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Using input metadata and integrating with external databases


Input metadata are useful to:

  • Filter and group inputs
  • Decide what metrics to compute on your outputs

QA-Board will forward metadata to your run(ctx) function as ctx.input_metadata.

Creating metadata

To enable metadata support in QA-Board, you have 2 options:

  1. Fill the metadata as part of your run:
def run(context):
context.input_metadata = {}
  1. Implement in your project's entrypoint a function that returns metadata as a dict. Here is an example:
import yaml

def metadata(absolute_input_path, database, input_path):
metadata_file = absolute_input_path.with_suffix('.metadata.yaml')
if not metadata_file.exists():
return {}
with as f:
return yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader)

If you define metadata.label it will be used in the UI instead of the input path.


QA-Board will compares runs with different input if they have the same A common use-case is comparing images from different sensors taken in the same conditions.

Using metadata to filter batches of inputs

only: # only run tests matching all those conditions
PD pattern: 4PD
Model # mulitple options are OK
- 2T7
Binning: '1:*' # wildcards are supported
Bad pixels: False # as well as Booleans, numbers…
Distance: '>1' # also >=, =,==, <, <=

exclude: # don't run on tests matching all the filters below
Location: Outdoor
qa batch inputs-filtered-using-metadata
# => run only on inputs with 4PD as PD pattern, etc.

Integrating with external input databases

Inputs are not always existing files. In some cases you will want to use a "proper" database to organize them. If your inputs are the names of unit tests, you'll list them with something like gtest_project --gtest_list_tests.

To enable this with QA-Board, implement in your project's entrypoint a function that iterates over inputs given a query:

def iter_inputs(path, database, only, exclude, inputs_settings):
# TODO: Maybe here connect to an SQL database
# and execute something like
# f"SELECT test, metadata from tests where path LIKE {path} and database={database}"
# OPTIONALLY: return filtered inputs using only/exclude
# even if you don't do it, qa-board will always re-filter
# but doing it yourself in SQL can be much more efficient
return ({"absolute_input_path": database / p.path, "metadata": p.metadata} for p in inputs)

# Note: path=None should match all inputs in the database
# Note: inputs_settings is a dict with information on how inputs should be found: file globs, use_parent, or anything else you put in qaboard.yaml's inputs.