ONE - On-device Neural Engine
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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456]
 Cndarray::Strides::_calc_offset< Seq, Ts >
 Cndarray::Strides::_calc_offset< index_sequence< Num >, T >
 Cndarray::Strides::_calc_offset< index_sequence< Num, Nums... >, T, Ts... >
 Cmir_interpreter::AbsImpl< T >
 Cmir_interpreter::AbsImpl< uint8_t >
 Cnncc::core::ADT::feature::Accessor< T >
 Cnncc::core::ADT::kernel::Accessor< T >
 Cnncc::core::ADT::tensor::Accessor< T >
 Cnncc::core::ADT::kernel::Accessor< float >
 Conert::backend::acl_common::AclActivationBuilder< T_Tensor, T_ActivationLayer, T_ExecFunction >
 Cnnc::AclCppCodeGeneratorClass for the ACL C++ code generator. It is the entry point to the ACL C++ soft backend
 Conert::backend::acl_common::AclMemoryManager< T_ITensor, T_Tensor, T_SubTensor >
 Conert::backend::acl_common::AclTensorBuilder< T_ITensor, T_Tensor, T_SubTensor >
 Conert::backend::acl_common::AclTensorManager< T_ITensor, T_Tensor, T_SubTensor >
 Cnnc::sir::ActionAction represents operation in inference sequence that is needed to
 CActivationFunctionImpl< Ac >
 CActivationFunctionImpl< FusedActivationFunctionType::kNone >
 CActivationFunctionImpl< FusedActivationFunctionType::kRelu >
 CActivationFunctionImpl< FusedActivationFunctionType::kRelu1 >
 CActivationFunctionImpl< FusedActivationFunctionType::kRelu6 >
 Cluci_interpreter_pal::AddFn< T >
 Conert_micro::execute::pal::AddFn< T >
 Cmir_interpreter::AddImpl< T >
 Cmir_interpreter::AddImpl< uint8_t >
 Conert::backend::basic::AllocatorClass to allocate memory
 CANNBinderA bridge between ann::Module and coco::Block
 Cloco::AnnotatedItem< Annotation >
 Cloco::AnnotatedItem< NodeAnnotation >
 Cnnfw::cker::training_ops::functor::ApplyAdam< Device, T >
 Cnnfw::cker::training_ops::functor::ApplyAdamNonCuda< Device, T >
 Cnnfw::cker::training_ops::functor::ApplyAdamNonCuda< CPUDevice, T >
 Cnnfw::cker::training_ops::functor::ApplyGradientDescent< Device, T >
 Cnnfw::cker::training_ops::functor::ApplyGradientDescent< CPUDevice, T >
 Ccoco::ArgBase class for NN model arguments (Input/Output)
 CArgumentsRead-only string sequence view
 Csouschef::ArgumentsRead-only string sequence view
 CArgv< N >
 Cflatbuffers::Array< T, length >
 Cndarray::Array< T >
 Cnnfw::cker::random::Array< T, ElementCount >
 Cflatbuffers::Array< Offset< T >, length >
 Cnnfw::cker::random::Array< uint32_t, 2 >
 Cnnfw::cker::random::Array< uint32_t, 4 >
 Cnnc::ArtifactClassMemberBasic class for both class member variables and memmber functions
 Cnnc::ArtifactEntityThe base class of the whole artifact entities hierarchy
 Cnnc::ArtifactFactoryFactory for some kinds of frequently used artifact DOM objects
 Cnnc::ArtifactIndentUsed by code and declaration generators to indent generated text
 Cnnc::ArtifactModuleClass representing a module in the ACL C++ soft backend
 Clocoex::AttrTypeTrait< AT >
 Clocoex::AttrTypeTrait< COpAttrType::Float >
 Clocoex::AttrTypeTrait< COpAttrType::Int >
 Cmir_interpreter::AvgPool2DImpl< T >
 Cmir_interpreter::AvgPool2DImpl< uint8_t >
 CAxisSpecifierA wrapper class for an integer number that specifies axis
 Conert::loader::BaseLoader< LoaderDomain >
 Conert::backend::trix::BatchThreadPoolClass that has a threadpool for batch-by-batch multi-threading
 Cnnfw::cker::BCastList< N >
 Cnnfw::cker::BCastList< 2 >
 Cnnfw::cker::bias_op::functor::Bias< Device, T >
 Cloco::BiasAdd< D >Produce a value of domain D from an input value (of domain D) and a bias
 Cloco::BiasShapeBias Shape
 Cnnfw::cker::optimized::BinaryOpFuncSwapArgs< BASEOPERATOR >
 Cnnkit::support::caffe::BlobContext< DType >
 Conert::backend::basic::BlockStructure to have memory offset and size
 Ccoco::BlockIndexA BlockIndex denotes the index of a block in a block list
 Cluci_interpreter::kernels::BroadcastableWrapper< T >
 Cnnfw::cker::functor::BroadcastTo< Device, T >
 Cloco::CanonicalNodeMutableVisitorBase< T >
 Cloco::CanonicalNodeVisitorBase< T >
 Cmir_interpreter::CappedReLUImpl< T >
 Cmir_interpreter::CappedReLUImpl< uint8_t >
 Clocoex::CircleNodeMixin< T >
 Cluci::CircleNodeMixin< T >
 Cluci::CircleNodeMixin< CircleNodeTrait::Bias >Mixin class for nodes that has a bias input
 Clocoex::CircleNodeMixin< CircleNodeTrait::FusedActFunc >
 Cluci::CircleNodeMixin< CircleNodeTrait::FusedActFunc >
 Clocoex::CircleNodeMutableVisitorBase< T >
 Cluci::CircleNodeMutableVisitorBase< T >
 Cluci::CircleNodeMutableVisitorBase< bool >
 Cluci::CircleNodeMutableVisitorBase< flatbuffers::Offset< void > >
 Cluci::CircleNodeMutableVisitorBase< void >
 Clocoex::CircleNodeVisitorBase< T >
 Cluci::CircleNodeVisitorBase< T >
 Cluci::CircleNodeVisitorBase< bool >
 Cluci::CircleNodeVisitorBase< circle::BuiltinOperator >
 Cluci::CircleNodeVisitorBase< circle::BuiltinOptions >
 Cluci::CircleNodeVisitorBase< loco::DataType >
 Cluci::CircleNodeVisitorBase< loco::TensorShape >
 Cluci::CircleNodeVisitorBase< luci::CircleNode * >
 Cluci::CircleNodeVisitorBase< void >
 Ccirclechef::CircleOpChefInterface for each operators to build circlechef
 Ccirclechef::CircleOpRegistryCirclechef operator registry
 Cluci::CircleReaderLoads Circle file and provides helpers to access attributes
 Cluci_interpreter::CircleReaderLoads Circle file and provides helpers to access attributes
 Carm_compute::CLKernelLibraryExClass to build OpenCL kernels added from nnfw
 Cluci::CloneNodeLet< ct >
 Conert::odc::CodegenLoaderClass to manage loading and unloading of dynamic library containing implementation of ICodegen interface
 CCodeIndexA CodeIndex denotes the index of instruction inside the whole module
 Cnnc::cli::CommandLineThis class describes a common command line interface
 Clocop::NodeDesc::CommentsMulti-line comments
 Cnnfw::misc::tensor::ComparatorClass to compare two tensors (expected and obtained to compare)
 Cmir_interpreter::ConcatImpl< T >
 Cmir_interpreter::ConcatImpl< uint8_t >
 Chermes::ConfigTop-level configuration interface
 Cmoco::onnx::Constant_V1GraphBuilder for Constant(since version 1) node
 Cmoco::onnx::Constant_V9GraphBuilder for Constant(since version 9) node
 Ckuma::Context< Alg >
 Ckuma::Context< Algorithm::Greedy >
 Ckuma::Context< Algorithm::LinearScanFirstFit >
 Cndarray::ContiguousSpan< T, isConst >
 Cmir_interpreter::Conv2DImpl< T >
 Cmir_interpreter::Conv2DImpl< uint8_t >
 Conert::ir::CoordinatesClass to represent position(offset) of tensor.
Assume that the front is higher dimensional. i.g. N: 0, C: 1, H: 2, W: 3 for NCHW layout
 Clocoex::COpAttrDataStruct that holds attr type
 Cnnc::CPPCodeGeneratorCPPCodeGenerator implements interfaces that provides BaseCodeGenerator for C++ language This includes header file generation, code file generation and variable renaming according to C++ naming requirements
 Ccoco::DataCore coco entity for constant weights
 Csouschef::DataChefData Generator
 Csouschef::DataChefFactoryData Generator Factory
 Csouschef::Dataset< T >
 Cloco::DataTypeImpl< DT >C++ scalar type corresponding to each DataType
 Cluci_interpreter::DataTypeImpl< DT >C++ scalar type corresponding to each DataType
 Cloco::DataTypeImpl< DataType::BOOL >
 Cluci_interpreter::DataTypeImpl< DataType::BOOL >
 Cloco::DataTypeImpl< DataType::FLOAT16 >
 Cluci_interpreter::DataTypeImpl< DataType::FLOAT16 >
 Cloco::DataTypeImpl< DataType::FLOAT32 >
 Cluci_interpreter::DataTypeImpl< DataType::FLOAT32 >
 Cloco::DataTypeImpl< DataType::FLOAT64 >
 Cluci_interpreter::DataTypeImpl< DataType::FLOAT64 >
 Cloco::DataTypeImpl< DataType::S16 >
 Cluci_interpreter::DataTypeImpl< DataType::S16 >
 Cloco::DataTypeImpl< DataType::S32 >
 Cluci_interpreter::DataTypeImpl< DataType::S32 >
 Cloco::DataTypeImpl< DataType::S4 >
 Cloco::DataTypeImpl< DataType::S64 >
 Cluci_interpreter::DataTypeImpl< DataType::S64 >
 Cloco::DataTypeImpl< DataType::S8 >
 Cluci_interpreter::DataTypeImpl< DataType::S8 >
 Cloco::DataTypeImpl< DataType::STRING >
 Cloco::DataTypeImpl< DataType::U16 >
 Cluci_interpreter::DataTypeImpl< DataType::U16 >
 Cloco::DataTypeImpl< DataType::U32 >
 Cluci_interpreter::DataTypeImpl< DataType::U32 >
 Cloco::DataTypeImpl< DataType::U4 >
 Cloco::DataTypeImpl< DataType::U64 >
 Cluci_interpreter::DataTypeImpl< DataType::U64 >
 Cloco::DataTypeImpl< DataType::U8 >
 Cluci_interpreter::DataTypeImpl< DataType::U8 >
 Cmir_interpreter::DeConv2DImpl< T >
 Ccoco::DepA Dep represents the edge between a Bag and its dependent Object
 Cmir_interpreter::DepthwiseConv2DImpl< T >
 Cmir_interpreter::DepthwiseConv2DImpl< uint8_t >
 Cnnfw::cker::depthwise_conv_op::DepthwiseConv2DKernel< T >
 Cloco::DepthwiseFilterDecoderDescribe how to build a tensor from a depthwise convolution filter
 Cloco::DepthwiseFilterEncoderDescribe how to build a depthwise convolution filter from a tensor
 Cloco::DepthwiseFilterIndexDepthwiseFilter Index
 Cnnfw::cker::depthwise_conv_op::functor::DepthwiseFilterPadOp< T >
 Cloco::DepthwiseFilterShapeDepthwiseFilter Shape
 Cnnfw::cker::depthwise_conv_op::functor::DepthwiseInputCopyOp< T >
 Conert::backend::trix::DevContextNPU device context of trix backend
 Cloco::DialectDialect interface
 Cloco::DialectServiceDialect Service interface
 Cnnfw::misc::tensor::Diff< T >Struct to have information after comparing two elements of two tensors
 Cloco::DimensionThe value of one dimension in a tensor shape
 CDims< N >
 Conert::backend::train::DisposableTensorIndexClass that is index of DisposableTensor
 Cluci_interpreter_pal::DivFn< T >
 Conert_micro::execute::pal::DivFn< T >
 Cmir_interpreter::DivImpl< T >
 Cmir_interpreter::DivImpl< uint8_t >
 Ccoco::DLinkedList< Child, Parent >
 Ccoco::DLinkedList< coco::Instr, coco::Block >
 Cexo::DomainConverter< CanonicalT, TFLT >Class to handle domain conversion while converting a canonical node to TFL node(s)
 Cnnc::DriverCompiler Driver manages the whole pipeline compilation process
 Conert::backend::basic::DynamicTensorManagerClass to manage dynamic tensor and its memory
 Cmir_interpreter::ELUImpl< T >
 Ccoco::EntityA base class for IR entities
 Ccoco::EntityBuilderA base class for IR entity builders
 Ccoco::EntityManagerMeta (lifetime) manager interface
 Chermes::EnvConfig< Format >
 Cnnfw::misc::EnvVarClass to access environment variable
 Cmir_interpreter::EqualImpl< T >
 Cloco::ErrorDetail< Code >The details of each error
 Cloco::ErrorDetail< ErrorCategory::MissingArgument >The details of MissingArgument error
 Cexo::test::ExampleGraph< T >
 Cluci::test::ExampleGraph< T >
 Conert::exec::ExecutionClass to define execution instance to collect input/output information for inference and prepare executor run (TODO)
 Conert::exec::ExecutionObserveeClass that
 Cloco::FeatureDecoderDescribe how to build a tensor from a (convolution) feature map
 Cloco::FeatureEncoderDecribe how to build a (convolution) feature map from a tensor
 Cloco::FeatureIndexFeature Index
 Ccoco::FeatureLayoutA FeatureLayout connects each feature index to a Bag element
 Cloco::FeatureShapeFeature Map Shape
 Conert::ir::FeatureShapeStructure to have values of dimensions for feature
 Ccwrap::FildesPOSIX File Descriptor
 Cnnfw::cker::functor::FillFunctor< Device, T >
 Cnnfw::cker::functor::FillFunctor< Eigen::ThreadPoolDevice, T >
 Cmir_interpreter::FillImpl< T >
 Cnnfw::cker::functor::FillPhiloxRandom< Device, Distribution >
 Cnnfw::cker::functor::FillPhiloxRandom< CPUDevice, Distribution >
 Cnnfw::cker::functor::FillPhiloxRandomTask< Distribution, VariableSamplesPerOutput >
 Cnnfw::cker::functor::FillPhiloxRandomTask< Distribution, false >
 Cnnfw::cker::functor::FillPhiloxRandomTask< Distribution, true >
 Cloco::FilterDecoderDecribe how to build a a tensor from a filter
 Cloco::FilterEncoderDecribe how to build a (convolution) filter from a tensor
 Cloco::FilterIndexFilter Index
 Cloco::FilterShapeFilter Shape
 Cloco::FixedArity< N >
 Cflatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilderHelper class to hold data needed in creation of a FlatBuffer. To serialize data, you typically call one of the Create*() functions in the generated code, which in turn call a sequence of StartTable/ PushElement/AddElement/EndTable, or the builtin CreateString/ CreateVector functions. Do this is depth-first order to build up a tree to the root. Finish() wraps up the buffer ready for transport
 Cnnfw::cker::optimized::FloatDepthwiseConvKernel< kAllowStrided, kFixedInputDepth, kFixedDepthMultiplier >
 Coptimized_ops::FloatDepthwiseConvKernel< kAllowStrided, kFixedInputDepth, kFixedDepthMultiplier >
 Cluci_interpreter_pal::FloorDivFn< T, >
 Conert_micro::execute::pal::FloorDivFn< T, >
 Cluci_interpreter_pal::FloorModFn< T, >
 Conert_micro::execute::pal::FloorModFn< T, >
 Cflatbuffers::FnvTraits< T >
 Cflatbuffers::FnvTraits< uint32_t >
 Cflatbuffers::FnvTraits< uint64_t >
 CForEachDimension< rest >
 CForEachDimension< 0 >
 Csparsity::FormatConverter< T >
 Clocop::FormattedGraphImpl< F >
 Clocop::FormattedTensorShape< Format >
 Cmir_interpreter::FullyConnectedImpl< T >
 Cmir_interpreter::FullyConnectedImpl< uint8_t >
 Cnest::FVCollect free variables from nest expr/stmt/block/..
 Cmir_interpreter::GatherByT< T >
 Cmir_interpreter::GatherImpl< T, IndicesT >
 CEigen::internal::gemm_pack_rhs< Scalar, Index, TensorContractionSubMapper< Scalar, Index, Rhs, TensorEvaluator< const TensorReshapingOp< NewDimension, const TensorImagePatchOp< Rows, Cols, ArgType > >, Device >, nocontract_t, contract_t, 1, inner_dim_contiguous, inner_dim_reordered, Alignment >, nr, ColMajor, false, false >
 CEigen::internal::gemm_pack_rhs< Scalar, Index, TensorContractionSubMapper< Scalar, Index, Rhs, TensorEvaluator< const TensorReshapingOp< NewDimension, const TensorImagePatchOp< Rows, Cols, ArgType > >, Device >, nocontract_t, contract_t, 2, inner_dim_contiguous, inner_dim_reordered, Alignment >, nr, ColMajor, false, false >
 CEigen::internal::gemm_pack_rhs< Scalar, Index, TensorContractionSubMapper< Scalar, Index, Rhs, TensorEvaluator< const TensorReshapingOp< NewDimension, const TensorImagePatchOp< Rows, Cols, ArgType > >, Device >, nocontract_t, contract_t, packet_size, inner_dim_contiguous, inner_dim_reordered, Alignment >, nr, ColMajor, false, false >
 Cnnfw::cker::GemmParams< AccumScalar, DstScalar, quantization_flavor >
 Cnnfw::ruy::GemmParams< AccumScalar, DstScalar, quantization_flavor >
 Cmoco::GraphBuilderInterface of convert TF NodeDef to loco::Node (e.g., Conv2DGraphBuilder)
 Cmoco::onnx::GraphBuilderParent class of onnx operation graph builders
 Ctflimport::GraphBuilderParent class of tflite operation graph builders (e.g., Conv2DGraphBuilder)
 Cluci::GraphBuilderBaseInterface of convert circle::OperatorT to CircleNode
 Cluci::GraphBuilderContextClass to store context to build loco graph IR from TensorFlow
 Cmoco::GraphBuilderContextClass to store context to build loco graph IR from TensorFlow
 Cmoco::onnx::GraphBuilderContextClass to store context to build IR from onnx
 Ctflimport::GraphBuilderContextClass to store context to build IR from tflite
 Cmoco::onnx::GraphBuilderRegistryClass to return graph builder for passed onnx Operator
 Ctflimport::GraphBuilderRegistryClass to return graph builder for passed tflite::builtinOperator
 CGraphTestcase< Code >
 CGraphTestcase< GraphCode::AvgPool2D >
 CGraphTestcase< GraphCode::ConstGen >
 CGraphTestcase< GraphCode::DepthwiseConv2D >
 CGraphTestcase< GraphCode::FeatureCodec >
 CGraphTestcase< GraphCode::FixedReshape >
 CGraphTestcase< GraphCode::Identity >
 CGraphTestcase< GraphCode::MaxPool2D >
 CGraphTestcase< GraphCode::Relu >
 CGraphTestcase< GraphCode::TensorBroadcast >
 CGraphTestcase< GraphCode::TensorConcat >
 CGraphTestcase< GraphCode::TensorTranspose >
 CGraphTestcase< GraphCode::TransposedConv2D >
 Cmoco::GraphUpdateInterface to connect the graph
 Cmir_interpreter::GreaterImpl< T >
 Cmir_interpreter::HardSwishImpl< T >
 Cmir_interpreter::HardSwishImpl< uint8_t >
 Cstd::hash< exo::circle_detail::OpCode >
 Cstd::hash< exo::tflite_detail::OpCode >
 Cstd::hash< onert::ir::Layout >
 Cstd::hash< onert::ir::OpCode >
 Cstd::hash< onert::ir::train::TrainingOperandIndex >Structure that provides hash value of TrainingOperandIndex
 Cstd::hash< std::pair<::onert::ir::ModelIndex, ::onert::ir::SubgraphIndex > >
 Ccoco::DLinkedList< Child, Parent >::Head
 Cnnc::IArtifactGeneratorThe interface of the artifact source code producer
 Cmoco::onnx::Identity_V1GraphBuilder for Identity(since version 1) node
 Cloco::IErrorListenerError listener interface
 Conert::exec::IExecutorStruct to define interface of Executor
 Conert::exec::IExecutorsClass to gather NN package's executor set
 Conert::backend::acl_common::IInternalBufferManagerInterface for InternalBufferManager which has arm_compute::IMemoryManager pointer
 Conert::backend::basic::IMemoryPlanner< Index >Interface to plan memory
 Conert::backend::basic::IMemoryPlanner< ir::OperandIndex >
 Ccoco::Op::IMutatorOp mutator interface
 Cnnfw::misc::feature::IndexClass to have the index information for calculating the offset
 Cnnfw::misc::tensor::IndexStruct to represent index of each dimension of a tensor
 Conert::util::Index< T, DummyTag >A wrapper class for unsigned integral Index NOTE : Max value of the underlying type is used as the invalid value
 Conert::util::Index< uint16_t, ModelIndexTag >
 Conert::util::Index< uint16_t, SubgraphIndexTag >
 Conert::util::Index< uint32_t, OperandIndexTag >
 Conert::util::Index< uint32_t, OperationIndexTag >
 Conert::util::Index< uint32_t, OriginIndexTag >
 Cnnfw::misc::tensor::IndexEnumeratorClass to enumerate index of a tensor
 Cnnfw::misc::tensor::IndexFormatterClass to send Index object to output stream
 Cnnfw::misc::feature::IndexIteratorClass to iterate Callable with Index of feature
 Cnnfw::misc::kernel::IndexIteratorClass to iterate Callable with Index of kernel
 Cnnfw::misc::matrix::IndexIteratorClass to iterate Callable with Index of matrix
 Cnnfw::misc::tensor::IndexIteratorClass to iterate indexes available for given shape
 Conert::exec::feature::IndexIteratorClass to iterate Callable with Index of feature
 Cluci::IndexTensorOutputsSet of Tensor Index of outputs of operators including graph input nodes
 Cflatbuffers::IndirectHelper< T >
 Cflatbuffers::IndirectHelper< const T * >
 Cflatbuffers::IndirectHelper< Offset< T > >
 Cnnfw::cker::functor::InflateFunctor< Device, T, N >
 Cmoco::tf::eltwise::binary::InputConnector< NodeTy >
 Cexo::InputHandler< CanonicalT, TFLT >Handles input(s) while converting a canonical node to TFL node(s). This class informs DomainConverter how to handle inputs of a specific canonical node
 Cnnfw::cker::InputTensor< T >
 Cfme_apply::InsertScaleShiftClass to insert scale/shift virtual Ops to loco::Graph
 Ccoco::InstrIndexA InstrIndex denotes the index of an instruction in an instruction list
 Cnnc::cli::IOptionInterface for Option class
 Cnnfw::cker::is_quant8< T >
 Ccoco::Instr::IVisitor< T >Instr visitor interface
 Ccoco::Op::IVisitor< T >Op visitor interface
 Cmir::IVisitorInterface for visitors Use in MIR component if you want to enforce to implement visits for all operations
 Ccoco::Instr::IVisitor< pp::LinearDocument >
 Ccoco::Instr::IVisitor< void >
 Cluci_interpreter::KernelBuilderRegistryRegistry of kernel builders
 Ccoco::KernelLayoutA KernelLayout connectes each kernel index to an element (in a bag)
 Cexo::KnobTrait< K >
 Cmoco::tf::KnobTrait< K >
 Cpepper::KVStoreInterface< Trait >
 Cpepper::KVStoreInterface< KVStoreTrait::Queryable >
 Cnnfw::cker::train::LaunchConv2DBackpropFilterOp< T >
 Cnnfw::cker::train::LaunchConv2DBackpropInputOp< T >
 Cnnfw::cker::train::LaunchConv2DBackpropInputOpImpl< Device, T >
 Cnnfw::cker::depthwise_conv_op::LaunchDepthwiseConvBackpropFilterOp< Device, T >
 Cnnfw::cker::depthwise_conv_op::LaunchDepthwiseConvBackpropFilterOp< CPUDevice, T >
 Cnnfw::cker::depthwise_conv_op::LaunchDepthwiseConvBackpropInputOp< Device, T >
 Cnnfw::cker::depthwise_conv_op::LaunchDepthwiseConvBackpropInputOp< CPUDevice, T >
 Cnnfw::cker::depthwise_conv_op::LaunchDepthwiseConvOp< Device, T >
 Cnnfw::cker::depthwise_conv_op::LaunchDepthwiseConvOp< CPUDevice, T >
 Cmir_interpreter::LeakyReLUImpl< T >
 Cmir_interpreter::LessImpl< T >
 Ccoco::LocatableReturn the associated instruction if exists
 Ccirclechef::LoggingContextGlobal logging context
 Cexo::LoggingContextGlobal logging context
 Cluci::LoggingContextGlobal logging context
 Cmoco::LoggingContextGlobal logging context
 Ctflchef::LoggingContextGlobal logging context
 Cnnfw::cker::eigen_support::MatMulConvFunctor< Device, T >
 Cloco::MatrixDecoderDescribe how to build a tensor from a matrix
 Cloco::MatrixEncoderDecribe how to build a matrix from a tensor
 Cloco::MatrixIndexMatrix Index
 Cnnfw::cker::MatrixParams< Scalar >
 Cnnfw::ruy::MatrixParams< Scalar >
 Cloco::MatrixShapeMatrix Shape
 Cmir_interpreter::MaxImpl< T >
 Cmir_interpreter::MaxImpl< uint8_t >
 Cluci_interpreter_pal::MaximumFn< T >
 Conert_micro::execute::pal::MaximumFn< T >
 Cmir_interpreter::MaxPool2DImpl< T >
 Cmir_interpreter::MaxPool2DImpl< uint8_t >
 Cnnfw::cker::bias_op::functor::internal::MaybeWith32BitIndexingImpl< Device >
 Cenco::MemoryContextRecord C/C++ expression that denotes the base and size of memory region dedicated to each bag
 Conert::backend::train::MemoryPlannerFactory< Index >
 Cflatbuffers::grpc::Message< T >
 Chermes::MessageMessage with metadata
 Chermes::MessageBufferA buffer for a message under construction
 Chermes::MessageBusA bridge between Source and Sink
 Chermes::MessageTextMutie-line text message
 Cluci_interpreter_pal::MinimumFn< T >
 Conert_micro::execute::pal::MinimumFn< T >
 Conert::util::MinMaxMap< N, Hash >
 Conert::util::MinMaxMap< std::pair< ir::SubgraphIndex, ir::IOIndex >, IOMinMaxHash >
 Conert::util::MinMaxMap< std::pair< ir::SubgraphIndex, ir::OperationIndex >, OpMinMaxHash >
 Cloco::Mixin< T >
 Cloco::Mixin< Trait::DataTyped >
 Cloco::Mixin< Trait::TensorShaped >
 Conert::ir::ModelEdgesStruct to gather model I/O information in multimodel NN package Model I/O will have role one of below
 Cmoco::ModelSignatureClass to store information to run a model. Normally this info comes from users via CLI params or configuration file
 Ccoco::ModuleTop-level element of coco IR which represents a neural network
 Cluci::ModuleCollection of 'loco::Graph's
 Cluci_interpreter_pal::MulFn< T >
 Conert_micro::execute::pal::MulFn< T >
 Cmir_interpreter::MulImpl< T >
 Cmir_interpreter::MulImpl< uint8_t >
 Cloco::NamedEntityTrait for elements with name
 Cflatbuffers::NamedHashFunction< T >
 Cluci_interpreter_pal::NdArrayDesc< N >
 CNdArrayDesc< N >
 Cnnfw::cker::NdArrayDesc< N >
 Conert_micro::execute::pal::NdArrayDesc< N >
 Cnnfw_tensorinfoTensor info describes the type and shape of tensors
 Cnnfw_train_infoTraining information to prepare training
 Ccoco::DLinkedList< Child, Parent >::Node
 Conert::dumper::dot::NodeClass that represents a Node in "dot" format
 Cloco::NodeAnnotationExtensible Node Metadata
 Cluci::NodeBuilderBaseCreates nodes from given Tensor and context
 Clocomotiv::NodeDataRead-only no-template wrapper for 'Buffer'. Serves interface for input and output of 'Session'
 Cmoco::NodeDefTableClass to store and query tensorflow::NodeDef* with string name key
 Clocomotiv::NodeExecutionHelper class for Session, responsible to process one node calculation
 Cluci::NodeFiller< ARG_TYPE_1, ARG_TYPE_2 >
 Cloco::NodeMixin< T >
 Cloco::NodeMixin< loco::NodeTrait::DataType >
 Cloco::NodeMixin< loco::NodeTrait::TensorShape >
 Cloco::NodeMixin< NodeTrait::DataType >
 Cloco::NodeMixin< NodeTrait::TensorShape >
 Cloco::NodeMixin< Trait >
 Clocop::NodeSummaryBuilderBuild a summary from loco Node
 Cnnfw::misc::tensor::NonIncreasingStrideClass to represent strides where stride[N-1] >= stride[N] holds for all N < rank
 Cnnfw::cker::random::NormalDistribution< Generator, RealType >
 Cnnfw::cker::random::NormalDistribution< Generator, double >
 Cnnfw::cker::random::NormalDistribution< Generator, Eigen::half >
 Cnnfw::cker::random::NormalDistribution< Generator, float >
 Cflatbuffers::internal::nullopt_holder< class >
 Conert::util::ObjectManager< Index, Object >Class that owns objects and maps them with indices as a handle for them
 Conert::util::ObjectManager< onert::util::Index, onert::compiler::OperandLowerInfo >
 Conert::util::ObjectManager< OperandIndex, Operand >
 Conert::util::ObjectManager< OperationIndex, IOperation >
 Cloco::ObjectPool< T >Object Pool
 Cloco::ObjectPool< GraphInput >
 Cloco::ObjectPool< GraphOutput >
 Cloco::ObjectPool< Node >
 Cnnfw::misc::tensor::Comparator::ObserverStruct to observe comparison results
 Cflatbuffers::Offset< T >
 Ctflite2circle::Offset< T >
 Cflatbuffers::Offset< circle::Buffer >
 Cflatbuffers::Offset< flatbuffers::String >
 Cflatbuffers::Offset< flatbuffers::Vector< typename T::CIR > >
 Cflatbuffers::Offset< void >
 Conert_micro::core::reader::OMCircleReaderLoads Circle file and provides helpers to access attributes
 Conert_micro::core::OMDataTypeImpl< DT >C++ scalar type corresponding to each OMDataType
 Conert_micro::core::OMDataTypeImpl< OMDataType::BOOL >
 Conert_micro::core::OMDataTypeImpl< OMDataType::FLOAT16 >
 Conert_micro::core::OMDataTypeImpl< OMDataType::FLOAT32 >
 Conert_micro::core::OMDataTypeImpl< OMDataType::FLOAT64 >
 Conert_micro::core::OMDataTypeImpl< OMDataType::S16 >
 Conert_micro::core::OMDataTypeImpl< OMDataType::S32 >
 Conert_micro::core::OMDataTypeImpl< OMDataType::S64 >
 Conert_micro::core::OMDataTypeImpl< OMDataType::S8 >
 Conert_micro::core::OMDataTypeImpl< OMDataType::U16 >
 Conert_micro::core::OMDataTypeImpl< OMDataType::U32 >
 Conert_micro::core::OMDataTypeImpl< OMDataType::U64 >
 Conert_micro::core::OMDataTypeImpl< OMDataType::U8 >
 Conert_micro::core::reader::OMTrainingConfigReaderLoads Training Config files and provides helpers functions
 Conert_micro::core::reader::OMWeightOnlyFormatReaderLoads Weight Only Format files and provides helpers functions
 Conert::ir::OperandInfoClass to save tensor's shape and type
 Conert::compiler::OperandObserverClass that observe and update operands
 Conert::exec::train::optimizer::OptimizerBase class for all optimizers
 Cnnc::cli::OptionType< T, isClass >Class models option type
 Cnnc::cli::OptionType< T, false >
 Cnnc::cli::OptionType< T, std::is_class< T >::value >
 Cmir::Operation::OutputRepresents an output of a node
 Cnncc::core::ADT::kernel::OverlayFactory< T, LayoutImpl >
 CPaddingBase< Derived >A PaddingBase encapsulates common implementation for derived Padding classes
 CPaddingBase< RawPadding >
 CPaddingBase< SpatialPadding >
 Cmir_interpreter::PadImpl< T >
 Conert::backend::cl_common::ParentInfoStruct to represent parent operand in child operand
 Cnnkit::support::tftestinfo::ParsedTensorClass to store tensor information parsed from file under moco/test/tf
 Ccoco::PartA Part represents the edge between a child Op and its parent Op
 Cluci::PartedModulePartedModule holds partitioned module and group name
 Cluci::PartitionTablePartitionTable holds partition information
 Cnnc::PassThis class represent an interface for all compiler passes like that frontend, backend etc
 Cnnc::PassDataClass that encapsulate value returned and taken by pass
 Cnnc::PassManagerPass manager class. This class manages running of passes
 Conert::compiler::pass::PassRunnerComposite passes with logging
 Cloco::Permutation< D >
 Cloco::Permutation< Domain::DepthwiseFilter >Mapping between DepthwiseFilter/Tensor Axis
 Cloco::Permutation< Domain::Feature >Mapping between Feature/Tensor Axis
 Cloco::Permutation< Domain::Filter >Mapping between Filter/Tensor Axis
 Cloco::Permutation< Domain::Matrix >Mapping between Matrix/Tensor Axis
 Cloco::PermutingDecoder< D >
 Cloco::PermutingEncoder< D >
 Cluci::PGroupPartition Group with Partition Nodes of same group and I/Os nodes
 Clogo::PhaseEventInfo< E >
 Clogo::PhaseEventInfo< PhaseEvent::PassBegin >
 Clogo::PhaseEventInfo< PhaseEvent::PassEnd >
 Clogo::PhaseEventInfo< PhaseEvent::PhaseBegin >
 Clogo::PhaseEventInfo< PhaseEvent::PhaseEnd >
 Clogo::PhaseRunner< S >
 Cluci::PhaseRunner< S >
 Ccoco::PlainWeightContext< T >Non-quantized (plain) Weight Data Accessor
 Cprunner::PModelsRunnerPModelsRunner runs partitioned models from input data file and stores output data to a file
 Cluci::PNodePartition Node with CircleNode with group name
 Cflatbuffers::pointer_inside_vector< T, U >
 Ccoco::PtrList< T >
 Ccoco::PtrManager< T >
 Ccoco::PtrManager< Bag >
 Ccoco::PtrManager< Block >
 Ccoco::PtrManager< Input >
 Ccoco::PtrManager< Instr >
 Ccoco::PtrManager< Object >
 Ccoco::PtrManager< Op >
 Ccoco::PtrManager< Output >
 Cnnfw::cker::optimized::depthwise_conv::QuantizedDepthwiseConvKernel< kAllowStrided, kFixedInputDepth, kFixedDepthMultiplier >
 Cnnfw::cker::optimized_integer_ops::depthwise_conv::QuantizedDepthwiseConvKernel< kAllowStrided, kFixedInputDepth, kFixedDepthMultiplier >
 Cluci::QuantizedModelVerifierClass to verify quantized model
 Conert::odc::QuantizerLoaderClass to manage loading and unloading of dynamic library containing implementation of IQuantizer interface
 CRawPaddingBuilderConstruct a raw padding from each Layer parameter
 Ccoco::ReadA Read represents an edge between a Bag and its Reader
 Cmio::circle::ReaderLoads Circle file and provides helpers to access attributes
 Cnncc::core::ADT::feature::Reader< T >
 Cnncc::core::ADT::kernel::Reader< T >
 Cnncc::core::ADT::tensor::Reader< T >
 Cnnfw::misc::feature::Reader< T >Class reads values of feature The interface class
 Cnnfw::misc::kernel::Reader< T >Structure to Reader
 Cnnfw::misc::matrix::Reader< T >Class reads values of matrix The interface class
 Cnnfw::misc::tensor::Reader< T >Struct to read element of tensor
 Cnnfw::misc::vector::Reader< T >Class reads values of vector The interface class
 Conert::exec::feature::Reader< T >Class reads values of feature The interface class
 Ctflinspect::ReaderLoads TF lite file and provides helpers to access attributes
 Ctflread::ReaderLoads TF lite file and provides helpers to access attributes
 Cnncc::core::ADT::kernel::Reader< float >
 Cnnfw::cker::functor::ReduceFunctor< Device, Reducer >
 Cmir_interpreter::ReduceMeanImpl< T >
 Cnnfw::cker::functor::ReduceOuterDimensions< Device, InputT, AccumT, OutputT, BinaryFunctor >
 Cmir::Region< T >
 Csouschef::Registry< T >
 Cmir_interpreter::ReLUImpl< T >
 Cmir_interpreter::ReLUImpl< uint8_t >
 Clogo::ReorderDecodePass< T >Reorder XXXDecode -> ? as ? -> XXXDecode if possible
 Cloco::Reshape< RT >
 Cnnfw::cker::SequentialTensorWriter< T >
 Clocomotiv::SessionSession for loco graph inference
 Conert::util::Set< Element >Class for set of custom element &
 Conert::util::Set< const backend::Backend * >
 Conert::util::Set< onert::backend::train::DisposableTensorIndex >
 Conert::util::Set< onert::util::Index >
 Cnnfw::cker::functor::SetZeroFunctor< Device, T >
 Cnnfw::misc::feature::ShapeStructure to have values of dimensions for feature
 Cnnfw::misc::kernel::ShapeStructure to Shape
 Cnnfw::misc::matrix::ShapeStructure to have values of dimensions for matrix
 Cnnfw::misc::tensor::ShapeClass to represent shape of a tensor
 Ctfinfo::ShapeHintClass to represent axis and size of dims. User should enter axis and size of dim(s) when input tensor(s) contain(s) unknown dim(s). Such axis and size of dim(s) will be stored in ShapeHint
 Ctfinfo::v2::ShapeHintClass to represent axis and size of dims. User should enter axis and size of dim(s) when input tensor(s) contain(s) unknown dim(s). Such axis and size of dim(s) will be stored in ShapeHint
 Cexo::ShapeInferenceGet the shape of each node as a node annotation
 CShapeQueryA wrapper class that allows additional queries over tensor shape
 Cmir_interpreter::SigmoidImpl< T >
 Cmir_interpreter::SigmoidImpl< uint8_t >
 Cmpqsolver::test::models::SimpleGraphBase class of simple graphs used for testing
 Cnnfw::cker::random::SingleSampleAdapter< Generator >
 Chermes::SinkMessage consumer interface
 Cmir_interpreter::SliceImpl< T >
 Cadt::small_vector< T, Capacity >Vector with cheap memory allocation
 Cadt::small_vector< int32_t, MAX_DIMENSION_COUNT >
 Cadt::small_vector< int_fast32_t, MAX_DIMENSION_COUNT >
 Cloco::Softmax< D >Computes softmax activations
 Cmir_interpreter::SoftmaxImpl< T >
 Cmir_interpreter::SoftmaxImpl< uint8_t >
 CSolverOutputSolverOutput prints important performance information
 Chermes::SourceMessage Source
 Ccoco::Span< T >A Span is a non-owing reference to a memory chunk
 Cluci::Sparsifier< T >
 Conert::ir::SparsityStructure for Sparse Tensor
 Cnnfw::cker::train::functor::SpatialConvolutionBackwardInputFunc< Device, T >
 Cnnfw::cker::train::functor::SpatialConvolutionBackwardInputWithExplicitPaddingFunc< Device, T >
 CSpatialPaddingBuilderConvert a raw padding to a spatial padding of a given spatial rank
 Clocop::Spec< I >
 Clocop::Spec< Interface::Formatted >
 Cmir_interpreter::SqrtImpl< T >
 Cmir_interpreter::SqrtImpl< uint8_t >
 Conert_micro::execute::pal::SquaredDifferenceFn< T >
 Ccoco::StepA Step denotes the edge between Op and Instr
 Cloco::Stride< N >Stride configuration for N-dimensional spatial operations
 Cloco::Stride< 2 >Stride configuration for 2D spatial operations
 Cnnfw::cker::functor::StrideFunctor< Device, T, N >
 Cluci_interpreter_pal::SubFn< T >
 Conert_micro::execute::pal::SubFn< T >
 Cexo::circle_detail::SubGraphContextRecord the information of T/F Lite SubGraph and its mapping to loco
 Cexo::tflite_detail::SubGraphContextRecord the information of T/F Lite SubGraph and its mapping to loco
 Cluci::SubGraphContextRecord the information of T/F Lite SubGraph and its mapping to loco
 Cmir_interpreter::SubImpl< T >
 Cmir_interpreter::SubImpl< uint8_t >
 Cenco::SubnetBlockCompilerGenerate C++ code that invokes Android NN subnet
 Cenco::SubnetStructA C++ struct that provides Android NN model & compilation
 Cloco::Subst< Q >
 Cloco::Subst< SubstQualifier::Default >A helper for below "replace" helper
 Cflatbuffers::SymbolTable< T >
 Clocop::SymbolTableSymbol Table Interface
 Cmoco::onnx::SymbolTableClass to store relations of Nodes and string names
 Cmoco::SymbolTableClass to store and query loco::Node* with string name key
 Cflatbuffers::SymbolTable< flatbuffers::EnumDef >
 Cflatbuffers::SymbolTable< flatbuffers::EnumVal >
 Cflatbuffers::SymbolTable< flatbuffers::FieldDef >
 Cflatbuffers::SymbolTable< flatbuffers::RPCCall >
 Cflatbuffers::SymbolTable< flatbuffers::ServiceDef >
 Cflatbuffers::SymbolTable< flatbuffers::StructDef >
 Cflatbuffers::SymbolTable< flatbuffers::Type >
 Cflatbuffers::SymbolTable< flatbuffers::Value >
 Conert_micro::execute::pal::TanhFunctor< T, >
 Cmir_interpreter::TanhImpl< T >
 Cmir_interpreter::TanhImpl< uint8_t >
 Cmir::Tensor< T >
 Ctflimport::TensorBagsPre-creates coco:Bags for each operands(tensors)
 Ctflimport::TensorContextExtracts and holds operand(tensor) information such as name, shape, and type
 CEigen::internal::TensorContractionInputMapper< Scalar_, Index, Side, TensorEvaluator< const TensorReshapingOp< NewDimension, const TensorImagePatchOp< Rows, Cols, ArgType > >, Device >, nocontract_t, contract_t, packet_size, inner_dim_contiguous, inner_dim_reordered, Alignment >
 CEigen::internal::TensorContractionSubMapper< Scalar, Index, Side, TensorEvaluator< const TensorReshapingOp< NewDimension, const TensorImagePatchOp< Rows, Cols, ArgType > >, Device >, nocontract_t, contract_t, packet_size, inner_dim_contiguous, inner_dim_reordered, Alignment >
 Cnnkit::support::tf::TensorDataMapClass to map parsed tensor and memory for tensor values. For parsed tensor, this memory is used to fill input or output values of graph
 Cnnc::sir::TensorDescriptorRepresents variable used in artifact. This variable can store inputs, outputs of network and temporary data
 CEigen::internal::TensorEvaluatorHasPartialPacket< TensorEvaluatorType, PacketType, IndexType >
 Conert::api::python::tensorinfoTensor info describes the type and shape of tensors
 Cmoco::TensorNameCompareTo use TensorName as a key in std::map, this struct defines how to compare two TensorNames
 Cluci::sinf::TensorShapeExpanderCreate a higher-rank TensorShape following NumPy broadcasting semantics
 Ctfinfo::TensorSignatureClass to store input and output tensor information
 Ctfinfo::v2::TensorSignatureClass to store input and output tensor information
 Cluci_interpreter::test_kernel::TestDataBase< T, U >
 Conert_micro::test_model::TestDataBase< T, U >
 Cluci_interpreter::test_kernel::TestDataBase< bool >
 Cluci_interpreter::test_kernel::TestDataBase< float >
 Cluci_interpreter::test_kernel::TestDataBase< float, bool >
 Conert_micro::test_model::TestDataBase< float, int >
 Cluci_interpreter::test_kernel::TestDataBase< float, int32_t >
 Conert_micro::test_model::TestDataBase< float, int8_t >
 Cluci_interpreter::test_kernel::TestDataBase< float, uint8_t >
 Cluci_interpreter::test_kernel::TestDataBase< int >
 Cluci_interpreter::test_kernel::TestDataBase< int16_t >
 Cluci_interpreter::test_kernel::TestDataBase< int32_t >
 Cluci_interpreter::test_kernel::TestDataBase< int32_t, bool >
 Cluci_interpreter::test_kernel::TestDataBase< int64_t >
 Cluci_interpreter::test_kernel::TestDataBase< int8_t >
 Conert_micro::test_model::TestDataBase< int8_t, bool >
 Conert_micro::test_model::TestDataBase< int8_t, float >
 Cluci_interpreter::test_kernel::TestDataBase< T, O >
 Cluci_interpreter::test_kernel::TestDataBase< T, U >
 Cluci_interpreter::test_kernel::TestDataBase< uint8_t >
 Cluci_interpreter::test_kernel::TestDataBase< uint8_t, bool >
 Cluci_interpreter::test_kernel::TestDataBase< uint8_t, float >
 Cnnfw::misc::feature::TextFormatter< T >Class to print operand of feature to ostream in the given string format
 Ctflimport::TflBufferContext::TflBuffer< T >
 Ctflimport::TflBufferContextClass to read and provide buffer information of tflite
 Ctflchef::TFliteOpChefInterface for each operators to build tflchef
 Ctflchef::TFliteOpRegistryTflchef operator registry
 Clocoex::TFLNodeMixin< T >
 Clocoex::TFLNodeMixin< TFLNodeTrait::Bias >Mixin class for nodes that has a bias input
 Clocoex::TFLNodeMixin< TFLNodeTrait::FusedActFunc >
 Clocoex::TFLNodeMutableVisitorBase< T >
 Clocoex::TFLNodeVisitorBase< T >
 Ctflimport::TflOpCodeContextClass that holds operator codes and related methods
 Cmoco::TFNodeMutableVisitorBase< T >
 Cmoco::TFNodeVisitorBase< T >
 Cnnfw::rt::optimized_ops::TopContainer< T >Class to define TopK operation
 Conert::util::TracingCtxClass to maintain information about profiling per session
 Conert::ir::train::TrainingIndex< T >Class that provides index of tensor for training
 Cmir_interpreter::TransposeImpl< T >
 Conert::trix_loader::TrixMetaReaderA tvn metadata reader
 Cnnfw::cker::random::TruncatedNormalDistribution< SingleSampleGenerator, RealType >
 Cnnfw::cker::random::TruncatedNormalDistribution< SingleSampleGenerator, double >
 Cnnfw::cker::random::TruncatedNormalDistribution< SingleSampleGenerator, Eigen::half >
 Cnnfw::cker::random::TruncatedNormalDistribution< SingleSampleGenerator, float >
 Cnnfw::cker::TTypes< T, NDIMS, IndexType >
 Cexo::circle_detail::TypeInferenceGet the type of each node as NodeAnnotation
 Cexo::TypeInferenceGet the type of each node as NodeAnnotation
 Cluci::TypeMapper< T >TypeMapper maps between c++ primitive data type and loco::DataType
 Cluci::TypeMapper< float >
 Cluci::TypeMapper< int16_t >
 Cluci::TypeMapper< int32_t >
 Cluci::TypeMapper< int64_t >
 Cluci::TypeMapper< int8_t >
 Cluci::TypeMapper< uint16_t >
 Cluci::TypeMapper< uint32_t >
 Cluci::TypeMapper< uint64_t >
 Cluci::TypeMapper< uint8_t >
 Carser::TypeName< T >
 Carser::TypeName< bool >
 Carser::TypeName< const char * >
 Carser::TypeName< float >
 Carser::TypeName< int >
 Carser::TypeName< std::string >
 Carser::TypeName< std::vector< const char * > >
 Carser::TypeName< std::vector< float > >
 Carser::TypeName< std::vector< int > >
 Carser::TypeName< std::vector< std::string > >
 Cexo::test::TypeShapeReadyPhasePhase for test, that is used to test pass. This phase initially adds TypeInferencePass and ShapeInferencePass
 Cnnfw::cker::random::UniformDistribution< Generator, RealType >
 Cnnfw::cker::random::UniformDistribution< Generator, double >
 Cnnfw::cker::random::UniformDistribution< Generator, Eigen::half >
 Cnnfw::cker::random::UniformDistribution< Generator, float >
 Cnnfw::cker::random::UniformDistribution< Generator, int32_t >
 Cnnfw::cker::random::UniformDistribution< Generator, int64_t >
 Cnnfw::cker::random::UniformFullIntDistribution< Generator, IntType >
 Cnnfw::cker::random::UniformFullIntDistribution32< Generator, IntType >
 Cnnfw::cker::random::UniformFullIntDistribution32< Generator, int32_t >
 Cnnfw::cker::random::UniformFullIntDistribution32< Generator, uint32_t >
 Cnnfw::cker::random::UniformFullIntDistribution64< Generator, IntType >
 Cnnfw::cker::random::UniformFullIntDistribution64< Generator, int64_t >
 Cnnfw::cker::random::UniformFullIntDistribution64< Generator, uint64_t >
 Cbino::UniformTransform< Callable >
 Ccoco::UpdateA Update represents an edge between a Bag and its Updater
 Cmoco::UpdateQueueClass to store GraphUpdate objects
 Cloco::UseThe edge between a node definition and its user
 Cmir::Operation::UseRepresents a use of an operation output
 Cluci::UserSettingsUserSettings provides user settings by key-value
 Cflatbuffers::Vector< T >
 Cflatbuffers::Vector< char >
 Cflatbuffers::VectorIterator< T, IT >
 Cluci_interpreter::kernels::VectorOfTensors< T, is_const >
 Cluci_interpreter::kernels::VectorOfTensors< uint8_t, is_const >
 Cluci::VectorWrapper< T >Wrapper to use flatbuffers::Vector pointer as std::vector entity
 Cluci_interpreter::VectorWrapper< T >Wrapper to use flatbuffers::Vector pointer as std::vector entity
 Cluci::VerifyQuantizedNodeTypeVerify the data type of quantized node
 Cnncc::core::ADT::kernel::ViewImpl< T >
 Cnncc::core::ADT::kernel::ViewImpl< float >
 Cnest::expr::Visitor< T >
 Cnest::stmt::Visitor< T >
 Cloco::Window< N >ND Receptive Field Shape
 Cloco::Window< 2 >2D Receptive Field Shape
 Cloco::With< Trait >
 Cnnfw::cker::xent_ops::functor::XentFunctor< Device, T >
 Cnnfw::cker::xent_ops::functor::XentFunctorBase< Device, T >
 Cnnfw::cker::xent_ops::functor::XentFunctorBase< CPUDevice, T >
 Cnnfw::misc::tensor::Zipper< T >Class to apply a function with three params: Index, elements of a tensor at passed index read by Reader objects