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add(LPVSQueue) - Method in class com.lpvs.service.LPVSQueueService
Adds the LPVSQueue element to the end of the queue.
addFirst(LPVSQueue) - Method in class com.lpvs.service.LPVSQueueService
Adds the LPVSQueue element to the front of the queue.
addLicenseConflict(String, String) - Method in class com.lpvs.service.LPVSLicenseService
Adds a license conflict to the list of conflicts.
addLicenseToList(LPVSLicense) - Method in class com.lpvs.service.LPVSLicenseService
Adds a license to the list of licenses.
appendPatchedLine(String) - Method in class com.lpvs.entity.LPVSDiffFile
Appends a patched line to the list of changed lines.


BOT_SCAN - Enum constant in enum class com.lpvs.entity.enums.LPVSPullRequestAction
Represents the action of triggering a scan of a pull request by automation bot.
buildHTMLComment(LPVSQueue, List<LPVSFile>, List<LPVSLicenseService.Conflict<String, String>>) - Static method in class com.lpvs.util.LPVSCommentUtil
Generates a formatted string for an HTML report with scan results.


checkForQueue() - Method in class com.lpvs.service.LPVSQueueService
Checks for any previous LPVSQueue elements and processes them.
checkLicenses(LPVSQueue) - Method in interface com.lpvs.service.scan.LPVSScanService
Checks licenses for files using the provided webhook configuration.
checkLicenses(LPVSQueue) - Method in class com.lpvs.service.scan.scanner.LPVSScanossDetectService
Checks the licenses detected by Scanoss and returns a list of LPVSFile entities.
checkPayload(String) - Static method in class com.lpvs.util.LPVSPayloadUtil
Checks if the provided payload represents a valid GitHub webhook event that LPVS can handle.
clientRegistrationRepository() - Method in class com.lpvs.config.SecurityConfig
Defines a simple ClientRegistrationRepository that always returns null for any registration ID.
CLOSE - Enum constant in enum class com.lpvs.entity.enums.LPVSPullRequestAction
Represents the action of closing a pull request.
com.lpvs - package com.lpvs
Provides the main classes and components for the License Pre-Validation Service (LPVS) application.
com.lpvs.config - package com.lpvs.config
This package contains configuration classes related to the security setup of the application.
com.lpvs.controller - package com.lpvs.controller
This package contains the controller classes for handling various aspects of the License Pre-Validation Service (LPVS).
com.lpvs.entity - package com.lpvs.entity
This package contains entity classes representing various entities in the LPVS system.
com.lpvs.entity.auth - package com.lpvs.entity.auth
This package contains entity classes related to authentication and user profiles in the LPVS system.
com.lpvs.entity.dashboard - package com.lpvs.entity.dashboard
This package contains entity classes related to the dashboard functionality in the LPVS system.
com.lpvs.entity.enums - package com.lpvs.entity.enums
This package contains enums used in the LPVS system.
com.lpvs.entity.history - package com.lpvs.entity.history
This package contains entities representing historical data in the LPVS system.
com.lpvs.entity.result - package com.lpvs.entity.result
This package contains entities representing the results of scans in the LPVS system.
com.lpvs.exception - package com.lpvs.exception
This package contains custom exception classes used in the application to represent various error scenarios.
com.lpvs.repository - package com.lpvs.repository
This package contains repository interfaces responsible for managing data access and persistence for the application.
com.lpvs.service - package com.lpvs.service
This package contains services responsible for various business logic and functionality within the LPVS application.
com.lpvs.service.scan - package com.lpvs.service.scan
Provides services related to scanning operations.
com.lpvs.service.scan.scanner - package com.lpvs.service.scan.scanner
The package contains service related to the Scanoss scanner integration.
com.lpvs.util - package com.lpvs.util
This package contains utility classes used across the LPVS (License Plate Verification Service) application.
commentResults(LPVSQueue, List<LPVSFile>, List<LPVSLicenseService.Conflict<String, String>>, LPVSPullRequest) - Method in class com.lpvs.service.LPVSGitHubService
Comments on the pull request with the scan results and detected issues.
COMPLETED - Enum constant in enum class com.lpvs.entity.enums.LPVSPullRequestStatus
Indicates that the scan of the pull request has been completed.
Conflict(License1, License2) - Constructor for class com.lpvs.service.LPVSLicenseService.Conflict
Constructs a Conflict object with the specified licenses.
connectToGitHubApi() - Method in class com.lpvs.service.LPVSGitHubConnectionService
Connects to the GitHub API based on the configured login, authentication token, and API URL.
convertBytesToLinesNumbers() - Method in class com.lpvs.entity.LPVSFile
Converts byte ranges to line numbers in a file.
convertFrom(String) - Static method in enum class com.lpvs.entity.enums.LPVSPullRequestAction
Converts a string representation of a pull request action to the corresponding enum constant.
convertFrom(String) - Static method in enum class com.lpvs.entity.enums.LPVSVcs
Converts a string representation of a version control system to the corresponding enum constant.
convertInputStreamToString(InputStream) - Static method in class com.lpvs.util.LPVSPayloadUtil
Convert an InputStream into a String by reading the contents line by line.
convertLicensesToString(LPVSVcs) - Method in class com.lpvs.entity.LPVSFile
Converts the set of licenses to a formatted string.
convertOsoriDbResponseToLicense(String) - Static method in class com.lpvs.util.LPVSPayloadUtil
Parses the given payload from the OSORI DB and converts it into a LPVSLicense object.
corsConfigurationSource() - Method in class com.lpvs.config.SecurityConfig
Configures the CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) support.
countByPullRequestAndLicenseIsNotNull(LPVSPullRequest) - Method in interface com.lpvs.repository.LPVSDetectedLicenseRepository
Count the number of detected licenses associated with a specific pull request where the license is not null.
countByPullRequestBase(String) - Method in interface com.lpvs.repository.LPVSPullRequestRepository
Count the number of pull requests with the specified base name.
countBySenderOrPullRequestHead(String) - Method in interface com.lpvs.repository.LPVSPullRequestRepository
Count the number of pull requests with the specified sender or pull request head.
createBufferReader(InputStreamReader) - Static method in class com.lpvs.util.LPVSPayloadUtil
Creates a BufferedReader for the given InputStreamReader.
createConnection(String, String) - Method in class com.lpvs.service.LPVSLicenseService.OsoriConnection
Creates a connection to the OSORI database using the specified OSORI server and license SPDX identifier.
createInputStreamReader(InputStream) - Static method in class com.lpvs.util.LPVSPayloadUtil
Creates an InputStreamReader object with the specified input stream and UTF-8 encoding.
createScanService(String, boolean) - Method in class com.lpvs.service.scan.LPVSScanServiceFactory
Creates a scan service based on the specified scanner type and configuration.


Dashboard - Class in com.lpvs.entity.dashboard
Represents a dashboard in the LPVS system.
Dashboard() - Constructor for class com.lpvs.entity.dashboard.Dashboard
DashBoardElements - Class in com.lpvs.entity.dashboard
Represents a collection of dashboard elements in the LPVS system.
DashBoardElements() - Constructor for class com.lpvs.entity.dashboard.DashBoardElements
DashboardElementsByDate - Class in com.lpvs.entity.dashboard
Represents dashboard elements grouped by date in the LPVS system.
DashboardElementsByDate() - Constructor for class com.lpvs.entity.dashboard.DashboardElementsByDate
delete(LPVSQueue) - Method in class com.lpvs.service.LPVSQueueService
Deletes the LPVSQueue element from the repository and the queue.
deleteIfExists(String) - Static method in class com.lpvs.util.LPVSFileUtil
Deletes the specified directory if it exists.


equals(Object) - Method in class com.lpvs.entity.LPVSPullRequest
Checks if this pull request is equal to another object based on specific criteria.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.lpvs.entity.LPVSQueue
Checks if this queue item is equal to another object based on specific criteria.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.lpvs.service.LPVSLicenseService.Conflict
Compares this Conflict object with another object for equality.
ErrorResponse - Class in com.lpvs.exception
Represents an error response containing details about an encountered exception.
ErrorResponse(String, String, int) - Constructor for class com.lpvs.exception.ErrorResponse
Constructs a new ErrorResponse with the specified message, code, and status.
existsByIssueIsTrueAndPullRequest(LPVSPullRequest) - Method in interface com.lpvs.repository.LPVSDetectedLicenseRepository
Check if there is at least one detected license associated with a specific pull request and marked as an issue.
exit(int) - Method in class com.lpvs.util.LPVSExitHandler
Initiates the application exit process with the specified exit code.
extract(String, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in enum class com.lpvs.entity.enums.OAuthAttributes
Extracts OAuth attributes based on the registration ID and creates a MemberProfile.


filterChain(HttpSecurity) - Method in class com.lpvs.config.SecurityConfig
Configures the security filter chain.
findAllSpdxId() - Method in interface com.lpvs.repository.LPVSLicenseRepository
Retrieve all SPDX identifiers of licenses from the database.
findByEmailAndProvider(String, String) - Method in interface com.lpvs.repository.LPVSMemberRepository
Find a member by email and provider.
findByPullRequest(LPVSPullRequest) - Method in interface com.lpvs.repository.LPVSDetectedLicenseRepository
Find all detected licenses associated with a specific pull request.
findByPullRequest(LPVSPullRequest, Pageable) - Method in interface com.lpvs.repository.LPVSDetectedLicenseRepository
Find a paginated list of detected licenses associated with a specific pull request.
findByPullRequestAndLicenseIsNotNull(LPVSPullRequest) - Method in interface com.lpvs.repository.LPVSDetectedLicenseRepository
Find detected licenses associated with a specific pull request where the license is not null.
findByPullRequestBase(String) - Method in interface com.lpvs.repository.LPVSPullRequestRepository
Find all pull requests with the specified base name.
findByPullRequestBase(String, Pageable) - Method in interface com.lpvs.repository.LPVSPullRequestRepository
Find all pull requests with the specified base name, paginated.
findBySenderOrPullRequestHead(String) - Method in interface com.lpvs.repository.LPVSPullRequestRepository
Find all pull requests with the specified sender or pull request head.
findBySenderOrPullRequestHead(String, Pageable) - Method in interface com.lpvs.repository.LPVSPullRequestRepository
Find all pull requests with the specified sender or pull request head, paginated.
findConflicts(LPVSQueue, List<LPVSFile>) - Method in class com.lpvs.service.LPVSLicenseService
Finds license conflicts based on the provided scan results and repository information.
findDistinctLicenseByPullRequest(LPVSPullRequest) - Method in interface com.lpvs.repository.LPVSDetectedLicenseRepository
Find distinct licenses associated with a specific pull request.
findFirstBySpdxIdOrderByLicenseIdDesc(String) - Method in interface com.lpvs.repository.LPVSLicenseRepository
Search for a license by SPDX identifier.
findLatestByPullRequestInfo(String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface com.lpvs.repository.LPVSPullRequestRepository
Retrieves the latest LPVSPullRequest entity based on the provided criteria.
findLicense(String, String) - Method in class com.lpvs.service.LPVSLicenseService
Search for a license using the given SPDX identifier and license name.
findLicenseByName(String) - Method in class com.lpvs.service.LPVSLicenseService
Finds a license by its name.
findLicenseBySPDX(String) - Method in class com.lpvs.service.LPVSLicenseService
Finds a license by SPDX identifier.
findLicenseConflict(Long, Long) - Method in interface com.lpvs.repository.LPVSLicenseConflictRepository
Find a specific license conflict between two licenses.
findLicenseInOsoriDB(String) - Method in class com.lpvs.service.LPVSLicenseService
Search for a license with the given SPDX identifier in the OSORI database.


generateSecurityHeaders() - Static method in class com.lpvs.util.LPVSPayloadUtil
Generates a HttpHeaders object with a set of security headers for a web application.
GERRIT - Enum constant in enum class com.lpvs.entity.enums.LPVSVcs
Represents the Gerrit version control system.
getAsyncExecutor() - Method in class com.lpvs.LicensePreValidationService
Configures and retrieves an asynchronous task executor bean.
getDashboardEntity(String, String, Authentication) - Method in class com.lpvs.service.LPVSStatisticsService
Retrieves a Dashboard entity based on the specified type, name, and authentication details.
getGitHubWebhookConfig(String) - Static method in class com.lpvs.util.LPVSPayloadUtil
Parses the GitHub webhook payload and extracts relevant information to create an LPVSQueue object.
getGitHubWebhookConfig(GHRepository, GHPullRequest) - Static method in class com.lpvs.util.LPVSPayloadUtil
Retrieves an LPVSQueue configuration based on the GitHub repository and pull request.
getGrade(String) - Method in class com.lpvs.service.LPVSStatisticsService
Retrieves the Grade enum based on the specified match value.
getInternalQueueByPullRequest(String) - Method in class com.lpvs.service.LPVSGitHubService
Retrieves the LPVSQueue configuration for a given GitHub pull request URL.
getLatestScan(List<LPVSQueue>) - Method in class com.lpvs.service.LPVSQueueService
Gets the LPVSQueue element with the latest scan date.
getLicenseBySpdxIdAndName(String, Optional<String>) - Method in class com.lpvs.service.LPVSLicenseService
Gets a license object from the database using the specified license SPDX ID and license name.
getLocalDirectoryPath(LPVSQueue) - Static method in class com.lpvs.util.LPVSFileUtil
Retrieves the local directory path based on the provided webhook configuration.
getMatchedLinesAsLink(LPVSQueue, LPVSFile, LPVSVcs) - Static method in class com.lpvs.util.LPVSCommentUtil
Generates a formatted string containing links to matched lines in a file.
getMemberFromMemberMap(Authentication) - Method in class com.lpvs.service.LPVSLoginCheckService
Get an LPVSMember from the OAuth login member map.
getMessage() - Method in class com.lpvs.entity.LPVSResponseWrapper
Retrieves the message from the response wrapper.
getOauthLoginMemberMap(Authentication) - Method in class com.lpvs.service.LPVSLoginCheckService
Get OAuth login member map from the authentication object.
getPathByPullRequest(LPVSQueue) - Static method in class com.lpvs.util.LPVSFileUtil
Retrieves the local directory path for a given LPVSQueue configuration.
getPullRequestAction() - Method in enum class com.lpvs.entity.enums.LPVSPullRequestAction
Gets the string representation of the pull request action.
getPullRequestFiles(LPVSQueue) - Method in class com.lpvs.service.LPVSGitHubService
Retrieves the file differences for a given pull request from GitHub.
getPullRequestId(LPVSQueue) - Static method in class com.lpvs.util.LPVSPayloadUtil
Retrieves the pull request ID from the pull request URL in the LPVSQueue object.
getPullRequestStatus() - Method in enum class com.lpvs.entity.enums.LPVSPullRequestStatus
Gets the string representation of the pull request status.
getQueue() - Method in class com.lpvs.service.LPVSQueueService
Gets the entire LPVSQueue.
getQueueFirstElement() - Method in class com.lpvs.service.LPVSQueueService
Gets the first element from the LPVSQueue.
getRepositoryLicense(LPVSQueue) - Method in class com.lpvs.service.LPVSGitHubService
Retrieves the license of the GitHub repository associated with the pull request.
getRepositoryName(LPVSQueue) - Static method in class com.lpvs.util.LPVSPayloadUtil
Retrieves the repository name from the repository URL in the LPVSQueue object.
getRepositoryOrganization(LPVSQueue) - Static method in class com.lpvs.util.LPVSPayloadUtil
Retrieves the organization name from the repository URL in the LPVSQueue object.
getRepositoryUrl(LPVSQueue) - Static method in class com.lpvs.util.LPVSPayloadUtil
Retrieves the repository URL from the LPVSQueue object.
getScanResultsDirectoryPath(LPVSQueue) - Static method in class com.lpvs.util.LPVSFileUtil
Retrieves the directory path for storing scan results based on the provided webhook configuration.
getScanResultsJsonFilePath(LPVSQueue) - Static method in class com.lpvs.util.LPVSFileUtil
Retrieves the file path for storing scan results in JSON format based on the provided webhook configuration.
getServiceClassName(String, boolean) - Method in class com.lpvs.service.scan.LPVSScanServiceFactory
Gets the fully qualified class name of the scan service based on the specified scanner type and configuration.
getVcs() - Method in enum class com.lpvs.entity.enums.LPVSVcs
Gets the string representation of the version control system.
GITHUB - Enum constant in enum class com.lpvs.entity.enums.LPVSVcs
Represents the GitHub version control system.
GITHUB - Enum constant in enum class com.lpvs.entity.enums.OAuthAttributes
Represents OAuth attributes for GitHub authentication.
GitHubController - Class in com.lpvs.controller
Controller class for handling GitHub webhook events and single scan requests.
GitHubController(LPVSQueueService, LPVSGitHubService, LPVSGitHubConnectionService, LPVSQueueRepository, String, LPVSExitHandler) - Constructor for class com.lpvs.controller.GitHubController
Constructor for GitHubController.
gitHubSingleScan(String, String, Integer) - Method in class com.lpvs.controller.GitHubController
Handles a GitHub single scan request.
gitHubWebhooks(String, String) - Method in class com.lpvs.controller.GitHubController
Endpoint for handling GitHub webhook events and processing the payload.
GITLAB - Enum constant in enum class com.lpvs.entity.enums.LPVSVcs
Represents the GitLab version control system.
GOOGLE - Enum constant in enum class com.lpvs.entity.enums.OAuthAttributes
Represents OAuth attributes for Google authentication.
Grade - Enum Class in com.lpvs.entity.enums
Represents the severity grades for license violations in the LPVS system.


handleSQLException(IllegalArgumentException) - Method in class com.lpvs.exception.PageControllerAdvice
Handles IllegalArgumentException by logging the error and returning an errorResponse with CONFLICT status.
hashCode() - Method in class com.lpvs.entity.LPVSPullRequest
Generates a hash code for the pull request based on specific attributes.
hashCode() - Method in class com.lpvs.entity.LPVSQueue
Generates a hash code for the queue item based on specific attributes.
hashCode() - Method in class com.lpvs.service.LPVSLicenseService.Conflict
Generates a hash code value for this Conflict object.
HIGH - Enum constant in enum class com.lpvs.entity.enums.Grade
Represents a high severity license violation.
HistoryEntity - Class in com.lpvs.entity.history
Represents an entity containing a list of historical records in the LPVS system.
HistoryEntity() - Constructor for class com.lpvs.entity.history.HistoryEntity
HistoryPageEntity - Class in com.lpvs.entity.history
Represents an entity containing a page of historical pull requests in the LPVS system.
HistoryPageEntity() - Constructor for class com.lpvs.entity.history.HistoryPageEntity


initializeGitHubController() - Method in class com.lpvs.controller.GitHubController
Initializes the GitHub secret from the LPVS_GITHUB_SECRET environment variable or the application property.
INTERNAL_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class com.lpvs.entity.enums.LPVSPullRequestStatus
Indicates an internal error occurred while posting scan results.
ISSUES_DETECTED - Enum constant in enum class com.lpvs.entity.enums.LPVSPullRequestStatus
Indicates that license issues have been detected in the pull request.


KAKAO - Enum constant in enum class com.lpvs.entity.enums.OAuthAttributes
Represents OAuth attributes for Kakao authentication.


l1 - Variable in class com.lpvs.service.LPVSLicenseService.Conflict
The first license in the conflict.
l2 - Variable in class com.lpvs.service.LPVSLicenseService.Conflict
The second license in the conflict.
licenseConflictsSource - Variable in class com.lpvs.service.LPVSLicenseService
Source of license conflicts.
LicensePreValidationService - Class in com.lpvs
The main class for the License Pre-Validation Service (LPVS) application.
LicensePreValidationService(int) - Constructor for class com.lpvs.LicensePreValidationService
Constructs a new LicensePreValidationService with the specified core pool size.
loadUser(OAuth2UserRequest) - Method in class com.lpvs.service.OAuthService
Loads user information from the OAuth2 provider.
LoginFailedException - Exception in com.lpvs.exception
Exception thrown to indicate a failed login attempt.
LoginFailedException(String) - Constructor for exception com.lpvs.exception.LoginFailedException
Constructs a new LoginFailedException with the specified error message.
loginFailedHandle(LoginFailedException) - Method in class com.lpvs.exception.PageControllerAdvice
Handles LoginFailedException by logging the error and returning an errorResponse with UNAUTHORIZED status.
loginVerification(Authentication) - Method in class com.lpvs.service.LPVSLoginCheckService
Perform login verification using the authentication object.
LOW - Enum constant in enum class com.lpvs.entity.enums.Grade
Represents a license violation with low severity.
LPVSCommentUtil - Class in com.lpvs.util
Utility class providing methods for generating links and formatting matched lines in comments.
LPVSCommentUtil() - Constructor for class com.lpvs.util.LPVSCommentUtil
LPVSDetectedLicense - Class in com.lpvs.entity
Entity class representing detected licenses in the LPVS system.
LPVSDetectedLicense() - Constructor for class com.lpvs.entity.LPVSDetectedLicense
LPVSDetectedLicenseRepository - Interface in com.lpvs.repository
Repository interface for managing LPVSDetectedLicense entities.
LPVSDetectService - Class in com.lpvs.service.scan
Service class for detecting licenses in GitHub pull requests using a specified scanner.
LPVSDetectService(String, boolean, LPVSGitHubConnectionService, LPVSLicenseService, LPVSGitHubService, LPVSScanServiceFactory) - Constructor for class com.lpvs.service.scan.LPVSDetectService
Constructs an instance of LPVSDetectService with the specified parameters.
LPVSDiffFile - Class in com.lpvs.entity
Represents a file diff in the LPVS system.
LPVSDiffFile() - Constructor for class com.lpvs.entity.LPVSDiffFile
LPVSExitHandler - Class in com.lpvs.util
Component class providing an exit handler for the LPVS application.
LPVSExitHandler(ApplicationContext) - Constructor for class com.lpvs.util.LPVSExitHandler
Constructs an instance of LPVSExitHandler with the provided application context.
LPVSFile - Class in com.lpvs.entity
Represents a file in the LPVS system.
LPVSFile() - Constructor for class com.lpvs.entity.LPVSFile
LPVSFileUtil - Class in com.lpvs.util
Utility class providing methods for handling files, directories, and file-related operations in the context of LPVS application processing.
LPVSFileUtil() - Constructor for class com.lpvs.util.LPVSFileUtil
LPVSGitHubConnectionService - Class in com.lpvs.service
Service class for managing connections to the GitHub API.
LPVSGitHubConnectionService(String, String, String, LPVSExitHandler) - Constructor for class com.lpvs.service.LPVSGitHubConnectionService
Constructs an instance of LPVSGitHubConnectionService with the specified properties and exit handler.
LPVSGitHubService - Class in com.lpvs.service
Service class for interacting with GitHub repositories and managing license-related actions.
LPVSGitHubService(LPVSPullRequestRepository, LPVSDetectedLicenseRepository, LPVSLicenseRepository, LPVSLicenseConflictRepository, LPVSGitHubConnectionService) - Constructor for class com.lpvs.service.LPVSGitHubService
Constructs an instance of LPVSGitHubService with the specified repositories and connection service.
LPVSHistory - Class in com.lpvs.entity.history
Represents a historical record in the LPVS system.
LPVSHistory() - Constructor for class com.lpvs.entity.history.LPVSHistory
LPVSLicense - Class in com.lpvs.entity
Entity class representing licenses in the LPVS system.
LPVSLicense() - Constructor for class com.lpvs.entity.LPVSLicense
LPVSLicenseConflict - Class in com.lpvs.entity
Represents a license conflict in the LPVS system.
LPVSLicenseConflict(LPVSLicense, LPVSLicense) - Constructor for class com.lpvs.entity.LPVSLicenseConflict
Constructs a new license conflict with the given repository and conflicting licenses.
LPVSLicenseConflictRepository - Interface in com.lpvs.repository
Repository interface for managing LPVSLicenseConflict entities.
LPVSLicenseRepository - Interface in com.lpvs.repository
Repository interface for managing LPVSLicense entities.
LPVSLicenseService - Class in com.lpvs.service
Service class for managing licenses and license conflicts.
LPVSLicenseService(String, LPVSExitHandler) - Constructor for class com.lpvs.service.LPVSLicenseService
Constructs an instance of LPVSLicenseService with the specified license conflicts source and exit handler.
LPVSLicenseService.Conflict<License1,License2> - Class in com.lpvs.service
Represents a license conflict between two licenses.
LPVSLicenseService.OsoriConnection - Class in com.lpvs.service
The OsoriConnection class provides methods for creating a connection to the OSORI database.
LPVSLoginCheckService - Class in com.lpvs.service
Service class for handling login-related operations in LPVS.
LPVSLoginCheckService(LPVSPullRequestRepository, LPVSMemberRepository) - Constructor for class com.lpvs.service.LPVSLoginCheckService
Constructor for LPVSLoginCheckService.
LPVSLoginMember - Class in com.lpvs.entity.auth
Represents the login status and associated member information in the LPVS system.
LPVSLoginMember() - Constructor for class com.lpvs.entity.auth.LPVSLoginMember
LPVSMember - Class in com.lpvs.entity.auth
Represents a member in the LPVS system.
LPVSMember(Long, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.lpvs.entity.auth.LPVSMember
Constructs instances of LPVSMember using the Builder pattern.
LPVSMemberRepository - Interface in com.lpvs.repository
Repository interface for managing LPVSMember entities.
LPVSPayloadUtil - Class in com.lpvs.util
Utility class for processing GitHub webhook payloads and extracting relevant information.
LPVSPayloadUtil() - Constructor for class com.lpvs.util.LPVSPayloadUtil
LPVSPullRequest - Class in com.lpvs.entity
Represents a pull request in the LPVS system.
LPVSPullRequest() - Constructor for class com.lpvs.entity.LPVSPullRequest
LPVSPullRequestAction - Enum Class in com.lpvs.entity.enums
Represents the actions that can be performed on a pull request in the LPVS system.
LPVSPullRequestRepository - Interface in com.lpvs.repository
Repository interface for managing LPVSPullRequest entities.
LPVSPullRequestStatus - Enum Class in com.lpvs.entity.enums
Represents the status of a pull request scan in the LPVS system.
LPVSQueue - Class in com.lpvs.entity
Represents an item in the LPVS queue for processing pull requests.
LPVSQueue() - Constructor for class com.lpvs.entity.LPVSQueue
LPVSQueueProcessorService - Class in com.lpvs.service
Service responsible for processing LPVSQueue elements.
LPVSQueueRepository - Interface in com.lpvs.repository
Repository interface for managing LPVSQueue entities.
LPVSQueueService - Class in com.lpvs.service
Service for managing LPVSQueue elements and processing webhooks.
LPVSQueueService(LPVSGitHubService, LPVSDetectService, LPVSLicenseService, LPVSPullRequestRepository, LPVSQueueRepository, int) - Constructor for class com.lpvs.service.LPVSQueueService
Constructor for LPVSQueueService.
LPVSResponseWrapper - Class in com.lpvs.entity
Represents a response wrapper in the LPVS system.
LPVSResponseWrapper(String) - Constructor for class com.lpvs.entity.LPVSResponseWrapper
Constructs a new response wrapper with the given message.
LPVSResult - Class in com.lpvs.entity.result
Represents the overall results of a scan in the LPVS system.
LPVSResult() - Constructor for class com.lpvs.entity.result.LPVSResult
LPVSResultFile - Class in com.lpvs.entity.result
Represents information about a file and its matching details in the results of a scan in the LPVS system.
LPVSResultFile() - Constructor for class com.lpvs.entity.result.LPVSResultFile
LPVSResultInfo - Class in com.lpvs.entity.result
Represents information about the results of a scan in the LPVS system.
LPVSResultInfo() - Constructor for class com.lpvs.entity.result.LPVSResultInfo
LPVSScanossDetectService - Class in com.lpvs.service.scan.scanner
Service class responsible for interacting with the Scanoss scanner to scan licenses in files.
LPVSScanossDetectService(Boolean, LPVSLicenseService, LPVSLicenseRepository) - Constructor for class com.lpvs.service.scan.scanner.LPVSScanossDetectService
Constructor for LPVSScanossDetectService.
LPVSScanService - Interface in com.lpvs.service.scan
Interface representing a service for scanning files and checking licenses.
LPVSScanServiceFactory - Class in com.lpvs.service.scan
Factory class for creating instances of LPVSScanService.
LPVSScanServiceFactory() - Constructor for class com.lpvs.service.scan.LPVSScanServiceFactory
LPVSStatisticsService - Class in com.lpvs.service
Service for managing statistics related to LPVSPullRequest entities.
LPVSStatisticsService(LPVSPullRequestRepository, LPVSDetectedLicenseRepository, LPVSLoginCheckService, LPVSLicenseRepository, LPVSMemberRepository) - Constructor for class com.lpvs.service.LPVSStatisticsService
Constructor for LPVSStatisticsService.
LPVSVcs - Enum Class in com.lpvs.entity.enums
Represents the version control systems (VCS) supported by the LPVS system.
LPVSWebController - Class in com.lpvs.controller
Controller class for handling web-related requests in LPVS.
LPVSWebController(LPVSMemberRepository, LPVSDetectedLicenseRepository, LPVSPullRequestRepository, LPVSLicenseRepository, LPVSLoginCheckService, LPVSStatisticsService) - Constructor for class com.lpvs.controller.LPVSWebController
Constructor for LPVSWebController.


main(String[]) - Static method in class com.lpvs.LicensePreValidationService
The main entry point of the LPVS application.
MemberProfile - Class in com.lpvs.entity.auth
Represents a member profile in the LPVS system.
MemberProfile() - Constructor for class com.lpvs.entity.auth.MemberProfile
MIDDLE - Enum constant in enum class com.lpvs.entity.enums.Grade
Represents a license violation with moderate severity.


NAVER - Enum constant in enum class com.lpvs.entity.enums.OAuthAttributes
Represents OAuth attributes for Naver authentication.
NO_ACCESS - Enum constant in enum class com.lpvs.entity.enums.LPVSPullRequestStatus
Indicates that access to the pull request is not possible.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class com.lpvs.entity.enums.Grade
Represents no license violation or the absence of severity.


OAuthAttributes - Enum Class in com.lpvs.entity.enums
Enum representing OAuth attributes for various providers.
OAuthService - Class in com.lpvs.service
Service for handling OAuth2 user information.
OAuthService(LPVSMemberRepository) - Constructor for class com.lpvs.service.OAuthService
Constructor for OAuthService.
OPEN - Enum constant in enum class com.lpvs.entity.enums.LPVSPullRequestAction
Represents the action of opening a pull request.
OsoriConnection() - Constructor for class com.lpvs.service.LPVSLicenseService.OsoriConnection


PageControllerAdvice - Class in com.lpvs.exception
Global exception handler for controllers in the application.
PageControllerAdvice() - Constructor for class com.lpvs.exception.PageControllerAdvice
pathCheck(String, String, Pageable, Authentication) - Method in class com.lpvs.service.LPVSLoginCheckService
Check access based on type, name, pageable, and authentication.
pathCheck(String, String, Authentication) - Method in class com.lpvs.service.LPVSStatisticsService
Performs a path check based on the specified type and name.
processWebHook(LPVSQueue) - Method in class com.lpvs.service.LPVSQueueService
Asynchronously processes the LPVSQueue element, handling GitHub webhook events.
putDefaultriskGradeMap(Map<Grade, Integer>) - Method in class com.lpvs.service.LPVSStatisticsService
Initializes and returns a default risk grade map with Grade enums as keys and 0 as values.


reloadFromTables() - Method in class com.lpvs.service.LPVSLicenseService
This method reloads licenses and license conflicts from database tables if the licenses list in case of single scan triggered and used in memory database.
REOPEN - Enum constant in enum class com.lpvs.entity.enums.LPVSPullRequestAction
Represents the action of reopening a closed pull request.
reportCommentBuilder(LPVSQueue, List<LPVSFile>, List<LPVSLicenseService.Conflict<String, String>>) - Static method in class com.lpvs.util.LPVSCommentUtil
Generates a formatted string for an LPVS GitHub comment.
RESCAN - Enum constant in enum class com.lpvs.entity.enums.LPVSPullRequestAction
Represents the action of triggering a rescan of a pull request.
runOneScan() - Method in class com.lpvs.service.scan.LPVSDetectService
Event listener method triggered when the application is ready, runs a single license scan if triggered.
runScan(LPVSQueue, String) - Method in class com.lpvs.service.scan.LPVSDetectService
Runs a license scan based on the selected scanner type.
runScan(LPVSQueue, String) - Method in interface com.lpvs.service.scan.LPVSScanService
Runs a scan on the specified path using the provided webhook configuration.
runScan(LPVSQueue, String) - Method in class com.lpvs.service.scan.scanner.LPVSScanossDetectService
Initiates the Scanoss scan for the specified LPVSQueue and file path.


sanitizeUserInputs(LPVSMember) - Static method in class com.lpvs.controller.LPVSWebController
Validate and sanitize user inputs to prevent XSS attacks.
sanitizeUserInputs(LPVSPullRequest) - Static method in class com.lpvs.controller.LPVSWebController
Validate and sanitize user inputs to prevent XSS attacks.
saveFile(String, String, List<String>) - Static method in class com.lpvs.util.LPVSFileUtil
Saves a file with the specified content in a given directory.
saveGithubDiffs(Iterable<GHPullRequestFileDetail>, LPVSQueue) - Static method in class com.lpvs.util.LPVSFileUtil
Saves the GitHub pull request file details, including the file patches, to a local directory.
saveHTMLToFile(String, String) - Static method in class com.lpvs.util.LPVSCommentUtil
Saves HTML report to given location.
SCANNING - Enum constant in enum class com.lpvs.entity.enums.LPVSPullRequestStatus
Indicates that the scan of the pull request is scheduled and in progress.
searchByAlternativeLicenseNames(String) - Method in interface com.lpvs.repository.LPVSLicenseRepository
Search for a license by alternative license names.
SecurityConfig - Class in com.lpvs.config
Configuration class for setting up security configurations, including OAuth2 authentication and Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) support.
SecurityConfig() - Constructor for class com.lpvs.config.SecurityConfig
SERIOUS - Enum constant in enum class com.lpvs.entity.enums.Grade
Represents a serious license violation with high impact.
setErrorCheck(LPVSQueue) - Method in class com.lpvs.service.LPVSGitHubService
Sets the commit status to error for the specified pull request.
setGithubTokenFromEnv() - Method in class com.lpvs.service.LPVSGitHubConnectionService
Sets the GitHub authentication token from the environment variable if available.
setNickname(String) - Method in class com.lpvs.entity.auth.LPVSMember
Sets the nickname of the member.
setOrganization(String) - Method in class com.lpvs.entity.auth.LPVSMember
Sets the organization of the member.
setPendingCheck(LPVSQueue) - Method in class com.lpvs.service.LPVSGitHubService
Sets the commit status to pending for the specified pull request.
SINGLE_SCAN - Enum constant in enum class com.lpvs.entity.enums.LPVSPullRequestAction
Represents the action of triggering a manual single scan of a pull request.
SWARM - Enum constant in enum class com.lpvs.entity.enums.LPVSVcs
Represents the Swarm version control system.


toMember() - Method in class com.lpvs.entity.auth.MemberProfile
Converts the member profile to an instance of LPVSMember.
toString() - Method in enum class com.lpvs.entity.enums.LPVSPullRequestStatus
Returns a string representation of the pull request status.
toString() - Method in enum class com.lpvs.entity.enums.LPVSVcs
Returns a string representation of the version control system.


update(String, String) - Method in class com.lpvs.entity.auth.LPVSMember
Updates the name and email of the member.
UPDATE - Enum constant in enum class com.lpvs.entity.enums.LPVSPullRequestAction
Represents the action of updating a pull request.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.lpvs.entity.enums.Grade
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.lpvs.entity.enums.LPVSPullRequestAction
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.lpvs.entity.enums.LPVSPullRequestStatus
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.lpvs.entity.enums.LPVSVcs
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.lpvs.entity.enums.OAuthAttributes
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class com.lpvs.entity.enums.Grade
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.lpvs.entity.enums.LPVSPullRequestAction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.lpvs.entity.enums.LPVSPullRequestStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.lpvs.entity.enums.LPVSVcs
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.lpvs.entity.enums.OAuthAttributes
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.


WrongAccessException - Exception in com.lpvs.exception
Exception thrown to indicate an attempt to access a resource without proper authorization.
WrongAccessException(String) - Constructor for exception com.lpvs.exception.WrongAccessException
Constructs a new WrongAccessException with the specified error message.
wrongAccessHandle(WrongAccessException) - Method in class com.lpvs.exception.PageControllerAdvice
Handles WrongAccessException by logging the error and returning an errorResponse with FORBIDDEN status.
wrongSecret(String, String) - Method in class com.lpvs.controller.GitHubController
Verifies if the signature matches the calculated signature using the GitHub secret.
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