All Packages

Package Summary
Provides the main classes and components for the License Pre-Validation Service (LPVS) application.
This package contains configuration classes related to the security setup of the application.
This package contains the controller classes for handling various aspects of the License Pre-Validation Service (LPVS).
This package contains entity classes representing various entities in the LPVS system.
This package contains entity classes related to authentication and user profiles in the LPVS system.
This package contains entity classes related to the dashboard functionality in the LPVS system.
This package contains enums used in the LPVS system.
This package contains entities representing historical data in the LPVS system.
This package contains entities representing the results of scans in the LPVS system.
This package contains custom exception classes used in the application to represent various error scenarios.
This package contains repository interfaces responsible for managing data access and persistence for the application.
This package contains services responsible for various business logic and functionality within the LPVS application.
Provides services related to scanning operations.
The package contains service related to the Scanoss scanner integration.
This package contains utility classes used across the LPVS (License Plate Verification Service) application.