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TAU (Tizen Advanced UI) project for supporting web app development based on web-based ui widget components library

Framework Profiles

TAU was designed to work with various device types. Each device type has different specification and computation power. TAU profiling gives you ability to use widgets designed and optimized for each device type, to deliver the best look & feel experience to your app end users.

As you could noticed, some code example contains preview with following symbols:

!info Example previews Clicking on specified icon, you will see, how the same code snippet behaves in different profiles. However some of the functionality shown in examples may not work properly in a desktop browser. To fully get the TAU experience use a real Tizen device or device emulator from the Tizen SDK.

Wearable profile

Wearable profile is designed for the smallest Tizen devices with graphic displays, such as Samsung’s Gear family devices. Smaller display and more restrict power management forces us to create TAU profile strictly designed for these needs. In mind of better performance and user experience this profile contains basic widgets. That helps you to create app in an eye blink.

Mobile profile

Mobile profile is designed for middle size Tizen devices, such as smartphones. It contains the most featured widgets, from simple progress bar widget to complicated and various list implementations.

TV profile

Creating apps for large screens, such as TVs, you should use appropriate profile, which was designed for. Big screen doesn’t mean, that you have a lot of space for tiny UI elements. Don’t force your end user to search navigation elements using a spyglass! This profile contains widgets and useful utils, that will help you to create easy use and intuitive app navigation and layout.

Widget list and availability

TAU has various widgets, that you can use and be sure, that will work properly on devices. Easy-use and well documented API makes app developing enjoyable. Each profile has separate list of widgets, but most of them are exchangeable.

Widget Wearable Mobile TV
Checkboxradio -
Circularview - -
Collapsible - -
CollapsibleSet - -
Controlgroup -
Datetimepicker - -
Dialog - -
Drawer -
ExtendableList - -
FastScroll ✓ (IndexScrollbar) -
FieldContain - -
Gallery - -
ListDivider -
Loader - -
MultimediaView - -
NavBar - -
Notification - -
Popup - -
ProgressBar ✓ (progressing) -
ScrollHandler - -
Scrollview -
SearchBar - -
SelectMenu - -
SectionChanger - -
Slider - -
SplitView - -
Swipe ✓ (SwipeList) -
TabBar ✓ (TabIndicator) -
TextInput -
TizenSlider -
ToggleSwitch -
TokenTextarea - -

Be careful with API

Common framework API and widgets for wearable, mobile and TV devices makes your application universal and deployed faster. However there are some differences, that you should noticed. Due device physical limits and the way how they are used for, some widgets may behave and look different. As you can see from the above table, some widgets are named different or not supported for each profile. There are few differences, that you should take into account during development:

Check Using jQuery with TAU for further details.