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Debugging QA-Board' runs in an IDE

Debugging with PyCharm​

Edit your "debug configurations" like this:

  • Module name: qaboard (make sure you select "module" not "script" in the dropdown menu).
  • Parameters: CLI parameters for qa: run -i images/A.jpg.
  • Working directory: Check it’s defined as the directory with qaboard.yaml. If this directory happens to have a subfolder named "qaboard", use it.
pyCharm setup

In some cases you'll also need to define as environment variables LC_ALL=en_US.utf8 LANG=en_US.utf8

Debugging with VSCode​

To configure debugging, the editor opens a file called launch.json. You want to add configurations that look like those:

"name": "qaboard",
"type": "python",
"request": "launch",
"module": "qaboard",
"args": [
"--", // needed...

Here is a more in-depth review of your options at