Package com.lpvs.entity.result

package com.lpvs.entity.result
This package contains entities representing the results of scans in the LPVS system. These entities are designed to store and organize information about the outcomes of scans, including details about individual result files, overall scan information, license counts, and associated pull requests.

The entities in this package provide structured representations of scan results, facilitating retrieval, analysis, and presentation of information within the LPVS system.

These entities are used by various components within the LPVS system to manage and present scan results to users or other system components.

  • Classes
    Represents the overall results of a scan in the LPVS system.
    Represents information about a file and its matching details in the results of a scan in the LPVS system.
    Represents information about the results of a scan in the LPVS system.