemoryPlannerFactory | |
CStaticTensorManager | |
CTensor | |
CTensorBuilder | |
CWICPlanner | Class to plan memory by Weighted Interval Color algorithm |
►Nbuiltin | |
►Nkernel | |
CIfLayer | |
CPermuteLayer | |
CWhileLayer | |
►Ntrain | |
►Nkernel | |
CPermuteLayer | |
CBackendContext | |
CKernelGenerator | |
CTensorRegistry | |
CBackend | |
CBackendContext | |
CConfig | |
CExternalContext | |
CIOTensor | Tensor object that indirects to the tensor it is pointing to |
CKernelGenerator | |
CTensorBuilder | |
CTensorRegistry | Tensor registry class for builtin backend |
CUserTensor | Tensor object that is for Input and Output tensors from the user |
►Ncl_common | |
CBackendContext | |
CParentInfo | Struct to represent parent operand in child operand |
►Ncpu | |
►Nops | |
CAddNLayer | |
CArgMinMaxLayer | |
CBatchMatMulLayer | |
CBatchToSpaceNDLayer | |
CBinaryArithmeticLayer | |
CBroadcastToLayer | |
CCompareLayer | |
CConcatLayer | |
CConstDataPtr | |
CConvolutionLayer | |
CDataPtr | |
CDepthToSpaceLayer | |
CDepthwiseConvolutionLayer | |
►CDetectionPostProcessLayer | |
CAllocations | |
CCenterSizeBox | |
CCornerBox | |
CDetectionPostProcessParameters | |
CEinsumLayer | |
CElementwiseActivationLayer | |
CElementwiseBinaryLayer | |
CElementwiseUnaryLayer | |
CExpandDimsLayer | |
CFillLayer | |
CFullyConnectedLayer | |
CFusedBatchNormLayer | |
CGatherLayer | |
CL2NormLayer | |
CLogSoftMaxLayer | |
CLSTMLayer | |
CMatrixBandPartLayer | |
CMeanLayer | |
COneHotLayer | |
CPackLayer | |
CPadLayer | |
CPoolLayer | |
CPowLayer | |
CQuantizeLayer | |
CRangeLayer | |
CRankLayer | |
CReduceLayer | |
CReshapeLayer | |
CResizeBilinearLayer | |
CReverseLayer | |
CRmsNormLayer | |
CRoPELayer | |
CSelectLayer | |
CShapeLayer | |
CSliceLayer | |
CSoftMaxLayer | |
CSpaceToBatchNDLayer | |
CSpaceToDepthLayer | |
CSplitLayer | |
CSplitVLayer | |
CSqDiffLayer | |
CStatelessRandomUniformLayer | |
CStridedSliceLayer | |
CTileLayer | |
CTransposeLayer | |
CUnpackLayer | |
CBackend | |
CBackendContext | |
CConfig | |
CExternalContext | |
CKernelGenerator | |
►Ncustom | |
CCustomKernelConfigParams | |
CIKernelBuilder | |
CTypeInfo | |
►Nruy | |
►Nops | |
CConvolutionLayer | |
CFullyConnectedLayer | |
CBackend | |
CBackendContext | |
CConfig | |
CExternalContext | |
CKernelGenerator | |
►Ntrain | |
►Nops | |
CBackPropAccumulator | |
CBackPropInitializer | |
CBinaryArithmeticLayer | |
CConvolutionLayer | |
CDepthwiseConvolutionLayer | |
CElementwiseActivationLayer | |
CFullyConnectedLayer | |
CGradientApplier | |
CLossCategoricalCrossentropyLayer | |
CLossLayer | |
CLossMeanSquaredErrorLayer | |
CMeanLayer | |
CPadLayer | |
CPoolLayer | |
CReshapeLayer | |
CSoftMaxLayer | |
CTrainingKernelRegistry | |
►Noptimizer | |
►CAdam | Adam optimizer |
CProperty | |
►CSGD | SGD optimizer |
CProperty | |
CBackend | |
CBackendContext | |
CBumpPlanner | Class to plan memory by bump way |
CConfig | |
CDisposableMemoryManager | |
CDisposableTensorIndex | Class that is index of DisposableTensor |
CDummyBackendContext | |
CFirstFitPlanner | Class to plan memory by firstfit way |
CITensorRegistry | |
CITrainableBackend | |
CITrainableTensor | A tensor class that can be trained |
CKernelGenerator | |
CKernelGeneratorBase | |
CLayerScopeMemoryManager | |
CLayerScopeTensor | |
CLayerScopeTensorIndex | |
CMemoryPlannerFactory | |
CPortableTensorRegistryTemplate | |
CTensor | |
CTensorBuilder | |
CTensorManager | |
CTensorPlanner | |
CTensorRegistry | |
CTrainableBackendContext | |
CTrainableContextData | |
CTrainableMemoryManager | |
CWICPlanner | Class to plan memory by Weighted Interval Color algorithm |
►Ntrix | |
►Nops | |
CBulkLayer | |
CBackend | |
CBackendContext | |
CBatchThreadPool | Class that has a threadpool for batch-by-batch multi-threading |
CConfig | |
CDevContext | NPU device context of trix backend |
CKernelGenerator | |
►Nxnnpack | |
►Nops | |
CConvolutionLayer | |
CDepthwiseConvolutionLayer | |
CFullyConnectedLayer | |
CLayer | |
CBackend | |
CBackendContext | |
CConfig | |
CExternalContext | |
CKernelGenerator | |
CBackend | |
CBackendContext | |
CContextData | |
CIConfig | |
CIPortableTensor | A tensor class that is portable for other backends |
CITensor | |
CITensorRegistry | |
CPortableTensorRegistryTemplate | TensorRegistry template class for the convenience of backend implementations |
►Ncompiler | |
►Npass | |
CConstantInsertionPass | |
CConstantLoweringPass | |
CConstantOutputPass | Pass to specially handle constant model outputs |
CIPass | |
CLoweredOperandPass | |
CLoweredOperationPass | |
COddOutputPass | Pass to specially handle odd outputs in a subgraph |
COperandPass | |
COperationPass | Class to iterate over operations and calls callback() method |
CPass | |
CPassRunner | Composite passes with logging |
CPermutationEliminationPass | An optimization pass that removes Permute operations if possible |
CPermutationInsertionPass | |
CUnusedOperandEliminationPass | A pass to eliminate unused operands from the graph |
►Ntrain | |
►Npass | |
CLossInsertionPass | |
CPass | |
CTrainableConstantInsertionPass | |
CLoweredTrainableGraph | Class that contains lowering information on graph. In addition, after lowering, operands in graph will be set to "dynamic" if the shape of output of an operation cannot be decided at compilation time |
CStaticBackwardShapeInferer | Class to infer shape before running kernels. It does the following: |
CTensorRegistries | |
CTrainableCodeAndInfo | |
CTrainableOperationConverter | |
CTrainingCompiler | Class to compile NN package |
CUntrainableOperationConverter | |
CBackendManager | |
CBackendResolver | |
CCodeAndInfo | |
CCompiler | Class to compile NN package |
CCompilerArtifact | |
CCompilerFactory | |
CCompilerOptions | |
CExecutionBuilder | |
CExecutorFactory | |
CExecutorFactoryArgs | |
CGraphLowerInfo | |
CHEScheduler | Class to schedule tasks |
CICompiler | |
CILoweredGraph | |
CIScheduler | |
CLinear | |
CLoweredGraph | Class that contains lowering information on graph. In addition, after lowering, operands in graph will be set to "dynamic" if the shape of output of an operation cannot be decided at compilation time |
CManualScheduler | |
CManualSchedulerOptions | |
CMultiModelCompiler | Class to compile NN package |
COperandLowerInfo | |
COperandObserver | Class that observe and update operands |
CShapeValidator | |
CStaticShapeInferer | Class to infer shape before running kernels. It does the following: |
CTensorRegistries | |
►Ndumper | |
►Ndot | |
CDotBuilder | |
CDotDumper | |
CNode | Class that represents a Node in "dot" format |
COperand | Class that represents an Operand |
COperation | Class that represents an Operation |
►Nexec | |
►Nfeature | |
►Nnchw | |
CReader | |
CView | |
►Nnhwc | |
CReader | |
CView | |
CIndexIterator | Class to iterate Callable with Index of feature |
CReader | Class reads values of feature The interface class |
►Ntrain | |
►Noptimizer | |
COptimizer | Base class for all optimizers |
CIGradientApplier | |
CITrainableFunction | |
CTrainableExecutor | |
CTrainableExecutors | Class to gather executor set for trainable model NN package |
CTrainableFnSequence | |
CDataflowExecutor | |
CDynamicShapeInferer | Class to infer shape of output tensor at execution time and allocate memory fo output tensor if needed |
CEdgeTensor | |
CExecObservers | |
CExecTime | |
CExecution | Class to define execution instance to collect input/output information for inference and prepare executor run (TODO) |
CExecutionContext | |
CExecutionObservee | Class that |
CExecutionOptions | |
CExecutorBase | |
►CFunctionSequence | |
CDynamicTensorCtx | |
CHookFunction | |
CIExecutionObserver | |
CIExecutor | Struct to define interface of Executor |
CIExecutors | Class to gather NN package's executor set |
CIFunction | |
CInputDesc | |
CIODescription | |
CIOMinMaxHash | |
CIPermuteFunction | |
CJob | |
CLinearExecutor | Class to handle execution phase. Simple run the sequence of operations that is sorted in topological order |
CMinMaxRecorder | |
CMultiModelExecutors | Class to gather executors |
CNopFunction | A derivative of IFunction tha does nothing |
COpMinMaxHash | |
COutputDesc | |
CParallelExecutor | Class to execute Graph in parallel |
CParallelScheduler | |
CPermuteLayer | |
CProfileObserver | |
CRawMinMaxDumper | |
CSingleModelExecutors | Class to gather executor set for single model NN package |
CThreadPool | |
CTracingObserver | |
CWorkQueue | |
►Nexporter | |
CCircleExporter | |
CTrainInfoBuilder | |
►Nir | |
►Noperation | |
CAddN | |
►CArgMinMax | |
CParam | |
►CBatchMatMul | |
CParam | |
CBatchToSpaceND | |
►CBCQFullyConnected | |
CParam | |
►CBCQGather | |
CParam | |
►CBinaryArithmetic | |
CParam | |
CBroadcastTo | |
►CBulk | |
CParam | |
►CComparison | |
CParam | |
►CConcat | |
CParam | |
►CConv2D | |
CParam | |
CConvertFp16ToFp32 | |
CConvertFp32ToFp16 | |
►CCustom | |
CUserdata | |
►CDepthToSpace | |
CParam | |
►CDepthwiseConv2D | |
CParam | |
►CDetectionPostProcess | |
CParam | |
CScale | |
►CEinsum | |
CParam | |
►CElementwiseActivation | |
CParam | |
►CElementwiseBinary | |
CParam | |
►CElementwiseUnary | |
CParam | |
CEmbeddingLookup | |
CExpandDims | |
CFill | |
►CFullyConnected | |
CParam | |
►CFusedBatchNorm | |
CParam | |
►CGather | |
CParam | |
CHashtableLookup | |
►CIf | |
CParam | |
►CInstanceNorm | |
CParam | |
CL2Normalization | |
►CLocalResponseNormalization | |
CParam | |
►CLogSoftmax | |
CParam | |
CLoss | |
►CLSTM | |
CParam | |
CMatrixBandPart | |
►COneHot | |
CParam | |
►CPack | |
CParam | |
CPad | |
CPermute | Class to represent Permute operation |
►CPool2D | |
CParam | |
CPow | |
CPReLU | |
CRange | |
CRank | |
►CReduce | |
CParam | |
►CReshape | |
CParam | |
►CResizeBilinear | |
CParam | |
►CResizeNearestNeighbor | |
CParam | |
CReverse | |
►CRmsNorm | |
CParam | |
►CRNN | |
CParam | |
►CRoPE | |
CParam | |
CSelect | |
CShape | |
CSlice | |
►CSoftmax | |
CParam | |
CSpaceToBatchND | |
►CSpaceToDepth | |
CParam | |
►CSplit | |
CParam | |
►CSplitV | |
CParam | |
CSquaredDifference | |
►CSqueeze | |
CParam | |
CStatelessRandomUniform | |
►CStridedSlice | |
CParam | |
CTile | |
►CTopKV2 | |
CParam | |
CTranspose | |
►CTransposeConv | |
CParam | |
►CUnpack | |
CParam | |
►CWhile | |
CParam | |
►Ntrain | |
►Noperation | |
CBinaryArithmetic | |
CConv2D | |
CDepthwiseConv2D | |
CElementwiseActivation | |
CFullyConnected | |
CLoss | |
CPad | |
CPermute | |
CPool2D | |
CReduce | |
CReshape | |
CSoftmax | |
CUntrainableOperation | |
CCategoricalCrossentropyParam | |
CITrainableOperation | |
►CLossInfo | |
CLossParam | |
COptimizerInfo | |
CTrainableGraph | |
CTrainableOperation | |
CTrainableOperationVisitor | |
CTrainingIndex | Class that provides index of tensor for training |
CTrainingInfo | |
CUseDefChain | |
CUseDefGenerator | |
CUseDefGeneratorBase | |
►Nverifier | |
CDAGChecker | |
CEdgeChecker | |
CInputOutputChecker | Check model input and output operands are really exist in the graph |
CIVerifier | |
CCachedData | |
CCoordinates | Class to represent position(offset) of tensor.
Assume that the front is higher dimensional. i.g. N: 0, C: 1, H: 2, W: 3 for NCHW layout |
CData | |
CDilation | |
CExplicitPadding | |
CExternalData | |
CFeatureShape | Structure to have values of dimensions for feature |
CGraph | |
CIGraph | |
CIOperation | |
CLayoutSet | |
CMMapedData | |
CModel | |
CModelEdge | |
CModelEdgeEqual | |
CModelEdgeHash | |
CModelEdges | Struct to gather model I/O information in multimodel NN package Model I/O will have role one of below |
CNNPkg | |
COperand | |
COperandConstraint | |
COperandIndexSequence | |
COperandInfo | Class to save tensor's shape and type |
COperands | |
COperation | |
COperationDumper | |
COperationIndexSet | |
COperations | |
COperationValidator | |
COperationVisitor | |
CPadding | |
CQuantization | |
CShape | |
CSparsity | Structure for Sparse Tensor |
CStride | |
CTypeInfo | |
►Nloader | |
CBaseLoader | |
CILoader | |
►Nodc | |
CCodegenLoader | Class to manage loading and unloading of dynamic library containing implementation of ICodegen interface |
CCodegenManager | |
CEmbedder | |
CEmbedderOptions | |
CICodegen | |
CIQuantizer | |
CMinMaxReader | |
CMinMaxVectors | |
CQuantizeManager | |
CQuantizer | |
CQuantizerLoader | Class to manage loading and unloading of dynamic library containing implementation of IQuantizer interface |
►Nshape_inference | |
CStridedSliceParams | |
►Ntrix_loader | |
CTrixLoader | |
CTrixMetaReader | A tvn metadata reader |
►Nutil | |
►Nlogging | |
CContext | |
CCPUTimer | |
CIndex | A wrapper class for unsigned integral Index NOTE : Max value of the underlying type is used as the invalid value |
CITimer | |
CMinMaxMap | |
CObjectManager | Class that owns objects and maps them with indices as a handle for them |
CSet | Class for set of custom element & |
CTracingCtx | Class to maintain information about profiling per session |
CInsufficientBufferSizeException | |
COnertException | |
►Nonert_micro | |
►Ncore | |
►Nmemory | |
COMMemoryManager | |
COMRuntimeAllocator | |
►Nreader | |
COMCircleReader | Loads Circle file and provides helpers to access attributes |
COMTrainingConfigReader | Loads Training Config files and provides helpers functions |
COMWeightOnlyFormatReader | Loads Weight Only Format files and provides helpers functions |
►Ntrain | |
COMCheckpointLoader | |
COMCheckpointSaver | |
COMTrainingHandler | |
COMTrainingStorage | |
CArithmeticQuantParams | |
CBinaryArithmeticBroadcastParams | |
CComparisonParams | |
CConcatenationParams | |
CConvQuant | |
CFloatConv2D | |
CFullyConnectedParams | |
CL2NormalizationParams | |
CLogSoftmaxParams | |
COMDataTypeImpl | C++ scalar type corresponding to each OMDataType |
COMDataTypeImpl< OMDataType::BOOL > | |
COMDataTypeImpl< OMDataType::FLOAT16 > | |
COMDataTypeImpl< OMDataType::FLOAT32 > | |
COMDataTypeImpl< OMDataType::FLOAT64 > | |
COMDataTypeImpl< OMDataType::S16 > | |
COMDataTypeImpl< OMDataType::S32 > | |
COMDataTypeImpl< OMDataType::S64 > | |
COMDataTypeImpl< OMDataType::S8 > | |
COMDataTypeImpl< OMDataType::U16 > | |
COMDataTypeImpl< OMDataType::U32 > | |
COMDataTypeImpl< OMDataType::U64 > | |
COMDataTypeImpl< OMDataType::U8 > | |
COMRuntimeContext | |
COMRuntimeGraph | |
COMRuntimeModule | |
COMRuntimeShape | |
COMRuntimeStorage | |
COMTrainingRuntimeModule | |
CPadParams | |
CPool2DParams | |
CQuantizationParams | |
CSliceParams | |
CSoftmaxParams | |
CSplitParams | |
CStridedSliceParams | |
CSVDFQuantParams | |
CTransposeParams | |
►Nexecute | |
►Npal | |
CAddFn | |
CDivFn | |
CFloorDivFn | |
CFloorModFn | |
CMaximumFn | |
CMinimumFn | |
CMulFn | |
CNdArrayDesc | |
CSquaredDifferenceFn | |
CSubFn | |
CTanhFunctor | |
CKernelBuiltinExecuteRegistry | |
CKernelCustomExecuteRegistry | |
COMExecuteArgs | |
COMKernelExecute | |
COMRuntimeKernel | |
►Nimport | |
CKernelBuiltinConfigureRegistry | |
CKernelCustomConfigureRegistry | |
COMConfigureArgs | |
COMDynamicShapesHandler | |
COMExecutionPlanCreator | |
COMKernelConfiguration | |
►Noptimize | |
COMGraphStatus | |
COMOptimizer | |
COptimizePassRegistry | |
►Ntest_model | |
CNegTestDataBase | |
CNegTestDataFloatGreaterEqualTypeMishmach | |
CNegTestDataFloatGreaterTypeMishmach | |
CNegTestDataIncorrectTypeParamBeginStridedSliceKernel | |
CNegTestDataIncorrectTypeParamStridesStridedSliceKernel | |
CNegTestDataInput1WrongTypeDiv | |
CNegTestDataInput1WrongTypeFloorDiv | |
CNegTestDataInput1WrongTypeFloorMod | |
CNegTestDataInput1WrongTypeMaximum | |
CNegTestDataInput1WrongTypeMinimum | |
CNegTestDataInput1WrongTypeMul | |
CNegTestDataInput2WrongTypeDiv | |
CNegTestDataInput2WrongTypeFloorDiv | |
CNegTestDataInput2WrongTypeFloorMod | |
CNegTestDataInput2WrongTypeMaximum | |
CNegTestDataInput2WrongTypeMinimum | |
CNegTestDataInput2WrongTypeMul | |
CNegTestDataInputMismatchAddKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputMismatchConv2DKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputMismatchDepthwiseConv2DKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputMismatchTransposeConvKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputMismatchZerosLikeKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputScaleMismatchGatherKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputShapeMismatchAbsKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputShapeMismatchCastKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputShapeMismatchReLU6Kernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputShapeMismatchReLUKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputShapeMismatchSpaceToDepthKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchAbsKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchAveragePool2DKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchBatchToSpaceNDKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchCeilKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchCosKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchEluKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchExpKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchFloorKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchGatherKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchGatherNDKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchL2Pool2DKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchLeakyReLUKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchLogisticKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchLogKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchLogSoftmaxKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchMaxPool2DKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchNegKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchPadKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchReLU6Kernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchReLUKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchRoundKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchRsqrtKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchSinKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchSoftmaxKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchSpaceToBatchNDKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchSpaceToDepthKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchSplitKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchSplitVKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchSqrtKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchSquareKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchStridedSliceKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchSubKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchSVDFKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchTanhKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputOutputTypeMismatchUnpackKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputsTypeMismatchSquaredDifference | |
CNegTestDataInputsTypeMismatchSubKernel | |
CNegTestDataInputTypeMismatchFillKernel | |
CNegTestDataInt16TypeMul | |
CNegTestDataInvalidInputOutputShapeFloorKernel | |
CNegTestDataInvalidInputShapeConv2DKernel | |
CNegTestDataInvalidInputShapeDepthwiseConv2DKernel | |
CNegTestDataInvalidInputShapeMaxPool2DKernel | |
CNegTestDataInvalidInputShapeNegKernel | |
CNegTestDataInvalidInputShapeTransposeConvKernel | |
CNegTestDataInvalidInputTypeExpandDimsKernel | |
CNegTestDataLessKernel | |
CNegTestDataNoQuantParamsAveragePool2DKernel | |
CNegTestDataNoQuantParamsConv2DKernel | |
CNegTestDataNoQuantParamsDepthwiseConv2DKernel | |
CNegTestDataNoQuantParamsLogisticKernel | |
CNegTestDataNoQuantParamsMaxPool2DKernel | |
CNegTestDataNoQuantParamsS16AddKernel | |
CNegTestDataNoQuantParamsSoftmaxKernel | |
CNegTestDataNoQuantParamsSubKernel | |
CNegTestDataNoZeroPointsFullyConnectedKernel | |
CNegTestDataWhileKernel | |
CNegTestDataWithInvalidOutputShapeDequantizeKernel | |
CNegTestDataWithInvalidOutputShapeQuantizeKernel | |
CNegTestDataWrongAxisGatherKernel | |
CNegTestDataWrongBiasShapeFullyConnectedKernel | |
CNegTestDataWrongBiasTypeDepthwiseConv2DKernel | |
CNegTestDataWrongInputShapeFillKernel | |
CNegTestDataWrongOutputTypeShapeKernel | |
CNegTestDataWrongPermTypeTransposeKernel | |
CNegTestDataWrongPositionTypeGatherKernel | |
CNegTestDataWrongWeightShapeFullyConnectedKernel | |
CNegTestQuantAddNoScaleKernel | |
CNegTestQuantMulNoScaleKernel | |
CTestData32IntAdd | |
CTestData64IntAdd | |
CTestDataAbsBase | |
CTestDataAddBase | |
CTestDataAddNBase | |
CTestDataArgMaxBase | |
CTestDataArgMinBase | |
CTestDataAveragePool2DBase | |
CTestDataAxisOutputTypeMismatchArgMax | |
CTestDataAxisOutputTypeMismatchArgMin | |
CTestDataBase | |
CTestDataBatchToSpaceNDBase | |
CTestDataCastBase | |
CTestDataCeilBase | |
CTestDataConcatenationBase | |
CTestDataConv2DBase | |
CTestDataCosBase | |
CTestDataDepthwiseConv2DBase | |
CTestDataDequantizeBase | |
CTestDataDivBase | |
CTestDataEluBase | |
CTestDataEqualBase | |
CTestDataExpandDimsKernel | |
CTestDataExpBase | |
CTestDataFillKernel | |
CTestDataFloatAbs | |
CTestDataFloatAdd | |
CTestDataFloatAddN | |
CTestDataFloatArgMax | |
CTestDataFloatArgMin | |
CTestDataFloatAveragePool2D | |
CTestDataFloatBatchToSpaceND | |
CTestDataFloatCast | |
CTestDataFloatCeil | |
CTestDataFloatConcatenation | |
CTestDataFloatConv2D | |
CTestDataFloatCos | |
CTestDataFloatDepthwiseConv2D | |
CTestDataFloatDequantize | |
CTestDataFloatDiv | |
CTestDataFloatElu | |
CTestDataFloatEqual | |
CTestDataFloatExp | |
CTestDataFloatFloor | |
CTestDataFloatFloorDiv | |
CTestDataFloatFloorMod | |
CTestDataFloatFullyConnected | |
CTestDataFloatGather | |
CTestDataFloatGatherND | |
CTestDataFloatGreater | |
CTestDataFloatGreaterEqual | |
CTestDataFloatGRU | |
CTestDataFloatL2Normalization | |
CTestDataFloatL2Pool2D | |
CTestDataFloatLeakyReLU | |
CTestDataFloatLess | |
CTestDataFloatLessEqual | |
CTestDataFloatLog | |
CTestDataFloatLogistic | |
CTestDataFloatLogSoftmax | |
CTestDataFloatMaximum | |
CTestDataFloatMaxPool2D | |
CTestDataFloatMinimum | |
CTestDataFloatMul | |
CTestDataFloatNeg | |
CTestDataFloatNotEqual | |
CTestDataFloatPack | |
CTestDataFloatPad | |
CTestDataFloatQuantize | |
CTestDataFloatReLU | |
CTestDataFloatReLU6 | |
CTestDataFloatRound | |
CTestDataFloatRsqrt | |
CTestDataFloatSin | |
CTestDataFloatSlice | |
CTestDataFloatSoftmax | |
CTestDataFloatSpaceToBatchND | |
CTestDataFloatSpaceToDepth | |
CTestDataFloatSplit | |
CTestDataFloatSplitV | |
CTestDataFloatSqrt | |
CTestDataFloatSquare | |
CTestDataFloatSquaredDifference | |
CTestDataFloatStridedSlice | |
CTestDataFloatSub | |
CTestDataFloatSVDF | |
CTestDataFloatTanh | |
CTestDataFloatTransposeConv | |
CTestDataFloatUnpack | |
CTestDataFloatWQInt8FullyConnected | |
CTestDataFloatZerosLike | |
CTestDataFloorBase | |
CTestDataFloorDivBase | |
CTestDataFloorModBase | |
CTestDataFullyConnectedBase | |
CTestDataGatherBase | |
CTestDataGatherNDBase | |
CTestDataGreaterBase | |
CTestDataGreaterEqualBase | |
CTestDataGRUBase | |
CTestDataInputTypeMismatchAddN | |
CTestDataInputTypeMismatchConcatenation | |
CTestDataInt32Slice | |
CTestDataInt64Div | |
CTestDataInt64Slice | |
CTestDataInt8Add | |
CTestDataInt8DepthwiseConv2D | |
CTestDataInt8Mul | |
CTestDataInt8Softmax | |
CTestDataIntDiv | |
CTestDataIntEqual | |
CTestDataIntGather | |
CTestDataIntLess | |
CTestDataIntMul | |
CTestDataIntPack | |
CTestDataIntStridedSlice | |
CTestDataIntSub | |
CTestDataL2NormalizationBase | |
CTestDataL2Pool2DBase | |
CTestDataLeakyReLUBase | |
CTestDataLessBase | |
CTestDataLessEqualBase | |
CTestDataLogBase | |
CTestDataLogisticBase | |
CTestDataLogSoftmaxBase | |
CTestDataMaximumBase | |
CTestDataMaxPool2DBase | |
CTestDataMinimumBase | |
CTestDataMulBase | |
CTestDataNegBase | |
CTestDataNotEqualBase | |
CTestDataPackBase | |
CTestDataPadBase | |
CTestDataQuantizeBase | |
CTestDataQuantLess | |
CTestDataQuantU8Pack | |
CTestDataReLU6Base | |
CTestDataReLUBase | |
CTestDataReluConcatenation | |
CTestDataReshapeKernel | |
CTestDataRoundBase | |
CTestDataRsqrtBase | |
CTestDataS16FullyConnected | |
CTestDataS32Concatenation | |
CTestDataS64Concatenation | |
CTestDataS8AveragePool2D | |
CTestDataS8Concatenation | |
CTestDataS8Conv2D | |
CTestDataS8FullyConnected | |
CTestDataS8Gather | |
CTestDataS8Less | |
CTestDataS8Logistic | |
CTestDataS8MaxPool2D | |
CTestDataS8Pack | |
CTestDataS8ReLU | |
CTestDataS8ReLU6 | |
CTestDataS8ReshapeKernel | |
CTestDataS8SpaceToDepth | |
CTestDataS8StridedSlice | |
CTestDataS8Sub | |
CTestDataS8Unpack | |
CTestDataShapeKernel | |
CTestDataSinBase | |
CTestDataSliceBase | |
CTestDataSoftmaxBase | |
CTestDataSpaceToBatchNDBase | |
CTestDataSpaceToDepthBase | |
CTestDataSplitBase | |
CTestDataSplitVBase | |
CTestDataSqrtBase | |
CTestDataSquareBase | |
CTestDataSquaredDifferenceBase | |
CTestDataStridedSliceBase | |
CTestDataSubBase | |
CTestDataSVDFBase | |
CTestDataTanhBase | |
CTestDataTransposeConvBase | |
CTestDataTransposeKernel | |
CTestDataTypeMismatchSlice | |
CTestDataUnpackBase | |
CTestDataWhileKernel | |
CTestDataWrongAxisConcatenation | |
CTestDataWrongBeginTypeSlice | |
CTestDataWrongInputShapeSlice | |
CTestDataWrongSizeTypeSlice | |
CTestDataZerosLikeBase | |
►Ntrain | |
►Nlosses_functions | |
CCrossEntropy | |
CMSE | |
CSparseCrossEntropy | |
►Nmetrics | |
CAccuracy | |
CCrossEntropy | |
CMAE | |
CMSE | |
CSparseCrossEntropyAccuracy | |
►Noptimizers | |
CAdam | |
CSGD | |
CKernelBuiltinTrainRegistry | |
COMBackpropExecute | |
COMBackpropExecuteArgs | |
COMConfig | |
COMInterpreter | |
COMTrainingContext | |
COMTrainingInterpreter | |
►Nonert_test | |
►Nir | |
CSimpleMock | |
►Nonnx_legalizer | |
C_ModelTransformerHelper | |
C_TensorInfo | |
CLegalizeOptions | |
►Noops | |
CInternalExn | Exception caused by internal error |
CUserExn | Exception to user |
►Nopselector | |
COpSelector | |
►Noptimized_ops | |
CFloatDepthwiseConvKernel | |
►NOptionBuilder | |
COptionBuilder | |
►Npackage | |
►Ncommon | |
►Nbasesession | |
CBaseSession | |
►Ninfer | |
►Nsession | |
Csession | |
►NPad_000 | |
CPad_000_Q8 | |
►NPalette | |
CPalette | |
CUniformPalette | |
CYLORRD9Palette | |
►Npepper | |
CKVStoreInterface | |
CKVStoreInterface< KVStoreTrait::Queryable > | |
CProcessEnvironment | |
►Npp | |
CEnclosedDocument | |
CIndentedStringBuilder | |
CLinearDocument | |
CMultiLineText | |
►Nprunner | |
CPModelsRunner | PModelsRunner runs partitioned models from input data file and stores output data to a file |
►Nq_implant | |
CQImplant | |
►NQErrorComputer | |
CMPEIRComputer | |
CMSEComputer | |
CQErrorComputer | |
CSRMSEComputer | |
CTAEComputer | |
►NRandomDataGenerator | |
CRandomDataGenerator | |
►Nrecord_hessian | |
CHessianComputer | |
CHessianObserver | |
CHessianVector | |
►Nrecord_minmax | |
CDataBuffer | |
CDataSetIterator | |
CDirectoryIterator | |
CHDF5Iterator | |
CListFileIterator | |
CMinMaxComputer | |
CMinMaxMap | |
CMinMaxObserver | |
CMinMaxVectors | |
CMovingAvgComputer | |
CPercentileComputer | |
CRandomIterator | |
CRecordMinMax | |
►NReshape_000 | |
CReshape_000_Q8 | |
►NSingleOperatorTest | |
CSingleOperatorTest | |
►NSoftmax_000 | |
CSoftmax_000_Q8 | |
►Nsouschef | This file provides string <-> number cast helpers |
CArguments | Read-only string sequence view |
CConstantDataChef | |
CConstantDataChefFactory | |
CConstantInt4DataChef | |
CConstantInt4DataChefFactory | |
CConstantUint4DataChef | |
CConstantUint4DataChefFactory | |
CDataChef | Data Generator |
CDataChefFactory | Data Generator Factory |
CDataset | |
CExplicitDataChef | |
CExplicitDataChef< std::string > | |
CExplicitDataChefFactory | |
CExplicitFloat16DataChef | |
CExplicitFloat16DataChefFactory | |
CExplicitInt4DataChef | |
CExplicitInt4DataChefFactory | |
CExplicitUint4DataChef | |
CExplicitUint4DataChefFactory | |
CGaussianFloat16DataChef | |
CGaussianFloat16DataChefFactory | |
CGaussianFloat32DataChef | Generate a sequence of random values according to the gaussian(=normal) distribution |
CGaussianFloat32DataChefFactory | |
CGaussianInt16DataChef | |
CGaussianInt16DataChefFactory | |
CGaussianInt32DataChef | |
CGaussianInt32DataChefFactory | |
CGaussianInt8DataChef | |
CGaussianInt8DataChefFactory | |
CGaussianUint8DataChef | |
CGaussianUint8DataChefFactory | |
CRangedArguments | |
CRegistry | |
CTensorFiller | |
►Nsparsity | |
CFormatConverter | |
CTfLiteDimensionMetadata | |
CTfLiteIntArray | |
CTfLiteSparsity | |
►Nstd | |
Chash< exo::circle_detail::OpCode > | |
Chash< exo::tflite_detail::OpCode > | |
Chash< onert::ir::Layout > | |
Chash< onert::ir::OpCode > | |
Chash< onert::ir::train::TrainingOperandIndex > | Structure that provides hash value of TrainingOperandIndex |
Chash< std::pair<::onert::ir::ModelIndex, ::onert::ir::SubgraphIndex > > | |
►Ntest_utils | |
CTestCase | |
CTestRunner | |
►Ntfinfo | |
►Nv2 | |
CShapeHint | Class to represent axis and size of dims. User should enter axis and size of dim(s) when input tensor(s) contain(s) unknown dim(s). Such axis and size of dim(s) will be stored in ShapeHint |
CTensorSignature | Class to store input and output tensor information |
CShapeHint | Class to represent axis and size of dims. User should enter axis and size of dim(s) when input tensor(s) contain(s) unknown dim(s). Such axis and size of dim(s) will be stored in ShapeHint |
CTensorSignature | Class to store input and output tensor information |
►Ntfkit | |
CCmdArguments | |
CConvertCommand | |
CDecodeCommand | |
CEncodeCommand | |
CIOConfiguration | |
CPackCommand | |
CUnpackCommand | |
►Ntflchef | |
►CGeneratedModel | |
CImpl | |
CLogger | Logger Implementation |
CLoggerConfig | Logger Configuration |
CLoggingContext | Global logging context |
CRecipeChefContext | |
CTFliteImport | Loads TF lite file and provides helpers to access attributes |
CTFliteOpAbs | Tflchef operator builder for abs |
CTFliteOpAdd | Tflchef operator builder for add |
CTFliteOpAddN | Tflchef operator builder for AddN |
CTFliteOpArgMax | Tflchef operator builder for ArgMax |
CTFliteOpArgMin | Tflchef operator builder for ArgMin |
CTFliteOpAveragePool2D | Tflchef operator builder for AveragePool2D |
CTFliteOpBatchMatMul | Tflchef operator builder for BATCH_MATMUL |
CTFliteOpBatchToSpaceND | Tflchef operator builder for BatchToSpaceND |
CTFliteOpBidirectionalSequenceLSTM | Tflchef operator builder for BidirectionalSequenceLSTM |
CTFliteOpBroadcastTo | Tflchef operator builder for BroadcastTo |
CTFliteOpCast | Tflchef operator builder for CAST |
CTFliteOpCeil | Tflchef operator builder for CEIL |
CTFliteOpChef | Interface for each operators to build tflchef |
CTFliteOpConcatenation | Tflchef operator builder for Concatenation |
CTFliteOpConv2D | Tflchef operator builder for Conv2D |
CTFliteOpCos | Tflchef operator builder for Cos |
CTFliteOpCumsum | Tflchef operator builder for CumSum |
CTFliteOpDepthToSpace | Tflchef operator builder for DepthToSpace |
CTFliteOpDepthwiseConv2D | Tflchef operator builder for DepthwiseConv2D |
CTFliteOpDequantize | Tflchef operator builder for Dequantize |
CTFliteOpDiv | Tflchef operator builder for division |
CTFliteOpELU | Tflchef operator builder for ELU |
CTFliteOpEqual | Tflchef operator builder for Equal |
CTFliteOpExp | Tflchef operator builder for Exp |
CTFliteOpExpandDims | Tflchef operator builder for ExpandDims |
CTFliteOpFakeQuant | Tflchef operator builder for FakeQuant |
CTFliteOpFill | Tflchef operator builder for Fill |
CTFliteOpFloor | Tflchef operator builder for FLOOR |
CTFliteOpFloorDiv | Tflchef operator builder for floor division |
CTFliteOpFloorMod | Tflchef operator builder for FLOOR_MOD |
CTFliteOpFullyConnected | Tflchef operator builder for FullyConnected |
CTFliteOpGather | Tflchef operator builder for Gather |
CTFliteOpGatherNd | Tflchef operator builder for GatherNd |
CTFliteOpGelu | Tflchef operator builder for Gelu |
CTFliteOpGreater | Tflchef operator builder for Greater |
CTFliteOpGreaterEqual | Tflchef operator builder for Greater Equal |
CTFliteOpHardSwish | Tflchef operator builder for Hard Swish |
CTFliteOpL2Normalize | Tflchef operator builder for L2Normalize |
CTFliteOpL2Pool2D | Tflchef operator builder for L2_POOL_2D |
CTFliteOpLeakyRelu | Tflchef operator builder for LeakyReLU |
CTFliteOpLess | Tflchef operator builder for Less |
CTFliteOpLessEqual | Tflchef operator builder for LessEqual |
CTFliteOpLocalResponseNormalization | Tflchef operator builder for LocalResponseNormalization |
CTFliteOpLog | Tflchef operator builder for Log |
CTFliteOpLogicalAnd | Tflchef operator builder for LogicalAnd |
CTFliteOpLogicalNot | Tflchef operator builder for LogicalNot |
CTFliteOpLogicalOr | Tflchef operator builder for LogicalOr |
CTFliteOpLogistic | Tflchef operator builder for LOGISTIC |
CTFliteOpLogSoftmax | Tflchef operator builder for LogSoftmax |
CTFliteOpMatrixDiag | Tflchef operator builder for MatrixDiag |
CTFliteOpMatrixSetDiag | Tflchef operator builder for MatrixSetDiag |
CTFliteOpMaximum | Tflchef operator builder for maximum |
CTFliteOpMaxPool2D | Tflchef operator builder for MaxPool2D |
CTFliteOpMean | Tflchef operator builder for mean |
CTFliteOpMinimum | Tflchef operator builder for minimum |
CTFliteOpMirrorPad | Tflchef operator builder for MIRROR_PAD |
CTFliteOpMul | Tflchef operator builder for MUL |
CTFliteOpNeg | Tflchef operator builder for abs |
CTFliteOpNonMaxSuppressionV4 | Tflchef operator builder for NON_MAX_SUPPRESSION_V4 |
CTFliteOpNonMaxSuppressionV5 | Tflchef operator builder for NON_MAX_SUPPRESSION_V5 |
CTFliteOpNotEqual | Tflchef operator builder for Not Equal |
CTFliteOpOneHot | Tflchef operator builder for OneHot |
CTFliteOpPack | Tflchef operator builder for pack |
CTFliteOpPad | Tflchef operator builder for PAD |
CTFliteOpPadV2 | Tflchef operator builder for PADV2 |
CTFliteOpPow | Tflchef operator builder for Pow |
CTFliteOpPRelu | Tflchef operator builder for PRelu |
CTFliteOpQuantize | Tflchef operator builder for Quantize |
CTFliteOpRange | Tflchef operator builder for abs |
CTFliteOpRank | Tflchef operator builder for rank |
CTFliteOpReduceAny | Tflchef operator builder for REDUCE_ANY |
CTFliteOpReduceMax | Tflchef operator builder for Reduce Max |
CTFliteOpReduceMin | Tflchef operator builder for Reduce Min |
CTFliteOpReduceProd | Tflchef operator builder for REDUCE_PROD |
CTFliteOpRegistry | Tflchef operator registry |
CTFliteOpReLU | Tflchef operator builder for ReLU |
CTFliteOpReLU0To1 | Tflchef operator builder for RELU_0_TO_1 |
CTFliteOpReLU6 | Tflchef operator builder for ReLU6 |
CTFliteOpReLUN1To1 | Tflchef operator builder for RELU_N1_TO_1 |
CTFliteOpReshape | Tflchef operator builder for Reshape |
CTFliteOpResizeBilinear | Tflchef operator builder for ResizeBilinear |
CTFliteOpResizeNearestNeighbor | Tflchef operator builder for ResizeNearestNeighbor |
CTFliteOpReverseSequence | Tflchef operator builder for ReverseSequence |
CTFliteOpReverseV2 | Tflchef operator builder for ReverseV2 |
CTFliteOpRound | Tflchef operator builder for Round |
CTFliteOpRsqrt | Tflchef operator builder for Rsqrt |
CTFliteOpScatterNd | Tflchef operator builder for ScatterNd |
CTFliteOpSegmentSum | Tflchef operator builder for SEGMENT_SUM |
CTFliteOpSelect | Tflchef operator builder for SELECT |
CTFliteOpSelectV2 | Tflchef operator builder for SELECT |
CTFliteOpShape | Tflchef operator builder for SHAPE |
CTFliteOpSin | Tflchef operator builder for Sin |
CTFliteOpSlice | Tflchef operator builder for SLICE |
CTFliteOpSoftmax | Tflchef operator builder for Softmax |
CTFliteOpSpaceToBatchND | Tflchef operator builder for SpaceToBatchND |
CTFliteOpSpaceToDepth | Tflchef operator builder for SpaceToDepth |
CTFliteOpSparseToDense | Tflchef operator builder for SparseToDense |
CTFliteOpSplit | Tflchef operator builder for SPLIT |
CTFliteOpSplitV | Tflchef operator builder for SPLIT_V |
CTFliteOpSqrt | Tflchef operator builder for Sqrt |
CTFliteOpSquare | Tflchef operator builder for Square |
CTFliteOpSquaredDifference | Tflchef operator builder for SquaredDifference |
CTFliteOpSqueeze | Tflchef operator builder for Squeeze |
CTFliteOpStridedSlice | Tflchef operator builder for StridedSlice |
CTFliteOpSub | Tflchef operator builder for Sub |
CTFliteOpSum | Tflchef operator builder for sum |
CTFliteOpSVDF | Tflchef operator builder for SVDF |
CTFliteOpTanh | Tflchef operator builder for Tanh |
CTFliteOpTile | Tflchef operator builder for Tile |
CTFliteOpTopKV2 | Tflchef operator builder for TOPK_V2 |
CTFliteOpTranspose | Tflchef operator builder for Transpose |
CTFliteOpTransposeConv | Tflchef operator builder for TransposeConv |
CTFliteOpUnidirectionalSequenceLSTM | Tflchef operator builder for UnidirectionalSequenceLSTM |
CTFliteOpUnique | Tflchef operator builder for Unique |
CTFliteOpUnpack | Tflchef operator builder for Unpack |
CTFliteOpWhere | Tflchef operator builder for Where |
CTFliteOpWhile | Tflchef operator builder for While |
CTFliteOpZerosLike | Tflchef operator builder for ZerosLike |
►Ntfldump | |
CAddPrinter | |
CArgMaxPrinter | |
CArgMinPrinter | |
CBidirectionalSequenceLSTMPrinter | |
CCastPrinter | |
CConcatenationPrinter | |
CConv2DPrinter | |
CCustomOpPrinter | |
CDepthToSpacePrinter | |
CDepthwiseConv2DPrinter | |
CDivPrinter | |
CFakeQuantPrinter | |
CFullyConnectedPrinter | |
CGatherPrinter | |
CGeluPrinter | |
CIfPrinter | |
CL2NormPrinter | |
CLeakyReluPrinter | |
CLocalResponseNormalizationPrinter | |
CMirrorPadPrinter | |
CModelEx | |
CMulPrinter | |
COneHotPrinter | |
COpPrinter | |
COpPrinterRegistry | |
CPackPrinter | |
CPool2DPrinter | |
CReducerPrinter | |
CReshapePrinter | |
CResizeBilinearPrinter | |
CResizeNearestNeighborPrinter | |
CReverseSequencePrinter | |
CShapePrinter | |
CSoftmaxPrinter | |
CSpaceToDepthPrinter | |
CSparseToDensePrinter | |
CSplitPrinter | |
CSplitVPrinter | |
CSqueezePrinter | |
CStridedSlicePrinter | |
CSubPrinter | |
CSVDFPrinter | |
CTransposeConvPrinter | |
CUnidirectionalSequenceLSTMPrinter | |
CUniquePrinter | |
CWhilePrinter | |
►Ntflimport | |
CAvgPool2DGraphBuilder | GraphBuilder for AvgPool2D operator |
CConcatenationGraphBuilder | GraphBuilder for Concatenation operator |
CConv2DGraphBuilder | GraphBuilder for Conv2D operator |
CDepthwiseConv2DGraphBuilder | GraphBuilder for DepthwiseConv2D operator |
CDivGraphBuilder | GraphBuilder for Div operator |
CGraphBuilder | Parent class of tflite operation graph builders (e.g., Conv2DGraphBuilder) |
CGraphBuilderContext | Class to store context to build IR from tflite |
CGraphBuilderRegistry | Class to return graph builder for passed tflite::builtinOperator |
CMaxPool2DGraphBuilder | GraphBuilder for AvgPool2D operator |
CReLU6GraphBuilder | GraphBuilder for ReLU6 operator |
CReLUGraphBuilder | GraphBuilder for ReLU operator |
CReshapeGraphBuilder | GraphBuilder for Reshape operator |
CSubGraphBuilder | GraphBuilder for Sub operator |
CTensorBags | Pre-creates coco:Bags for each operands(tensors) |
CTensorContext | Extracts and holds operand(tensor) information such as name, shape, and type |
►CTflBufferContext | Class to read and provide buffer information of tflite |
CTflBuffer | |
CTflOpCodeContext | Class that holds operator codes and related methods |
►Ntflinspect | |
CDumpConv2DWeight | |
CDumpInterface | |
CDumpOperators | |
CDumpOperatorVersion | |
CReader | Loads TF lite file and provides helpers to access attributes |
►Ntflite | |
►Nreference_ops | |
CGatherNdHelperResult | |
►Ntflite2circle | |
CBufferLink | |
CCircleModel | |
CMetaDataBufferLink | |
COffset | |
COperatorCodeLink | |
CSubGraphLink | |
CTFLModel | |
►Ntflread | |
CReader | Loads TF lite file and provides helpers to access attributes |
►NTopologicalSortHelper | |
CTopologicalSortHelper | |
►Ntraining_configure_tool | |
CTrainConfigFileData | |
CTrainData | |
CTrainResult | |
►Nvalidate_onnx2circle | |
COnnxRunner | |
►Nvconone | |
Cfour | |
Cversion | |
►NWorkflowRunner | |
CWorkflowRunner | |
CAbsChef | |
CAbsChefFactory | |
CActivationFunctionImpl | |
CActivationFunctionImpl< FusedActivationFunctionType::kNone > | |
CActivationFunctionImpl< FusedActivationFunctionType::kRelu > | |
CActivationFunctionImpl< FusedActivationFunctionType::kRelu1 > | |
CActivationFunctionImpl< FusedActivationFunctionType::kRelu6 > | |
CAddChef | |
CAddChefFactory | |
CAddNChef | |
CAddNChefFactory | |
CAddV2Chef | |
CAddV2ChefFactory | |
CAllChef | |
CAllChefFactory | |
CAllocatedMemory | |
CANeuralNetworksOperandType | |
CANNBinder | A bridge between ann::Module and coco::Block |
CANNContext | |
CANNConv2D | 2D Convolution through Andoird NN API |
CANNDepthConcatF | Concatenate feature maps along "depth" dimension through Andoird NN API |
CArgMaxChef | |
CArgMaxChefFactory | |
CArgMinChef | |
CArgMinChefFactory | |
CArguments | Read-only string sequence view |
CArgv | |
CAveragePool2DChef | |
CAveragePool2DChefFactory | |
CAxisSpecifier | A wrapper class for an integer number that specifies axis |
CBatchMatMulChef | |
CBatchMatMulChefFactory | |
CBatchMatMulV2Chef | |
CBatchMatMulV2ChefFactory | |
CBatchToSpaceNDChef | |
CBatchToSpaceNDChefFactory | |
CBCQFullyConnectedChef | |
CBCQFullyConnectedChefFactory | |
CBCQGatherChef | |
CBCQGatherChefFactory | |
CBidirectionalSequenceLSTMChef | |
CBidirectionalSequenceLSTMChefFactory | |
CBroadcastToChef | |
CBroadcastToChefFactory | |
CCastChef | |
CCastChefFactory | |
CCeilChef | |
CCeilChefFactory | |
CChromeTracingWriter | |
CCmdline | |
CCodeIndex | A CodeIndex denotes the index of instruction inside the whole module |
CCompilationBuilder | |
CConcatenationChef | |
CConcatenationChefFactory | |
CConcatSpec | |
►CConstGenLayer | |
CReturn | |
CConv2DChef | |
CConv2DChefFactory | |
CConvBackend | |
CConvolutionSpec | |
CCosChef | |
CCosChefFactory | |
CCounterEvent | |
CCumSumChef | |
CCumSumChefFactory | |
Ccustom_kernel_registration_info | |
CDataLocation | |
CDecodeCommand | |
CDensifyChef | |
CDensifyChefFactory | |
CDepthToSpaceChef | |
CDepthToSpaceChefFactory | |
CDepthwiseConv2DChef | |
CDepthwiseConv2DChefFactory | |
►CDepthwiseConv2DLayer | |
CReturn | |
►CDepthwiseFilterEncodeLayer | |
CReturn | |
CDequantizeChef | |
CDequantizeChefFactory | |
CDims | |
CDivChef | |
CDivChefFactory | |
CDummyPass1 | |
CDummyPass2 | |
CDurationEvent | |
CELUChef | |
CELUChefFactory | |
CEncodeCommand | |
CEqualChef | |
CEqualChefFactory | |
CErfChef | |
CErfChefFactory | |
CEvent | |
►CEventCollector | |
CEvent | |
CEventVisitor | |
COpSeqEvent | |
CSubgEvent | |
CEventFormatWriter | |
CEventRecorder | |
CEventWriter | |
CExecutionBuilder | |
CExecutor | |
CExpandDimsChef | |
CExpandDimsChefFactory | |
CExpChef | |
CExpChefFactory | |
CFakeQuantChef | |
CFakeQuantChefFactory | |
►CFeatureDecodeLayer | |
CReturn | |
►CFeatureEncodeLayer | |
CReturn | |
CFillChef | |
CFillChefFactory | |
►CFilterEncodeLayer | |
CReturn | |
►CFixedReshapeLayer | |
CReturn | |
CFloorChef | |
CFloorChefFactory | |
CFloorDivChef | |
CFloorDivChefFactory | |
CFloorModChef | |
CFloorModChefFactory | |
CForEachDimension | |
CForEachDimension< 0 > | |
CFrontend | |
CFullyConnectedChef | |
CFullyConnectedChefFactory | |
CGatherChef | |
CGatherChefFactory | |
CGatherNdChef | |
CGatherNdChefFactory | |
CGeluChef | |
CGeluChefFactory | |
►CGraphBuilder | |
CContext | |
CStack | |
CGraphTestcase | |
CGraphTestcase< GraphCode::AvgPool2D > | |
CGraphTestcase< GraphCode::ConstGen > | |
CGraphTestcase< GraphCode::DepthwiseConv2D > | |
CGraphTestcase< GraphCode::FeatureCodec > | |
CGraphTestcase< GraphCode::FixedReshape > | |
CGraphTestcase< GraphCode::Identity > | |
CGraphTestcase< GraphCode::MaxPool2D > | |
CGraphTestcase< GraphCode::Relu > | |
CGraphTestcase< GraphCode::TensorBroadcast > | |
CGraphTestcase< GraphCode::TensorConcat > | |
CGraphTestcase< GraphCode::TensorTranspose > | |
CGraphTestcase< GraphCode::TransposedConv2D > | |
CGreaterChef | |
CGreaterChefFactory | |
CGreaterEqualChef | |
CGreaterEqualChefFactory | |
CGRUChef | |
CGRUChefFactory | |
CHardSwishChef | |
CHardSwishChefFactory | |
CHD5ExportAction | |
CHD5ImportAction | |
CIfChef | |
CIfChefFactory | |
CImage | |
CInitCommand | |
►CInputLayer | |
CReturn | |
CInstanceNormChef | |
CInstanceNormChefFactory | |
CInstrBuilder | |
CInstrPrinter | |
CInterpreterWrapper | |
Cis_VariadicArity | |
Cis_VariadicArity< CircleAddN > | |
Cis_VariadicArity< CircleConcatenation > | |
Cis_VariadicArity< CircleCustom > | |
Cis_VariadicArity< CircleIf > | |
Cis_VariadicArity< CirclePack > | |
Cis_VariadicArity< CircleWhile > | |
Cis_VariadicOut | |
Cis_VariadicOut< CircleCustom > | |
Cis_VariadicOut< CircleIf > | |
Cis_VariadicOut< CircleWhile > | |
CL2Normalize | |
CL2NormalizeChefFactory | |
CL2Pool2DChef | |
CL2Pool2DChefFactory | |
CLeakyReluChef | |
CLeakyReluChefFactory | |
CLessChef | |
CLessChefFactory | |
CLessEqualChef | |
CLessEqualChefFactory | |
CLocalResponseNormalizationChef | |
CLocalResponseNormalizationChefFactory | |
CLogChef | |
CLogChefFactory | |
CLogicalAndChef | |
CLogicalAndChefFactory | |
CLogicalNotChef | |
CLogicalNotChefFactory | |
CLogicalOrChef | |
CLogicalOrChefFactory | |
CLogisticChef | |
CLogisticChefFactory | |
CLogSoftmaxChef | |
CLogSoftmaxChefFactory | |
CMappedMemory | |
CMatMulChef | |
CMatMulChefFactory | |
CMatrixBandPartChef | |
CMatrixBandPartChefFactory | |
CMatrixDiagChef | |
CMatrixDiagChefFactory | |
CMatrixSetDiagChef | |
CMatrixSetDiagChefFactory | |
CMaximumChef | |
CMaximumChefFactory | |
CMaxPool2DChef | |
CMaxPool2DChefFactory | |
CMaxPoolWithArgmaxChef | |
CMaxPoolWithArgmaxChefFactory | |
CMDTableWriter | |
CMeanChef | |
CMeanChefFactory | |
CMemory | |
CMemoryTracker | |
CMergeCommand | Takes .prototxt and .caffemodel filenames from ARGV and fills the model with trained weights. The resulting binary model with weights to be consumed by nnc is printed to StdOut |
CMinimumChef | |
CMinimumChefFactory | |
CMirrorPadChef | |
CMirrorPadChefFactory | |
CMockSymbolTable | |
CModel | |
CModelArgumentInfo | |
CModelBuilder | |
CMulChef | |
CMulChefFactory | |
CNdArrayDesc | |
CNegChef | |
CNegChefFactory | |
Cnnfw_adam_option | |
Cnnfw_custom_kernel_params | |
Cnnfw_loss_info | |
Cnnfw_operand | |
Cnnfw_session | |
Cnnfw_tensorinfo | Tensor info describes the type and shape of tensors |
Cnnfw_train_info | Training information to prepare training |
CNonMaxSuppressionV4Chef | |
CNonMaxSuppressionV4ChefFactory | |
CNonMaxSuppressionV5Chef | |
CNonMaxSuppressionV5ChefFactory | |
CNotEqualChef | |
CNotEqualChefFactory | |
COneHotChef | |
COneHotChefFactory | |
COpBuilder | |
COpChef | |
COpChefFactory | |
COperand | |
COperation | |
COpPrinter | |
COpSeqDurationEvent | |
►COutputLayer | |
CReturn | |
CPackChef | |
CPackChefFactory | |
CPadChef | |
CPadChefFactory | |
CPaddingBase | A PaddingBase encapsulates common implementation for derived Padding classes |
CPadV2Chef | |
CPadV2ChefFactory | |
CPoolingSpec | |
CPowChef | |
CPowChefFactory | |
CPReluChef | |
CPReluChefFactory | |
CPrivateMemory | |
CQConfReader | |
CQuantizeChef | |
CQuantizeChefFactory | |
CRandomizeAction | |
CRangeChef | |
CRangeChefFactory | |
CRankChef | |
CRankChefFactory | |
CRawModel | |
CRawPadding | A RawPadding denotes padding values stored in Caffe model |
CRawPaddingBuilder | Construct a raw padding from each Layer parameter |
CReduceAnyChef | |
CReduceAnyChefFactory | |
CReduceMaxChef | |
CReduceMaxChefFactory | |
CReduceMinChef | |
CReduceMinChefFactory | |
CReduceProdChef | |
CReduceProdChefFactory | |
CReLU0To1Chef | |
CReLU0To1ChefFactory | |
CReLU6Chef | |
CReLU6ChefFactory | |
CReLUChef | |
CReLUChefFactory | |
►CReLULayer | |
CReturn | |
CReLUN1To1Chef | |
CReLUN1To1ChefFactory | |
CRequest | |
CRequestArgument | |
CReshapeChef | |
CReshapeChefFactory | |
CResizeBilinearChef | |
CResizeBilinearChefFactory | |
CResizeNearestNeighborChef | |
CResizeNearestNeighborChefFactory | |
CReverseSequenceChef | |
CReverseSequenceChefFactory | |
CReverseV2Chef | |
CReverseV2ChefFactory | |
CRmsNormChef | |
CRmsNormChefFactory | |
CRoPEChef | |
CRoPEChefFactory | |
CRoundChef | |
CRoundChefFactory | |
CRsqrtChef | |
CRsqrtChefFactory | |
CRunTimeOperandInfo | |
CRunTimePoolInfo | |
CScatterNdChef | |
CScatterNdChefFactory | |
CSegmentSumChef | |
CSegmentSumChefFactory | |
CSelectChef | |
CSelectChefFactory | |
CSelectV2Chef | |
CSelectV2ChefFactory | |
CShape | |
CShapeChef | |
CShapeChefFactory | |
CShapeQuery | A wrapper class that allows additional queries over tensor shape |
CShowAction | |
CSinChef | |
CSinChefFactory | |
CSliceChef | |
CSliceChefFactory | |
CSNPEWriter | |
CSoftmaxChef | |
CSoftmaxChefFactory | |
CSolverOutput | SolverOutput prints important performance information |
CSpaceToBatchNDChef | |
CSpaceToBatchNDChefFactory | |
CSpaceToDepthChef | |
CSpaceToDepthChefFactory | |
CSparseToDenseChef | |
CSparseToDenseChefFactory | |
CSpatialPadding | A SpatialPadding denotes padding values for each "spatial" dimension |
CSpatialPaddingBuilder | Convert a raw padding to a spatial padding of a given spatial rank |
CSplitChef | |
CSplitChefFactory | |
CSplitVChef | |
CSplitVChefFactory | |
CSqrtChef | |
CSqrtChefFactory | |
CSquareChef | |
CSquareChefFactory | |
CSquaredDifferenceChef | |
CSquaredDifferenceChefFactory | |
CSqueezeChef | |
CSqueezeChefFactory | |
CStridedSliceChef | |
CStridedSliceChefFactory | |
CSubChef | |
CSubChefFactory | |
CSubgDurationEvent | |
CSumChef | |
CSumChefFactory | |
CSVDFChef | |
CSVDFChefFactory | |
CTanhChef | |
CTanhChefFactory | |
CTensor | |
CTensor3D | |
CTensor4D | |
►CTensorBroadcastLayer | |
CReturn | |
CTileChef | |
CTileChefFactory | |
CTopKV2Chef | |
CTopKV2ChefFactory | |
CTransposeChef | |
CTransposeChefFactory | |
CTransposeConvChef | |
CTransposeConvChefFactory | |
►CTransposedConv2DLayer | |
CReturn | |
CUI | |
CUnidirectionalSequenceLSTMChef | |
CUnidirectionalSequenceLSTMChefFactory | |
CUniqueChef | |
CUniqueChefFactory | |
CUnpackChef | |
CUnpackChefFactory | |
CVector | |
CVerifyFlatbuffers | |
CVLogging | |
CWhereChef | |
CWhereChefFactory | |
CWhileChef | |
CWhileChefFactory | |
CZerosLikeChef | |
CZerosLikeChefFactory | |