Package com.lpvs.entity.enums

package com.lpvs.entity.enums
This package contains enums used in the LPVS system. Enums in this package define various constants and types related to the system's domain.

The enums in this package cover a range of functionalities, including representing actions, status, version control systems, OAuth attributes, and more.

Enums in this package may include but are not limited to: - Actions related to pull requests (e.g., opening, closing) - Status of pull request scans (e.g., completed, scanning) - Version control systems (e.g., GitHub, GitLab) - OAuth attributes for various authentication providers (e.g., Google, Naver, Kakao)

Enums in this package may have additional methods and functionalities to facilitate their use in different parts of the LPVS system.

  • Enum Classes
    Represents the severity grades for license violations in the LPVS system.
    Represents the actions that can be performed on a pull request in the LPVS system.
    Represents the status of a pull request scan in the LPVS system.
    Represents the version control systems (VCS) supported by the LPVS system.
    Enum representing OAuth attributes for various providers.