LPVS 1.5.2 API



Open-source code refers to software that is freely available for use, study, modification, and distribution, subject to meeting the conditions of the corresponding license. Failure to comply with the license conditions can lead to legal disputes, financial liabilities, the requirement to disclose intellectual property, and reputational damage.

In projects with numerous external dependencies, accurately tracking license obligations can be challenging. The risk of unintentional license violations, especially in collaborative projects, increases. The License Pre-Validation Service (LPVS) addresses these license-related risks by analyzing the project, identifying components and their licenses at every commit, and generating a list of potential issues communicated as comments on GitHub.

LPVS assists developers and project teams in ensuring license compliance for their open-source code by providing insights into potential license violations and their implications.


  • License Scanners: LPVS integrates with the SCANOSS license scanner for comprehensive license analysis, ensuring compliance with open-source license requirements.
  • GitHub Review System Integration: Seamless integration with GitHub review system, automatically generating comments to highlight potential license violations or issues.
  • Comprehensive Issue Description: LPVS provides detailed descriptions of possible license violations, including specific information on risky code locations and an overview of license-related issues.
  • Continuous Monitoring: Facilitates continuous monitoring of license-related risks throughout the development process by analyzing each commit for potential violations.
  • Risk Mitigation: Aims to mitigate license-related risks through early detection, identification of potential violations, and providing information to understand and address them.


The LPVS source code is distributed under the MIT open source license.

Provides the main classes and components for the License Pre-Validation Service (LPVS) application.
This package contains configuration classes related to the security setup of the application.
This package contains the controller classes for handling various aspects of the License Pre-Validation Service (LPVS).
This package contains entity classes representing various entities in the LPVS system.
This package contains entity classes related to authentication and user profiles in the LPVS system.
This package contains entity classes related to the dashboard functionality in the LPVS system.
This package contains enums used in the LPVS system.
This package contains entities representing historical data in the LPVS system.
This package contains entities representing the results of scans in the LPVS system.
This package contains custom exception classes used in the application to represent various error scenarios.
This package contains repository interfaces responsible for managing data access and persistence for the application.
This package contains services responsible for various business logic and functionality within the LPVS application.
Provides services related to scanning operations.
The package contains service related to the Scanoss scanner integration.
This package contains utility classes used across the LPVS (License Plate Verification Service) application.