Package com.lpvs.util

package com.lpvs.util
This package contains utility classes used across the LPVS (License Plate Verification Service) application. These utility classes provide various functionalities such as handling GitHub webhook payloads, file and directory operations, configuration settings, and other common tasks.

The classes in this package are designed to encapsulate reusable and often-used functionality that doesn't fit into the primary business logic of the application but supports it. They aim to enhance code organization, maintainability, and reusability.

  • Classes
    Utility class providing methods for generating links and formatting matched lines in comments.
    Component class providing an exit handler for the LPVS application.
    Utility class providing methods for handling files, directories, and file-related operations in the context of LPVS application processing.
    Utility class for processing GitHub webhook payloads and extracting relevant information.