Package com.lpvs.entity.auth

package com.lpvs.entity.auth
This package contains entity classes related to authentication and user profiles in the LPVS system. Entities in this package represent authentication-related information, user profiles, and related functionality. The LPVS system uses these entities to manage user authentication, profiles, and authorization.

The key entities in this package include LPVSMember, representing a system member, and MemberProfile, representing a simplified member profile. These entities are designed to facilitate user authentication, profile creation, and data representation.

The package also includes builder patterns, conversion methods, and utility classes related to authentication and member profiles. These components aid in the construction, conversion, and management of authentication-related entities.

Overall, this package is crucial for handling authentication and user-related functionality within the LPVS system. It provides the necessary infrastructure to represent and manage member information securely and efficiently.

  • Classes
    Represents the login status and associated member information in the LPVS system.
    Represents a member in the LPVS system.
    Represents a member profile in the LPVS system.