All Classes and Interfaces

Represents a dashboard in the LPVS system.
Represents a collection of dashboard elements in the LPVS system.
Represents dashboard elements grouped by date in the LPVS system.
Represents an error response containing details about an encountered exception.
Controller class for handling GitHub webhook events and single scan requests.
Represents the severity grades for license violations in the LPVS system.
Represents an entity containing a list of historical records in the LPVS system.
Represents an entity containing a page of historical pull requests in the LPVS system.
The main class for the License Pre-Validation Service (LPVS) application.
Exception thrown to indicate a failed login attempt.
Utility class providing methods for generating links and formatting matched lines in comments.
Entity class representing detected licenses in the LPVS system.
Repository interface for managing LPVSDetectedLicense entities.
Service class for detecting licenses in GitHub pull requests using a specified scanner.
Represents a file diff in the LPVS system.
Component class providing an exit handler for the LPVS application.
Represents a file in the LPVS system.
Utility class providing methods for handling files, directories, and file-related operations in the context of LPVS application processing.
Service class for managing connections to the GitHub API.
Service class for interacting with GitHub repositories and managing license-related actions.
Represents a historical record in the LPVS system.
Entity class representing licenses in the LPVS system.
Represents a license conflict in the LPVS system.
Repository interface for managing LPVSLicenseConflict entities.
Repository interface for managing LPVSLicense entities.
Service class for managing licenses and license conflicts.
Represents a license conflict between two licenses.
The OsoriConnection class provides methods for creating a connection to the OSORI database.
Service class for handling login-related operations in LPVS.
Represents the login status and associated member information in the LPVS system.
Represents a member in the LPVS system.
Repository interface for managing LPVSMember entities.
Utility class for processing GitHub webhook payloads and extracting relevant information.
Represents a pull request in the LPVS system.
Represents the actions that can be performed on a pull request in the LPVS system.
Repository interface for managing LPVSPullRequest entities.
Represents the status of a pull request scan in the LPVS system.
Represents an item in the LPVS queue for processing pull requests.
Service responsible for processing LPVSQueue elements.
Repository interface for managing LPVSQueue entities.
Service for managing LPVSQueue elements and processing webhooks.
Represents a response wrapper in the LPVS system.
Represents the overall results of a scan in the LPVS system.
Represents information about a file and its matching details in the results of a scan in the LPVS system.
Represents information about the results of a scan in the LPVS system.
Service class responsible for interacting with the Scanoss scanner to scan licenses in files.
Interface representing a service for scanning files and checking licenses.
Factory class for creating instances of LPVSScanService.
Service for managing statistics related to LPVSPullRequest entities.
Represents the version control systems (VCS) supported by the LPVS system.
Controller class for handling web-related requests in LPVS.
Represents a member profile in the LPVS system.
Enum representing OAuth attributes for various providers.
Service for handling OAuth2 user information.
Global exception handler for controllers in the application.
Configuration class for setting up security configurations, including OAuth2 authentication and Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) support.
Exception thrown to indicate an attempt to access a resource without proper authorization.