ONERT supports on-device compilation - on-device quantization and on-device code generation.
On-device quantization
ONERT supports on-device quantization for the float32 model. On-device quantization has two mode - full quantization and weight-only quantization.
Weight-only quantization
Weight-only quantization quantizes only weights of the model. The activation is still in float32 precision. This mode is useful when the model size reduction is more important than the inference speedup.
For weight-only quantization, follow below steps:
- Load float32 model
- Set quantization type for weight-only quantization
- Set path to save quantized model
- Call quantize API to perform quantization
NNFW_STATUS nnfw_run(nnfw_session *session)
Run inference.
NNFW_STATUS nnfw_set_quantization_type(nnfw_session *session, NNFW_QUANTIZE_TYPE qtype)
Set quantization type.
NNFW_STATUS nnfw_quantize(nnfw_session *session)
Quantize circle model.
NNFW_STATUS nnfw_set_quantized_model_path(nnfw_session *session, const char *path)
Set exported quantized model path.
NNFW_STATUS nnfw_load_model_from_file(nnfw_session *session, const char *package_file_path)
Load model from nnpackage file or directory.
When the model is quantized, you can use the quantized model because the quantized model is loaded automatically after quantization. You don't need to load the quantized model explicitly.
Full quantization
Full quantization quantizes both weights and activations of the model. This mode is useful when specific runtime backend requires quantized model. To quantize activation, runtime should gather information about activation range during the execution of the model. Therefore, it needs to run the model enough times to get accurate activation range.
For full quantization, follow below steps:
- Load float32 model
- Gather activation range by running the model multiple times
- Prepare model to run
- Set input and output buffer(s)
- Set execution configuration to gather activation range
- Run model multiple times for inference with gathering activation range
- Quantize model if activation range is gathered enough
- Set quantization type for full quantization
- Set path to save quantized model
- Call quantize API to perform quantization
for (int i = 0; i < num_of_inference; ++i)
NNFW_STATUS nnfw_set_input(nnfw_session *session, uint32_t index, NNFW_TYPE type, const void *buffer, size_t length)
Set input buffer.
NNFW_STATUS nnfw_prepare(nnfw_session *session)
Prepare session to be ready for inference.
NNFW_STATUS nnfw_set_output(nnfw_session *session, uint32_t index, NNFW_TYPE type, void *buffer, size_t length)
Set output buffer.
NNFW_STATUS nnfw_reset_execute_config(nnfw_session *session)
Reset execution (run or train) configurations.
NNFW_STATUS nnfw_set_execute_config(nnfw_session *session, const NNFW_RUN_CONFIG key, const char *value)
Set execution (run or train) configuration.
When the model is quantized, you can use the quantized model because the quantized model is loaded automatically after quantization. You don't need to load the quantized model explicitly. Also, you don't need to set input and output buffers for the quantized data type because runtime automatically casts input and output buffers data between float32 and quantized data type. But you can set input and output buffers for the quantized data type after model full quantization if you want to use them directly without data casting.
On-device code generation
ONE supports on-device code generation. On-device code generation generates backend-specific code from the model and saves it as a supported file format. This feature is useful when the backend requires a specific precompiled model file format.
To use on-device code generation, you need to install plugin that supports on-device code generation. On-device code generation plugin must fulfill interface defined in ICodegen.h
Plugin should be installed in {libdir}/nnfw/codegen
with lib<filetype>
name pattern. For example, if your plugin generates file with .abc
extension, then plugin library should be named
To generate code, follow below steps:
- Load model
- (Optional) Set path to save generated code
- If path is not set, generated code will be saved in same directory with model with same name but target name extension
- Call generate_code API to perform code generation
NNFW_STATUS nnfw_codegen(nnfw_session *session, const char *target, NNFW_CODEGEN_PREF pref)
Generate target-dependent code.
Collaboration on-device quantization and code generation
On-device quantization and code generation can be used together when target backend requires quantized model and specific precompiled model file format.
Test tool support
On-device compilation is supported in test tools onert_run
Example: weight-only quantization
- Input file:
- Quantization type: weight-only, symmetric, int8
- Output file:
$ onert_run --quantize int8_wo \
--qpath \
Example: full quantization
- Input file:
- Quantization type: full, asymmetric, uint8
- Output file:
- Number of inference to gather activation range: 10
$ onert_run -- quantize uint8 \
--qpath \
--minmax_run 10 \
Code generation
- Input file:
- Target backend:
- Target plugin name:
- Output file:
$ BACKENDS='abc_back' onert_run --codegen abc-gen \
--cpath \
Quantization and code generation
- Input file:
- Quantization type: full, asymmetric, uint8
- Number of inference to gather activation range: 10
- Quantized model file:
- Target backend:
- Target plugin name:
- Codegen output file:
``‘sh $ BACKENDS='abc_back’ onert_run –quantize uint8 \ –qpath \ –minmax_run 10 \ –codegen abc-gen \ –cpath \