Class LPVSMember


@Entity public class LPVSMember extends Object
Represents a member in the LPVS system. This class is mapped to the "lpvs_member" table in the "lpvs" schema.
  • Constructor Details

    • LPVSMember

      public LPVSMember(Long id, String name, String email, String provider, String nickname)
      Constructs instances of LPVSMember using the Builder pattern.
      id - The identifier for the LPVSMember.
      name - The name associated with the LPVSMember.
      email - The email address of the LPVSMember.
      provider - The provider associated with the LPVSMember.
      nickname - The nickname of the LPVSMember.
  • Method Details

    • update

      public LPVSMember update(String name, String email)
      Updates the name and email of the member.
      name - The new name of the member.
      email - The new email address of the member.
      The updated LPVSMember instance.
    • setNickname

      public void setNickname(String nickname)
      Sets the nickname of the member.
      nickname - The new nickname of the member.
    • setOrganization

      public void setOrganization(String organization)
      Sets the organization of the member.
      organization - The new organization of the member.