Database customization

Customization of the database with licenses and license conflicts.

The LPVS database consists of several tables. You have to pay attention to two tables: lpvs_license_list and lpvs_license_conflicts. These tables are used to store information about licenses and their conflicts respectively. Here's a brief description of each table.

Table lpvs_license_list

This table stores license information.

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS lpvs_license_list (
    license_usage varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
    license_name varchar(255) NOT NULL,
    license_spdx varchar(255) NOT NULL,
    license_alternative_names longtext DEFAULT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (id),
    UNIQUE (license_spdx)

The meanings of each field are as follows: - id: Unique identifier which auto increments. - license_usage: Indicates the possibility to use the license in your code and could be PERMITTED, RESTRICTED, PROHIBITED, or UNREVIEWED. - license_name: Name of the license. - license_spdx: SPDX identifier of the license. - license_alternative_names: Alternative names of the license.

Table lpvs_license_conflicts

This table stores license conflicts information.

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS lpvs_license_conflicts (
    conflict_license_id bigint NOT NULL,
    repository_license_id bigint NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (id),
    KEY (conflict_license_id),
    KEY (repository_license_id),
    FOREIGN KEY (conflict_license_id) REFERENCES lpvs_license_list (id),
    FOREIGN KEY (repository_license_id) REFERENCES lpvs_license_list (id)

The meanings of each field are as follows: - id: Unique identifier which auto increments. - conflict_license_id: ID of the conflicting license. - repository_license_id: License ID of the repository.


Both tables lpvs_license_list and lpvs_license_conflicts should be filled by the user manually.

When a new license is detected by LPVS, it will be added to the table lpvs_license_list with license_usage status set to UNREVIEWED, indicating that it has not been reviewed yet.


Sample MySQL dump file is located in the repository and can be used as a reference.