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Various Tuning Workflows

Tuning from QA-Board

When doing QA or during development, you often want to run the code/configs from a given commit on new tests. QA-Board lets you define and runs batches of tests with extra tuning parameters:

Tuning from the UI

$revision ; make ; qa run` away.

Workflows used for Tuning

Local Workflow

If you already have great development/debugging tools, use them!

  • At SIRC, CDE provides a great environment to run hardware chains and view images.**
  • For deep learning tensorboard is a great tool to investigate NNs.
  • Many people love to write one-off matlab script.

You can continue to use the existing tools!

This said, it's worth having your IDE/debugger/scripts call your code via QA-Board's qa CLI. Here is how to do it.

Local configs > SharedStorage > Tuning from QA-Board Workflow

Details: WIP

Local > QA-Board Workflow

QA-Board lets you runs your local code/configurations, and see results in the web application. It gives you an easy way to tweak/compile/run your code and compare results across runs:

qa --share run [...]
qa --share --label testing-some-logic-tweaks batch [...]

Results will appear in a new batch:

selecting local runslocal runs warning

Commit > CI > QA-Board Qorkflow

If you make changes in configuration files, you need to commit them.

  1. Make changes
  2. Commit the changes
  3. Push your commit
  4. See results in the UI