Package com.lpvs.entity

package com.lpvs.entity
This package contains entity classes representing various entities in the LPVS system.

The LPVS system includes entities such as pull requests, licenses, files, license conflicts, and more. These entities are used to represent different aspects of the system's data and functionality.

The LPVS system is designed to handle license-related information and violations within source code repositories. It provides functionality for scanning and analyzing pull requests, detecting licenses, managing conflicts, and more.

The entity classes in this package are annotated with JPA annotations to define their mapping to database tables. These annotations help establish the relationships between entities and define their attributes.

The LPVS system relies on these entities to persistently store and retrieve data related to license scanning.

  • Classes
    Entity class representing detected licenses in the LPVS system.
    Represents a file diff in the LPVS system.
    Represents a file in the LPVS system.
    Entity class representing licenses in the LPVS system.
    Represents a license conflict in the LPVS system.
    Represents a pull request in the LPVS system.
    Represents an item in the LPVS queue for processing pull requests.
    Represents a response wrapper in the LPVS system.