Package com.lpvs.controller

package com.lpvs.controller
This package contains the controller classes for handling various aspects of the License Pre-Validation Service (LPVS). Controllers in this package manage interactions related to GitHub webhooks, user interfaces, and API endpoints.

- GitHubController: Manages GitHub webhook events, processes payloads, and interacts with LPVS services for queue handling and GitHub operations.

- LPVSWebController: Controls the web interface and API endpoints for LPVS, including user information, login status, user settings, history, results, and dashboard-related functionalities.

These controllers play a crucial role in integrating LPVS functionalities into different parts of the application, such as handling external events, providing user interfaces, and exposing APIs for external integrations.
  • Classes
    Controller class for handling GitHub webhook events and single scan requests.
    Controller class for handling web-related requests in LPVS.